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Summary of HFB

We begin with the HFB approach. In what follows, we use the same notation as in Ref. [15]. The HFB formalism can be conveniently expressed in terms of the generalized density matrix, ${\cal R}$, defined as
{\cal R} =
\rho \quad & \kappa \\
-\kappa^{\ast } \quad & 1-\rho^{\ast }
\end{displaymath} (1)

where $\rho$ and $\kappa$ are the particle and pairing densities and ${\cal R}^2={\cal R}$. The energy variation results in the HFB equation
\begin{displaymath}[{\cal W}, {\cal R}]=0\,\,\,,
\end{displaymath} (2)

which can be written as a non-linear eigenvalue problem:
{\cal W}\left( \begin{array}{cc} A & B^\ast \\ B & A^\ast
...t( \begin{array}{cc} E & 0 \\ 0 & -E
\end{displaymath} (3)

$\displaystyle {\cal W}=$ $\textstyle \left( \begin{array}{cc}
h-\lambda & \Delta \\
-\Delta^{\ast} &-h^{\ast} + \lambda
\end{array}\right) \,\,\, ,$   (4)

$E$ is a diagonal matrix of quasiparticle energies $E_\mu$, $\lambda$ is the chemical potential, and matrices $h$ and $\Delta$ are the particle-hole and pairing mean-field potentials [1], respectively.

For the sake of comparison with the commonly used BCS formalism, it is quite useful to write the HFB equations in the canonical representation. The single-particle canonical wave function $\vert\mu\rangle$ can be expanded in the original single-particle (harmonic oscillator) basis $\vert n\rangle$ as

\vert\mu\rangle = \sum_{n}~D_{n \mu} ~ \vert n\rangle,
\end{displaymath} (5)

where the unitary transformation $D$ is obtained by diagonalizing the density matrix $\rho$. In the canonical basis, the HFB wave function is given in a BCS-like form:
$\displaystyle \breve{A}_{\mu \nu}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle u_\mu \delta_{\mu \nu}\,\,\,,\,\,\,
\breve{B}_{\mu \nu} = s_{\bar \mu}^\ast v_\mu \delta_{{\bar \mu} \nu},$ (6)
$\displaystyle u_\mu$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle u_{\bar \mu} =
u_{\mu}^\ast\,\,\,,\,\,\,v_\mu = v_{\bar \mu} = v_{\mu}^\ast,$ (7)

where the phase $s_{\mu}$, for the time-even quasiparticle vacuum considered here, is defined through the time-inversion of the single-particle states
\hat T \vert \mu \rangle =
s_{\mu} \vert\bar \mu\rangle \,\,\,,\,\,\, s_{\bar \mu} = -s_{\mu}\,\,\,.
\end{displaymath} (8)

In Eq. (6) and in the following, the quantities in the canonical basis are denoted by symbols with breve accents [15].

The HFB energy matrix $\breve{E}$ in the canonical basis is non-diagonal and is given by

\breve{E}_{\mu \nu} = \xi^+_{\mu \nu} ~(\breve{h}-\lambda)_...
...\nu}~\breve{\Delta}_{\mu \bar \nu}~s_{\bar \nu}^\ast
\end{displaymath} (9)

\eta^{\pm}_{\mu \nu} = u_\mu v_\nu \pm u_\nu v_\mu \quad {\...
...} \quad
\xi^{\pm}_{\mu \nu} = u_\mu u_\nu \mp v_\mu v_\nu \,.
\end{displaymath} (10)

The diagonal matrix elements of the matrix $\breve{E}_{\mu \nu}$ can be written as [1,15]:
\breve{E}_{\mu} \equiv \breve{E}_{\mu \mu} =
...u \mu} -\lambda)^2 + \breve{\Delta}_{\mu \bar \mu}^2}\,\,\,.
\end{displaymath} (11)

Even though the above equation resembles the BCS expression for quasiparticle energy, it involves $\breve{h}_{\mu \mu}$ and $\breve{\Delta}_{\mu \bar \mu}$, which are respectively obtained by transforming the HFB particle-hole and the pairing fields to the canonical basis via the transformation (5). It is only in the BCS approximation that these quantities can be associated with single-particle energies and the pairing gap.

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Jacek Dobaczewski 2010-07-28