Self-consistent mean-field (MF) approach is practically the only formalism allowing
for large-scale no-core computations in heavy open-shell nuclei with many
valence particles. Inherent to the MF approach is the mechanism of spontaneous symmetry
breaking, which is essentially the only way to allow for incorporating a
significant part of many-body correlations into a single intrinsic
(symmetry-breaking) Slater determinant. However, unlike in the cases of
rotational or translational symmetry-breaking schemes, violation of the
isobaric symmetry has two distinctively different sources. The unwanted or
unphysical source pertains directly to the MF
It manifests itself very clearly in the
ground-state wave functions calculated by using isospin-invariant
interactions, like Skyrme or Gogny forces, with Coulomb force neglected.
Indeed, such calculations manifestly break the isospin symmetry in all but the
systems, simply because the self-consistent proton and neutron wave
functions are then different. The second source of the isospin-symmetry
violation is of strictly physical nature and is caused mostly by the
Coulomb field and, to a much lesser extent, by strong-force
isospin-non-invariant components.
Hereby, we report on the development of a new theoretical tool that allows for isospin projection (after variation) of Slater determinants. It has been implemented within the Hartree-Fock code HFODD[5,6]. First, the Slater determinants are determined in a standard way by minimizing the Skyrme functional plus the Coulomb energy. Both direct and exchange terms of the Coulomb energy are calculated exactly. We allow for arbitrary spatial deformations of these intrinsic states. Second, the isospin-projected components are determined, and third, they are mixed so as to rediagonalize the total Skyrme-plus-Coulomb Hamiltonian.
Such a three-step procedure allows, respectively, for (i) taking into account the competition between the nuclear and Coulomb interactions in building up the single Slater determinant, which is becoming 'deformed' in the isospace, (ii) restoring the isospin symmetry, and (iii) letting the nuclear and Coulomb interactions pick the correct mixtures of symmetry-restored eigenstates of the isospin.
In the present study, we briefly overview the main theoretical
building blocks of the formalism (Sect. 2) and
discuss preliminary applications. In particular, we give results for
the isospin-mixing parameters () calculated in the ground
states of
nuclei (Sect. 3). The ultimate goal
will be to perform simultaneous isospin and angular
momentum[7,8] projections and to systematically
calculate the isospin-symmetry breaking corrections
to the Fermi matrix element (
) for the set of
nuclei undergoing the superallowed
Fermi beta