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Let us begin by exposing serious problems with the MF
description of g.s. configurations of odd-odd (o-o) =
If, for the sake of simplicity, the Coulomb and time-odd
polarization effects are disregarded and proton-neutron symmetry is conserved, a deformed MF approach naturally leads to four-fold
degenerate (isospin and Kramers) single-particle (s.p.) levels. Consequently, the MF
g.s. configuration of the o-o
nucleus is not uniquely defined and
depends on occupation of specific levels.
As shown in the upper panel of Fig. 1,
the valence proton and neutron can be arranged in two
distinctively different ways. Indeed, configurations of the type
shown on the left-hand side (aligned configurations), are
symmetric in spin-space coordinates and, therefore, anti-symmetric
(isoscalar) in isospin coordinates. The anti-aligned configurations
depicted on the right-hand side, have a mixed
symmetry in spin-space coordinates and, therefore, also
in isospin coordinates.
Because of their isoscalar character, aligned configurations are not affected by the isospin projection. On the other hand, the projection lifts
the degeneracy of =0 and
=1 components of aligned configurations as it is illustrated in the lower panel of Fig. 1.
Due to the repulsive character of the nuclear symmetry energy,
the isovector (isoscalar) components of the anti-aligned configurations
are shifted up (down) in energy. Hence, isospin restoration changes the structure of the ground states of o-o
without affecting the ground states of e-e
nuclei. In other
words, it does affect the binding-energy staggering along the
Another example that nicely illuminates problems with isospin encountered in
MF approaches is the case of
two SD bands observed in the doubly magic
nucleus Ni [20]. Following Ref. [20], we label them as Band 1 and Band 2.
Band 1 is interpreted as a four-particle
four-hole configuration formed by promoting two protons and two neutrons
from the
shell to
shell. Within deformed
MF model, where it is more natural to use the notion of Nilsson orbitals, Band 1
is obtained by emptying the neutron and proton [303]7/2 Nilsson
extruder orbitals and occupying the prolate-driving [321]1/2 levels.
This interpretation, not involving the
shell, is strongly supported
by both
state-of-the-art shell-model (SM)
calculations [24,20] in the
space and the self-consistent cranked-HF
theory [20]. Both approaches appear to
reproduce satisfactorily the excitation energy and moment of inertia (MoI)
of this band. The p-h configuration of this band is depicted schematically in the upper
panel of Fig. 2.
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Band 2, on the other hand, cannot be reproduced
within the SM space. This band has also a
larger MoI as compared to the Band 1, and it is becoming
yrast around spin
These two facts
strongly suggest that its structure must involve at least one particle
in the prolate-driving [440]1/2
Nilsson orbital that originates from the
According to the calculations of Ref. [20], Band 2 involves
one proton in
[440]1/2 state. Its configuration, which can be regarded as
one proton p-h excitation with respect to
the reference Band 1, is schematically shown in Fig. 2 (middle panel, left-hand side). This scenario has been supported by
the full
-SM calculations [25].
The conventional MF interpretation of Band 2 is not fully supported by experiment. Indeed, the MF theory predicts existence of the second band that
is built upon the single neutron occupying the [440]1/2 orbital
(middle panel of Fig. 2, right-hand side).
This neutron band is predicted to be placed only slightly higher in
energy than the proton band, and this is due to a tiny difference in
the Coulomb energies between these two configurations with,
otherwise, very similar properties. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to understand within MF theory why only one of
these two bands is observed experimentally. Moreover, HF calculations
predict that the
[440]1/2 band is too high in excitation energy
and that it crosses Band 1 above spin
, that is, well
above the empirical crossing. In these discussion, energetic
arguments essentially exclude configurations involving two or more
particles in the
Here again the problems with the MF approach can be traced back to
the isospin-symmetry violation by the p-h excitations. Indeed, the MF approach
treats proton
and neutron
excitations as independent elementary excitations, and this manifestly
breaks the isospin symmetry in
nuclei. To make the
elementary excitation modes in
nuclei consistent with the
symmetry, one needs to symmetrize or
anti-symmetrize the Slater determinants corresponding to the mirror
p-h excitations
. Such wave functions go beyond
the usual MF picture. Restoration of isospin lifts the
MF degeneracy between proton and neutron excitations and shifts
the isoscalar (isovector) configurations down (up) in energy, as
illustrated in the lower panel of Fig. 2. Of course, it is
irrelevant whether the
=0 and
=1 components are projected from
the proton or neutron state; the
results should be identical up to the tiny polarization effects.
At present, it is not at all clear how to include the isospin correlations directly into the functional. The most natural method of taking them it into account is the isospin projected DFT approach [26,27,28,29], which is also used in this work. We note that such an approach is within the provisos of the DFT, whereby the isospin-projected energy is still a functional of the isospin-unprojected density, cf. Refs. [30,31,32].
We finish the discussion in this Section by noticing that even the
isospin-projected DFT approach cannot fully account for the structure of
the g.s. of an o-o =
nucleus. Indeed, within the conventional DFT approach,
the aligned and anti-aligned configurations differ due to
different time-odd (TO) polarization effects in these two configurations.
This polarization affects the
position of the
with respect to the
states. While the former states are shifted due to TO polarization, the latter ones -
ground states of e-e
isotopes - are not influenced by TO effects due to time-reversal symmetry conservation.
Hence, the TO terms introduce a very specific source of
the isospin symmetry violation in the intrinsic system.
Moreover, as shown in the lower part of Fig. 1, the
isospin projected DFT approach always yields
ground states with =0 in o-o
nuclei. This is at variance with empirical
data; indeed, it is well known
(see, e.g., Refs. [33,34,35]) that, with two
exceptions, the isospin of the g.s. changes from
=0 in light (
) o-o
nuclei to
=1 in heavier (
) o-o
nuclei. To be able to address this question in the nuclear DFT,
one has to consider simultaneous isospin and angular-momentum
projections and also consider residual proton-neutron interactions between valence particles (either perturbatively or by breaking the proton-neutron symmetry).
This subject will be considered in forthcoming studies. The focus of this paper is on high-spin superdeformed and
terminating states, which - due to large spin polarization and high seniority -
are expected to be less affected by the effects mentioned above.