The nuclear mean-field methods constitute principal tools of a
description of nuclear states in heavy nuclei [1]. Their
applicability to nuclei is interpreted within the Hohenberg-Kohn
[2] and Kohn-Sham theorems [3] involving the
nuclear energy density functional (EDF). Recently, we formulated the
NLO nuclear EDF with gradient corrections up to sixth order
[4]. The present study presents practical formulation of
the method, allowing for a solution of the corresponding
self-consistent equations. We also present the computer program
HOSPHE (v1.00), which solves the self-consistent
equations by using the expansion of single-particle wave functions on
the spherical harmonic oscillator (HO) basis.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we
present concise review of the method. In Section 3, we give
general forms of the NLO potentials, fields, and densities, which
are then in Section 4 specified to the case of spherical
symmetry. Sections 5-10 describe the structure,
installation, and test runs of the code HOSPHE (v1.00),
and Section 11 concludes our study.