Head: Prof. Jacek Dobaczewski
Academic teachers: Prof. Witold Nazarewicz1,
Prof. Stanisław G. Rohoziński,
Prof. Wojciech Satuła, Dr hab. Tomasz Werner
Postgraduate students: Mgr Przemysław Olbratowski, Mgr Honorata Zduńczuk
Graduate students: Michał Rafalski
In 2002 and 2003, members of the Division have published 30 papers in refereed periodicals (see the list below), and have presented 28 invited talks and 16 contributions at international conferences. During this period of time the following main research projects have been realized:
In Ref. [3], rotational bands were found in Co using
S,3p) reaction at 130 MeV. The bands, extending
the mass 60 region of large deformation down to
, are signature
partner sequences. Their quadrupole moments are similar to those of
bands in the neighboring nuclei. The features of the new bands were
described by Skyrme Hartree-Fock calculations favoring a
configuration assignment with one neutron and one proton excited in
the respective 1g
intruder orbital. An attempt to describe
the magnetic (
) properties of the signature partner structure was
also presented.
First fully self-consistent Skyrme-Hartree-Fock
calculations have been performed [4] for a nucleus rotating about an axis that
is not a principal axis of the density distribution (Tilted-Axis
Cranking). It was shown that an exited rotational band in Gd has
the character of a shears band, in which the angular momentum is generated
mainly from the gradual alignment of a few valence nucleons. However, the
important role of the collective rotation was also pointed out. In
addition, paper [4] discusses the symmetries of the mean field and
differences between the self-consistent and phenomenological
implementations of the Tilted-Axis Cranking method.
In Ref. [8],
nearly degenerate partner bands observed in odd-odd nuclei
were interpreted as a manifestation of chirality in the intrinsic reference
frame. A phenomenological approach, based on a core-particle-hole coupling
model, has been developed to address the experimental observables. This
laboratory-frame model, in which chiral symmetry has been restored,
includes a triaxial core, a particle and hole single-particle
Hamiltonians, and quadrupole-quadrupole interactions. The optimal model
parameters were investigated. The results of the calculations indicated the
existence of
states with the same spin,
parity, and similar excitation energy forming partner bands that were
nearly degenerate over a range of spins. These calculated partner bands
were consistent with the chiral band interpretation and were in agreement
with experimental observations in this region. The model has been applied
to excited states in
In Ref. [9],
the superdeformed bands in Cu,
Zn, and
were analyzed within the frameworks of the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock as
well as Strutinsky-Woods-Saxon total routhian surface methods with
and without the
=1 pairing correlations between like particles. It
was shown that a consistent description within these standard
approaches cannot be achieved. A
=0 neutron-proton pairing
configuration mixing of signature-separated bands in
Zn was
suggested as a possible solution to the problem.
Paper [16] contains systematic experimental and theoretical
study of superdeformed (SD) bands in Sr,
Y, and
Zr. Two types of mean-field models, such as Strutinsky-type
calculations with pairing and unpaired self-consistent
Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approach, were used to analyze the data. For both
models, experimental data appear to place rather stringent conditions
on configuration assignment, leading to a consistent understanding of
the underlying configurations. Both models provide a satisfactory
quantitative description of moments of inertia and quadrupole moments
in these bands.
Ref. [17] presents results of differential lifetime
measurements, free from common systematic errors, for more than
30 rotational bands in over 15 different nuclei in the A135 mass
region. The extracted single-particle effective quadrupole moments
are compared to theoretical values obtained within self-consistent
Skyrme-Hartree-Fock as well as within relativistic-Hartree
mean-field models. Detailed comparison convincingly demonstrates a
validity of the additivity of single-particle quadrupole moments
in this mass region. Similar additivity scheme was previously firmly
established [Satua et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 (1996) 5182]
to hold in super-deformed bands in the A
150 mass region.
In Ref. [26], the latest experimental data on the high-spin states
in Eu were analysed. One new magnetic band was identified, and the
known level schemes of other two were extended. The level energies and
reduced transition probabilities were compared with the phenomenological
Tilted-Axis Cranking calculations. A satisfactory agreement was obtained,
which allowed for the assignment of proper single-particle configurations
to the observed bands.
In Ref. [5], we investigated the effects of the
spin-isospin channel of the Skyrme energy functional on predictions
for Gamow-Teller distributions and superdeformed rotational bands.
We used the generalized Skyrme interaction SkO' to describe even-even
ground states and then analyzed the effects of time-odd spin-isospin
couplings, first term by term and then together via linear
regression. Some terms affect the strength and energy of the
Gamow-Teller resonance in finite nuclei without altering the Landau
parameter that to leading order determines spin-isospin
properties of nuclear matter. Though the existing data are not
sufficient to uniquely determine all the spin-isospin couplings, we
were able to fit them locally. Altering these coupling constants
does not change the quality with which the Skyrme functional
describes rotational bands.
In Refs. [10] and [22], the quadrupole collective
excitations of even-even transactinide nuclei, U, Pu, Cm, Cf, Fm i
No, were described in the framework of the microscopic Bohr
Hamiltonian modified by including the coupling between the quadrupole
degrees of freedom and collective pairing vibrations. The excitation
energies of the states of the ground-state, and
bands as well as the
reduced transition
probabilities were calculated. A reasonable agreement of the results
with experimental data available so far was obtained with no
adjustable parameters. The mean values of the
deformations in the ground states and in the
- and
-vibrational states were calculated and analysed.
Superdeformed states localized in the econd minimumóf the
collective potential energy surface for
No were also studied.
In certain neutron-rich Te isotopes, a decrease in the energy of the
first excited 2 state is accompanied by a decrease in the E2
strength to that state from the ground state, contradicting simple
systematics and general intuition about quadrupole collectivity. In
Ref. [24], we used a separable quadrupole-plus-pairing
Hamiltonian and the quasiparticle random phase approximation to
calculate energies, B(E2,0
) strengths, and g
factors for the lowest 2
states near
Sn. We trace the
anomalous behavior in the Te isotopes to a reduced neutron pairing
above the
=82 magic gap.
In Ref. [29], we calculated the low-lying
) distribution of strength in
and other nickel isotopes using several theoretical approaches. We
find that in
Ni the calculated B(E2) transition to the first
state exhausts only a fraction of the low-lying B(E2)
strength, while the remainder of the low-lying strength is mainly
collected in the group of states lying above 4MeV. This
fragmentation is sensitive to the size of the
=40 gap. We argue
that the small experimental B(E2) value to the first 2
state is
not strong evidence for the double-magic character of
In Ref. [30], we performed shell model Monte Carlo
calculations for proton-rich Kr, Sr, and Zr isotopes in the mass
range of =72-84. We employed a complete 1p0f-0g1d2s configuration
space and an effective quadrupole-plus-pairing residual interaction.
Our calculation reproduced the large B(E2) values observed in these
nuclei. We related these values to the gain in correlation energy
obtained by moving nucleons across the
=40 subshell closure into
According to standard textbooks, the nuclear symmetry energy is devided into parts originating from the kinetic energy and interaction. In Ref. [11] we argued that this traditional view requires modifications and we proposed an alternative scenario. Starting from the idea of isospin cranking model we ascribed the physical origin of the kinetic term to the granularity of fermionic levels of an arbitrary, in principle, fermionic quantal system. In nuclear physics, such a scenario connects the symmetry energy directly to the isoscalar mean-potential. The reliability of this concept was verified using fully self-consistent Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculations.
Using relations between wave functions obtained in the framework of the relativistic mean field theory, in Ref. [12] we investigated the effects of pseudospin and spin symmetry breaking on the single nucleon wave functions in spherical nuclei. In our analysis, we applied both relativistic and non-relativistic self-consistent models, as well as the harmonic oscillator model. In the pseudospin symmetry limit, radial wave functions of the upper components of pseudospin doublets satisfy certain differential relations. We demonstrated that these relations are not only approximately valid for the relativistic mean field eigenfunctions but also for the non-relativistic Hartree-Fock and harmonic oscillator eigenfunctions. Generally, we expect them to be approximately valid for eigenfunctions of any non-relativistic phenomenological nuclear potential that fits the spin-orbit splittings of nuclei. Likewise in the spin symmetry limit, the radial amplitudes of the upper components of the Dirac eigenfunctions of spin doublets were predicted to be equal, and this is approximately valid for both non-relativistic and relativistic mean-field models. Also the spatial amplitudes of the lower components of the Dirac eigenfunctions of spin doublets satisfy differential relations in spin symmetry limit, and these relations are approximately valid in the relativistic mean field model.
In Ref. [2], we performed large-scale
Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov calculations using finite range Gogny force
D1S, in order to extract theoretical mass dependence of the nuclear
pair gap,
. The theoretical values of the gap were
compared to the experimental data extracted according to the method
given in our previous paper [Satua et al. Phys. Rev. Lett.
81 (1998) 3599]. This method is supposed to remove, or minimize, the
contamination due to the mean-level-spacing contribution, which may
otherwise be present in the experimentally deduced gap. Good overall
agreement was found between theory and experiment, without
discrepancies in light nuclei, confirming that mass-dependence of the
nuclear pairing gap is indeed weaker than the commonly accepted one, vis. 12/
In paper [1],
the theory of the superheavy elements was reviewed with the main focus on
nuclear structure aspects. Structure of odd- superheavy
elements was investigated using a variety of self-consistent approaches.
Microscopic shell corrections, extracted from the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock and
relativistic mean-field calculations, elucidated the question of the
centre-of-shell-stability in the superheavy region. Finally, the
existence of exotic configurations, having gross non-uniformities of
nucleonic density, expected to occur in nuclei with very large atomic
numbers, was addressed.
The discovery of new superheavy nuclei has brought much excitement to the atomic and nuclear physics communities. Hopes of finding regions of long-lived superheavy nuclei, predicted in the early 1960s, have reemerged. The superheavy elements mark the limit of nuclear mass and charge; they inhabit the upper right corner of the nuclear landscape, but the borderlines of their territory are unknown. The stability of the superheavy elements has been a longstanding fundamental question in nuclear science. How can they survive the huge electrostatic repulsion? What are their properties? How large is the region of superheavy elements? We do not know yet all the answers to these questions. In short article [21] we presented the current status of research in this field.
Recent mass measurements show a substantial weakening of the binding
energy difference
the neutron-deficient Pb isotopes. As
is often attributed to
the size of the proton magic gap, it might be speculated that the
reduction in
is related to a weakening of the spherical
shell. In Ref. [19] we demonstrated that the observed trend is described
quantitatively by self-consistent mean-field models in terms of deformed
ground states of Hg and Po isotopes.
In papers [20] and [27], a new 7 ms isomer in the
drip line nucleus Dy was selected from the products of the
Fe (315 MeV)
Mo reaction by a recoil mass spectrometer
and studied with recoil-delayed
coincidences. Five
-transitions were interpreted as the decay of an
-isomer via the ground-state band. The probability of proton
emission from
Ho to the
=0 ground state and to the
excited state in
Dy was discussed.
Work [23] presents the first continuum shell-model study of weakly bound neutron-rich nuclei involving multiconfiguration mixing. For the single-particle basis, the complex-energy Berggren ensemble representing the bound single-particle states, narrow resonances, and the non-resonant continuum background is taken. Our shell-model Hamiltonian consists of a one-body finite potential and a zero-range residual two-body interaction. The systems with two valence neutrons are considered. The Gamow shell model, which is a straightforward extension of the traditional shell model, is shown to be an excellent tool for the microscopic description of weakly bound systems. It is demonstrated that the residual interaction coupling to the particle continuum is important; in some cases, it can give rise to the binding of a nucleus.
In Ref. [28], we presented the study of weakly bound,
neutron-rich nuclei using the nuclear shell model employing the
complex Berggren ensemble representing the bound single-particle
states, unbound Gamow states, and the non-resonant continuum. In the
proposed Gamow Shell Model, the Hamiltonian consists of a one-body
finite depth (Woods-Saxon) potential and a residual two-body
interaction. We discussed the basic ingredients of the Gamow Shell
Model. The formalism wass illustrated by calculations involving
several valence neutrons outside the double-magic core: He
In Ref. [18], nuclear binding energies and two-neutron
separation energies were analysed starting from the liquid-drop model
and the nuclear shell model in order to describe the global trends of
the above observables. We subsequently concentrated on the
Interacting Boson Model (IBM) and discussed a new method in order to
provide a consistent description of both, ground-state and
excited-state properties. We addressed the artefacts that appear when
crossing mid-shell using the IBM formulation and performed detailed
numerical calculations for nuclei situated in the 50–82 shell. We
also concentrateed on local deviations from the above global trends
in binding energy and two-neutron separation energies that appear in
the neutron-deficient Pb region. We addressed possible effects on the
binding energy, caused by mixing of low-lying 0 intruder states
into the ground state, using configuration mixing in the IBM
framework. We also studied ground-state properties using a
macroscopic–microscopic model. Detailed comparisons with recent
experimental data in the Pb region were amply discussed.
In years to come, we shall see substantial progress in our understanding of nuclear structure - a rich and many-faceted field. An important element in this task will be to extend the study of nuclei into new domains. The journey to ``the limitsóf isospin, angular momentum, and mass and charge is a quest for new and unexpected phenomena which await us in uncharted territories. What is extremely important from a theoretical point of view is that the new data are also expected to bring qualitatively new information about the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction and hence about the fundamental properties of the nucleonic many-body system. In Ref. [6] we discussed some of the challenges and opportunities for nuclear structure research with radioactive nuclear beams.
In Ref. [7], the volume and surface effects in the nuclear local energy density and the volume and surface components of the pairing interaction were discussed in the context of the mean-field, Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov description of atomic nuclei. Predictions of properties of exotic nuclei close to the particle drip lines were presented.
Nuclear life in neutron-rich and proton-rich Terra Incognita is different from that around the stability line; the promised access to completely new combinations of proton and neutron numbers offers prospects for new structural phenomena. The main objective of Ref. [13] was to discuss some of the theoretical challenges and opportunities for nuclear structure research with new Electro-Magnetic Isotope Separators.
In Ref. [15], an improved prescription for choosing a
transformed harmonic oscillator (THO) basis for use in
configuration-space Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) calculations was
presented. The new HFB+THO framework that follows accurately
reproduces the results of coordinate-space HFB calculations for
spherical nuclei, including those that are weakly bound. Furthermore,
it is fully automated, facilitating its use in systematic
investigations of large sets of nuclei throughout the periodic table.
As a first application, we have carried out calculations using the
Skyrme Force SLy4 and volume pairing, with exact particle number
projection following application of the Lipkin-Nogami prescription.
Calculations were performed for all even-even nuclei from the proton
drip line to the neutron drip line having proton numbers
and neutron numbers
. We focused
on nuclei near the neutron drip line and found that there exist
numerous particle-bound even-even nuclei (i.e., nuclei with negative
Fermi energies) that have at the same time negative two-neutron
separation energies. This phenomenon, which was earlier noted for
light nuclei, is attributed to bound shape isomers beyond the drip
In Ref. [14], we used the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock method,
allowing all symmetries to be broken, to calculate the
time-reversal-violating nuclear Schiff moment (which induces atomic
electric dipole moments) in the octupole-deformed nucleus Ra.
Our calculation included several effects neglected in earlier work,
including self consistency and polarization of the core by the last
nucleon. We found that the Schiff moment, while large compared to
those of reflection-symmetric nuclei, is generally a few times
smaller than the recent estimates.
In Ref. [25], K-shell and L-shell ionization potentials for
the superheavy elements with =112, 114, 116, and 118 are
predicted to an accuracy of a few 10eV using Dirac-Hartree-Fock
theory and taking into account quantum electrodynamic and nuclear
size effects. The data obtained are for any number of electrons and
can be used in future theoretical and experimental studies of these
elements involving K-electron conversion spectroscopy. As a
by-product of our work, we performed systematic calculations of K
(1s) and L (2s) ionization potentials for the neutral atoms from
hydrogen to lawrencium and obtained excellent agreement with
experiment. The major cause of the 5-10eV deviation from
experiment seems to come from solid-state effects present in the
experimental data.