A large number of odd-Z elements has isotopes that are sufficiently
proton-rich to be unbound with respect to the ground-state proton
emission. To date, about 40 such proton emitters are
experimentally known [23,24]. Proton emission from
spherical nuclei is well understood in terms of the simplest WKB
barrier penetration. Such an approach allows
for a consistent identification of the single-particle orbit from
which the emission occurs, because the barrier is strongly influenced
by the centrifugal component on top of the standard Coulomb barrier.
The success is undoubtedly due to the fact that no pre-formation factor
has to be here taken into account, contrary to the physical situation
pertaining to the -particle emission. The precision of the
theoretical description allows to determine the proton
spectroscopic factors by comparing the calculated and measured
proton-decay life times, see Refs. [25,26] and
references cited therein.
Recently, the focus of studying proton emitters, both in experiment and in theory, is on investigating such a process when it occurs from deformed nuclei. Here, one has to reconcile the picture of the barrier penetration, pertaining to the intrinsic frame (and the barrier height depending on the direction with respect to the shape principal axis), with the necessity of correctly describing the angular momentum content of orbitals, which defines the corresponding centrifugal barrier. In recent years, a number of theoretical tools have been developed by several groups in order to tackle the problem, and again it seems that the theoretical description gives the full account of experimental data. The method of choice here is the coupled-channel approach that takes into account the structure of collective states in the daughter nucleus [27,28,29] (the so-called non-adiabatic approach). Within the strong-coupling adiabatic approach the calculations were also performed by using the deformed resonance states [30,31], Green function methods [32], reaction theory [33], and time-dependent transmission calculations [34].
The challenge of achieving the best possible description of deformed
proton emitters lies in a possibility of determining with a large
precision the Nilsson quantum numbers of deformed single-particle
states in nuclei which cannot be accessed by other spectroscopic
methods. An example of such analysis is shown in the right panel of Fig. 2
[22]. Measured life times of protons emitted from the
ground and isomeric states [22,35] provide a stringent
test on the type of single-particle deformed orbitals occupied in
141Ho. Although the branching ratios to excited states in the
daughter nucleus 140Dy are not yet known, the yrast cascade up
to 8+ was recently identified in this nucleus from a decay of a
20s isomer [36]. On the other hand, the fine
structure was already observed in the proton decay of 131Eu to
the 0+ and 2+ states in 130Sm, which allowed for an
unambiguous determination of the corresponding Nilsson orbital in
131Eu [37,38,27]. Similar methods were also
used for a study of odd-N proton emitting nuclei [39],
where, in principle, the proton-neutron interaction effects could be
studied. A possibility to perform a much more difficult experiment on
the proton emission from oriented nuclei was discussed in
Ref. [40].