Proposal for the ESF Research Networking Programme on Advanced Research in Theoretical Nuclear Structure for Applications at European Infrastructure Facilities (ARTHENSA)



Programme title:

Advanced Research in Theoretical Nuclear Structure for Applications at European Infrastructure Facilities

Programme acronym:


Standing Committee:


Principal Applicants:

1.     Jacek Dobaczewski (contact person), University of Warsaw, Hoża 69, PL-00-681 Warsaw, POLAND, tel. +48 22 5532 248, e-mail:,  WWW:
2.     Matti Manninen, Department of Physics, P.O. Box 35 (YFL), FI-40014 University of Jyväskylä, FINLAND, tel. +358 14 260 2362, e-mail:
3.     Ramon A. Wyss, KTH-Kärnfysik, Frescativ. 24, S-104 05 Stockholm, SWEDEN, tel. +46 8 55378210, e-mail:


·      Density Functional Theory
·      Energy Density Functional
·      self-bound many-body systems
·      exotic nuclei
·      atomic clouds


The present proposal will organise the European nuclear-structure theory around a focused common goal, allowing for developing a joint strategy required for experimental infrastructure in Nuclear Physics in Europe. It will enable the Nuclear Physics community to capitalise on this investment and become a leading player in this field. The development of high-accuracy Density Functional Theories or Energy Density Functionals and dissemination of computer programmes that allow the field to advance as a whole is the main purpose of this application. Hands-on Book series and summer schools allowing the Ph.D. students and young researchers in Europe to advance into new areas of knowledge and providing new skills is a central part of this research programme. Connections with related fields in Atomic, Molecular, and Condense-Matter Physics, where similar methods are used, will be established. To provide forum for deeper understanding of the physics of self-bound systems and supporting generic approaches to quantum many-body problems is the focal objective of the proposal. The proposed activities link into the international community and build closer ties with American, Japanese, and Chinese researchers, aiming, in particular, at attracting young talent to Europe.

ESF applications:


Status of the relevant research field; scientific context; objectives and envisaged achievements of the proposed Programme


The community of nuclear physicists worldwide has developed a focused research plan for the near future, which has been formulated within several documents in the form of White Papers or Long-Range Plans, both in Europe and in the United States, see, e.g., Refs. [LRP,NT,NUPECC,RIA,NSAC,SPIRAL2,FAIR,TM07]. Within this plan, it is clear that the contemporary Nuclear Science is driven by basic physics questions, which have to be addressed both experimentally and theoretically, such as [RIA]:

Although in this basic area of Science, a lot of information has already been accumulated over many years of investigations, the complexity of many-fermion systems in conjunction with complexity of basic inter-nucleon interactions leaves many fascinating scientific question still unanswered. At the same time, knowledge of fundamental properties of nuclear systems is required in order to properly solve open questions in other domains of Science, such as, e.g., in astrophysics [RIA]:

Nuclear Science has also numerous societal and economical implications, and answers to basic scientific questions help us addressing the question of

Undoubtedly, Nuclear Science has numerous important implications for Life Sciences, Material Sciences, Nuclear Energy, and Security.


The present proposal is focused on Nuclear Structure, a sub-domain of Nuclear Science, which strives to find ways by which nucleons bind into nuclei. Atomic nuclei are self-bound many-particle objects of Nature, and have many features in common with other similar systems, like atomic clouds or metallic clusters. Numerous theoretical many-body methods that were originally developed for Nuclear Structure have now been successfully used and applied in other domain of Physics as well as Nuclear Physics has adopted methods from other areas. At present, there is a strong and urgent need to link current efforts in theoretical Nuclear Structure to those in Atomic, Molecular, and Condensed-Matter Physics. On the one hand, we must profit from striking similarities between different self-bound objects in Nature, and learn in a unified way on what are the best and most efficient ways to describe them. On the other hand, atomic and molecular systems are bound by relatively simple Coulomb forces, and thus they can be studied and manipulated experimentally often in a much more efficient way than atomic nuclei. Therefore, the focus of the present proposal is augmented by networking with the best groups performing advanced theoretical studies in these sister branches of many-body Physics.


The main goal of the present proposal is in sharing knowledge and expertise, developing new techniques, and training young scientists in one specific class of methods, which are used to describe many-body systems, namely, methods based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT) or Energy Density Functional (EDF). These methods are particularly well suited for networking activities across different branches of Physics, because they address general and universal properties of very different classes of systems and are, in principle, generically valid, independently of a particular realization. They were originally defined and introduced for electronic systems, but presently also provide the set of toolboxes of choice for describing global properties of atomic nuclei, and can be applied for all numbers of nucleons and isospin. This aspect of generality is extremely important in Nuclear Structure, where very exotic, experimentally inaccessible nuclei must be described on the same footing as those that can be studied in laboratories. Although other, more precise methods have been developed for small number of constituent or valence nucleons (e.g., the shell-model and configuration-mixing approaches), the EDF methods can be efficiently applied also for arbitrarily heavy systems. Methods of DFT have recently been applied also for both bosonic and fermionic atoms confined in traps, as well as self-bound helium clusters. In these areas the situation is related to that of Nuclear Physics since the Coulomb interaction is replaced with the effective short-range interaction between the atoms and the energy functionals beyond the local approximation are not yet much studied.


The present proposal will create an interdisciplinary forum across several branches of many-body Physics, in order to exchange knowledge, methods, and ideas pertaining to the EDF techniques. The scientific questions, which will be addressed, are:

·        How to formulate a consistent EDF formalism for self-bound systems?

·        How to establish a coherent hierarchy of terms in the EDF?

·        Which experimental data constrain particular terms in the energy functional?


The scientific project of providing answers to these important questions will require concerted effort of many researchers over several years. The present proposal aims at bringing together scientific groups scattered across Europe, channelling their efforts toward the common goal, and facilitating their work through better planning and shared resources.


Research on the EDF theories will be of immediate use and application for the existing and planned experimental facilities in Nuclear Physics. Indeed, the nuclear-structure studies conducted at these facilities are presently focused on investigating exotic nuclei far from stability. Reliable and predictive theories, which would allow for calculating properties of exotic nuclei, are not available yet. The EDF methods have a strong potential of providing such a missing element. Since exotic species can be experimentally produced only in small numbers or weak-intensity beams, only very basic properties thereof can possibly be measured, like masses, lowest-state excitation energies and transition rates, and reaction cross sections. These simple observables must suffice for adjusting theoretical methods in order to increase their predictive power, so as to extrapolate nuclear properties to those exotic nuclei that will not be reachable in Earth laboratories, but exist in stellar environments. Therefore, our proposal aims at networking theory activities towards building reliable, predictive, and global EDF description of atomic nuclei, and thus providing experiment with tools to calculate basic observable properties of stable and exotic nuclei, and giving on-site expertise in describing and analysing results of current experiments as well as planning future ones.


Facilities and expertise which would be accessible to the Programme


The present proposal brings together the best European groups that have expertise and potential in the research on the EDF theories. Programme collaborations (see Appendix) combine groups active in Nuclear Structure with those doing research in other branches of physics. Several participants are experts in using the EDF methods in interdisciplinary research across different branches of Physics. The proposal includes also networking activities with several partner networks from the U.S.A., Japan, and China.


Programme collaborations active in the present proposal involve over 130 researchers holding Ph.D. and nearly 60 Ph.D. students.


These research groups have at their disposal numerous computer facilities, which are essential in conducting studies within the EDF theories, and in particular:


Bruxelles: One HP XC Cluster Platform 4000, composed of 32 nodes. (; 30-nodes HP Proliant DL585, each composed of 4 CPUs. INRNE: 200 computers, computer cluster connected to CERN with Globus Toolkit™ ( Řež & Prague: 12-CPU PCs. Zagreb: 352-CPU cluster Isabella ( Erlangen: IA32/EMT64-cluster with 200 nodes Orsay: 60-CPU belonging to GRIF ( CNRS: IDRIS, NEC SX-8 with 10 nodes and 8 CPU/node, cluster of 1024 IBM Power-4 processors ( Toulouse: CALMIP, SGI ALTIX 3700, 128-CPU Itanium II cluster ( Athens: (Uranus) 48-CPU HP-Superdome; (aegean): 24-CPU HP-V2600; cluster of 8 HP Workstations. Thessaloniki: Hellas Grid (; (GR-01-AUTH) cluster of 15 computers; cluster of 10 Linux computers. Ioannina: clusters of PCs. Catania: 70-CPU cluster connected with the GRID network. Milano: 1 PC farm with possible parallel computing. Trento: 32-CPU cluster Oslo: Supercomputing centre ( Bergen: Tier 1 Centre: CRAY XT4 - 51 Tflops, 5000 quad units at the Computer Centre of University of Bergen. UMCS: 24-CPU (3.2 GHz) computer cluster maria ( Warsaw: 55-CPU cluster. NIPNE: 20-CPU cluster at the NIHAM - Tier 2 center ( Instituto de Estructura de la Materia: 11 nodes HP Proliant cluster. Huelva: 3 nodes with 8-CPU cluster. Sevilla: 2 nodes with 4-CPU cluster. Madrid: 92-CPU Opteron cluster ( KTH: Computational Science and Engineering Centre ( and centre for parallel computers ( equipped with the IBM Blue Gene Hebb, the HP Itanium Cluster Lucidor, and the Dell Xeon cluster Lenngren. Manchester: 64-CPU beowulf cluster. Surrey: 64-CPU beowulf cluster.


Expected benefit from European collaboration in this area


Current and future European involvement in maintaining and constructing experimental facilities for Nuclear Structure studies is very substantial. There are several Large Scale Facilities operating today in this domain of physics, such as GANIL in France (, GSI in Germany (, REX-ISOLDE at CERN (, JYFL in Finland (, and others. Future plans for building new facilities are truly impressive. In particular, new facilities Spiral2 ( in France and FAIR ( in Germany are now under construction. In a longer run, advanced planning is now being performed for a new-generation future facility EURISOL (


Such massive investments in experimental investigations are not yet followed by matching European efforts in building new advanced theoretical approaches. This is at variance with the situation in the United States and Japan, where substantial theoretical programs are already running, such as UNEDF ( or TDFP ( Moreover the US-Japan efforts have already been networked within the JUSTIPEN programme (


These current and future developments call for immediate concerted action within the European theoretical Nuclear Structure Physics. The time for new initiatives, like the one put forward in the present proposal is ripe, and proper steps should be taken without delay in order not to put European Science at a disadvantaged position. The present Programme aims at organising European nuclear-structure theorists around the common goal of defining and constructing the best possible EDF approaches, which can be used for describing and analysing experimental data obtained at present and future experimental facilities. It also aims at networking with JUSTIPEN and other initiatives outside Europe, in order to keep close contacts and exchange ideas with these intense and well funded scientific programmes. As its main projected activity, the present Programme will organize workshops, conferences, and schools that will provide advanced training to young scientists and allow them to compete with their colleagues from outside Europe. The Programme activities will also work towards helping European nuclear-structure theorists to gain new research funds and develop more important and strong research groups.


The goal of developing modern EDF approaches for nuclear physics goes largely beyond capabilities of any small national or institutional scientific group. It requires new thinking and new collaborative efforts, which can only materialize on the trans-national level. Only by combining expertise in data analysis, numerical methods, advanced theoretical tools, and computational resources one can provide useful predictive technology that will be capable of describing global nuclear properties in a unified way. The Program will act on a European level to foster collaborations between national partners and intensify their involvement in this focused research direction.


European context


The present proposal is strongly connected to several existing and planned European initiatives, and in particular:

·      European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*) ( is the main European site for organising scientific meetings and training students. The centre has a truly interdisciplinary dimension covering all aspects of physics relevant to the present proposal and constitutes one of the most valuable Programme participants. We plan using ECT* as the principle site for organising Steering Committee Meetings, Workshops, and Schools, as well as the most suitable site to conduct the work related to writing the EDF Hands-on Books. ECT* will also be preferred when selecting the site for hosting the EDF interactive database.

·      The Joint Research Activity (JRA) will be proposed within the proposal that is now being prepared for the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) Call 3 of the European Commission (, which will be published by the end of 2007. This one JRA will cover a much wider range of nuclear-structure-theory topics than those covered by the present proposal, but in particular may also provide research funds for topics covered by the present proposal. In this perspective, networking activities of the present proposal will be a perfect match for a part of research activity proposed to the I3 Call.

·      Topics covered by the present proposal are currently intensely studied within the so-called FIDIPRO project (, jointly funded by the Academy of Finland and University of Jyväskylä within the Finland Distinguished Professor Programme. This one project will use and develop most advanced theoretical methods in studies of exotic nuclei, as well as train young theorists within the M.Sc. and Ph.D. educational programmes. The FIDIPRO project works in synergy with experimental studies conducted within the nuclear and accelerator based physics at the University of Jyväskylä, which in turn is a part of the EURONS I3 Structuring the ERA in EU-FP6 proposal to the European Commission.


Proposed activities


Science meetings

Organisation of workshops, conferences, and schools will be the main thrust of the present Programme. We consider scientific meetings of this kind to be of primary importance for exchanging ideas, promoting collaborations, and training students. The Programme will support up to 10% of speakers from non-ESF member countries and give very strong preferences to young participants. All meetings will be organised in strict compliance with ESF rules and guidelines.


The proposed Programme will organise one EDF workshop per year. The first one of the series will be devoted to getting acquainted with up-to-date worldwide efforts and projects developed within the EDF approaches, as well as to exchanging ideas on recent developments in atomic and molecular physics. It will also serve us as a forum for setting up new collaborations and starting new projects between the Programme participants. The following EDF workshops will add to these goals the presentation and summary of the results achieved by the Programme participants. The last EDF workshop of the series will be used as a forum for summarizing the Programme and formulating plans for future activities. All EDF workshops will be organised directly by the Programme participants.


The proposed programme will co-organise one conference per year by joining an external partner or co-sponsoring an ESF research conference. The co-organisation or co-sponsorship will target conferences, which in their program address topics related to the present EDF networking.


As an extremely important part of our activity, each year we will organise one EDF school, which will gather about 20 students and give them a comprehensive series of lectures on a specific topic related to the EDF theory. Schools will include hands-on training in using the EDF computer codes. They will be organised either by the Programme participants or by external partners, following an open call for proposals. Proposals will be evaluated with a special emphasis on the choice of lecturers, so as to ensure the best training effectiveness. Priority will be given to proposals that aim at organising schools in connection with other activities. A preferred solution would consist in organising the school at the location where the EDF-Hands-on-Book writing team works.


Grants for short and exchange visits

Collaborative goals of the Programme will be realized through short and exchange visits awarded after an open call for proposals. Priority will be given to visits between the Programme participants. All visits must be related to on-going collaborations and aim at pursuing one of the research goals formulated within the present proposal. Visits in connection with workshops, conferences, or schools organised by the Programme participants will be encouraged.



The Programme will prepare and publish one EDF brochure each year. The first brochure will present in layman terms the Programme goals and activities. In the following years, the brochures will delineate the progress of the Programme in connection with the results presented and discussed at the EDF workshops. This will provide a popularised dissemination of the Programme results and will mirror the publication of the EDF workshop proceedings on CDROM. All activities, results, and reports related to the Programme will be made available at the Programme website Participants charged with construction and maintenance of the site will be selected after an open call for proposals.


EDF Hands-on Books

Calculations performed within the EDF formalism require developing and testing very advanced numerical codes. This is especially true when one considers several simultaneously broken symmetries, odd fermion systems, and approaches going beyond the mean-field level. Construction of these codes often represents the effort of many men-years, and sharing this knowledge and expertise across the entire domain is of fundamental importance. At present, scattered and fragmented research groups are not able to provide this service to the community at large. Within the present Programme we aim at filling this gap by launching publication of the EDF Hands-on Book series.


As examples of the EDF codes that have already been developed and widely used we can mention the EDF codes based on non-relativistic local (Skyrme) and non-local (Gogny) functionals, as well as those based on the relativistic functionals (RMF). Each of these main classes is represented by codes that allow for breaking different types of symmetries. There are also codes that allow for restoration of the particle-number, rotational, and/or parity symmetries. Very advanced codes are used for configuration mixing calculations (GCM) and for solving collective equations with microscopic input, both for low-lying states of a given multipolarity or giant resonances and for fission-barrier penetration. There are also numerous codes that solve the time-dependent problems based on the EDF methods.


There is no doubt that there is a large set of potential candidate codes for our EDF Hands-on Book series. Each book will present one specific major code belonging to the class of EDF codes mentioned above. It will describe the physics problem in question, provide all necessary expressions and derivations, explain all numerical methods that are used to solve the problem, and present tests and performances of the numerical solutions. It will also constitute a comprehensive user guide of the code and list many examples of input data and obtained results. Last but not least, it will not only give practical advices and tricks of the trade required for advanced users but also will provide user-friendly simple patterns, which are important for non-specialists interested in rapidly obtaining specific results.


Preparation of such a publication would require bringing several scientists together and letting them work exclusively on this task for a specific amount of time. We think that the most efficient team would consist of one senior researcher, preferably one of the main authors of the code in question, two junior researchers at a post-doctoral level, and one student. Realistically, such a team could prepare the Hands-on Book within about three months. The proposed stay at one location will be realized within rules applicable for Exchange Visits. Undoubtedly, the work on preparing the EDF Hans-on Book would constitute a perfect training for younger participants in this endeavour.


The present Programme will issue an open call for proposals to write books describing different existing EDF codes, and select those which guarantee the proper execution of the task. The books will be published electronically on CDROM together with all the accompanying files containing code and input and output data. The Programme will also search for a publisher of paper version, provided no extra cost is involved. Publication of one EDF Hands-on Book per year will constitute a beginning of a truly new series of publications of very high importance, which may in the future be continued by covering other branches of physics. It will also become a trademark of the Programme.


Interactive Database

The Program aims at coupling the EDF website with a modern EDF interactive database of codes and results. This would not only serve as a forum for disseminating information and exchanging ideas, but also provide an on-line calculation tool where different codes could be run and results could be analysed within advanced graphics packages. The site for developing and maintaining the interactive database will be selected following an open call for proposals. Proposals ensuring the portability and mirroring of the database from one site to another will be given priority.


Key targets, deliverables, and milestones



Duration: 60 months


Budget estimate (in €) per year


Steering Committee Meetings


6 000




2 040





8 040

Science Meetings


29 400




12 600




20 200





62 200


Short Visits

12 120



Exchange Visits

12 800





24 920


EDF Brochure

2 000




2 000



CDROM Proceedings

1 000





5 000


EDF Hands-on Book


22 200




5 000

External Administrative Costs



2 000

External Programme Coordinator



10 000

ESF administration fee



10 452




149 812

Explanations related to budgeted items:


Steering Committee Meetings. We assume the Steering Committee of 16 members, who meet once per year with an average participation at the level of 12 members per meeting, including the External Programme Coordinator and one Advisory Expert. Travel costs of 500€ and accommodation costs (2 days) of 170€ per meeting participant are assumed. We assume that the Executive Group of the Steering Committee, composed of the Chair and two members, will meet uniquely by using electronic means of communication at no extra cost, apart from those covered by the External Administrative Costs

Science Meetings. We assume organization of one four-day scientific EDF workshop per year with the average of 35 participants, and with travel costs of 500€ and accommodation costs (4 days) of 340€ per participant. Together with one of the Programme participants or with an external partner, we will co-organise one scientific conference per year. The Programme will fund 15 participants up to the travel costs of 500€ and accommodation costs (up to 4 days) of 340€ per participant. We also assume organisation of one one-week EDF School per year with the average of 20 participants, and with travel costs of 500€ and accommodation costs (6 days) of 510€ per participant

Grants. We assume 12 Short Visits per year to be funded through the present Programme, up to the travel costs of 500€ and accommodation costs (6 days) of 510€ per visitor. We also assume 8 Exchange Visits per year, up to the travel costs of 500€ and accommodation costs (1 month) of 1600€ per visitor

Publicity. We assume publication of one EDF Brochure per year, with the contents prepared by the Programme participants at no cost, with the cost of setting-up and graphics of 1500€, and the cost of printing 300 copies of 500€. We assume the cost of the website maintenance to require 2000€ per year. A CDROM publication is envisaged for the proceedings of the Programme workshop; its contents will be prepared by the Programme participants at no extra cost and the cost of 300 copies is assumed to be of 1000€ per year.

Publications. We assume publication of one EDF Hands-on Book per year, which will require the work of four researchers during three months with the travel costs of 500€ and subsistence costs of 3×1600€ per researcher. We assume CDROM publication of the electronic version of the EDF Hands-on Book, and the production cost of 300 copies is assumed to be of 1000€ per year.

Database. We assume that the interactive database construction and maintenance will require honoraria at the level of 5000€ per year.

External Administrative Costs. We assume that most administrative costs will be covered by Chair’s university or laboratory, with a small extra contribution towards the secretarial costs, postage, fax, telephone and other office running expenses of up to 2000€.

External Programme Coordinator. We assume that the External Programme Coordinator will be employed in one of the participating countries where the salary costs are below the European average. We assume that he or she will be an active scientist holding a regular post-doctoral position at his/her home university or laboratory, and will be additionally funded through this grant at the level of half-time salary of 10000€ per year.




2002 NSAC Long-Range Plan,


A Vision for Nuclear Theory NSAC Report,


NuPECC Long Range Plan 2004.


The Science of the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA),


Report to the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee,


The Scientific Objectives of the SPIRAL 2 Project


FAIR Baseline Technical Report 2006,


Nuclear Astrophysics and Study of Nuclei Town Meeting (2007)



• Full coordinates and curriculum vitae of the applicants.


Jacek Dobaczewski (contact person), University of Warsaw, Hoza 69, PL-00-681 Warsaw, POLAND, tel. +48 22 5532 248, e-mail:, WWW:
Curriculum vitae:
Born May 9, 1952, Płońsk, POLAND. M.Sc. in Theoretical Nuclear Physics 1974, Ph.D. in Theoretical Nuclear Physics 1979. Employment history: 1974 University of Warsaw (Assistant), 1980 University of Warsaw (Adjunct Professor), 1993 University of Warsaw (Associate Professor), 2002 University of Warsaw (Full Professor), 2007-2011 University of Jyväskylä (FIDI Professor). Multiple Postdoc and Visiting Professor positions at CALTECH, IPN Orsay, CEA Saclay, IRES Strasbourg, and ORNL. Member of the Polish Physical Society, Fellow of the American Physical Society. 1997-present: Head of the Nuclear Structure Theory Division of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw. 2000-present: Associate Editor of Nuclear Physics A, 2006-2008: Member of the Editorial Board of Physical Review C. Supervisor of 3 M.Sc. and 4 Ph.D. theses. As of October 2007, author of 141 publications listed in ISI Web of Knowledge, cited 3836 times with index h=36.
List of five most recent relevant publications:
1.     Local Density Approximation for proton-neutron pairing correlations: Formalism, E. Perlińska, S.G. Rohoziński, J. Dobaczewski, and W. Nazarewicz, Phys. Rev. C69 (2004) 014316.
2.     Critical frequency in nuclear chiral rotation, P. Olbratowski, J. Dobaczewski, and J. Dudek, W. Płóciennik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 (2004) 052501.
3.     Nuclear time-reversal violation and the Schiff moment of 225Ra, J. Dobaczewski and J. Engel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 232502.
4.     An island of rare earth nuclei with tetrahedral and octahedral symmetries: possible experimental evidence, J. Dudek, D. Curien, N. Dubray, J. Dobaczewski, V. Pangon, P. Olbratowski, and N. Schunck, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) 072501.
5.     Variation after particle-number projection for the HFB method with the Skyrme energy density functional, M.V. Stoitsov, J. Dobaczewski, R. Kirchner, W. Nazarewicz, and J. Terasaki, Phys. Rev. C76 (2007) 014308.
Matti Manninen, Department of Physics, P.O. Box 35 (YFL), FI-40014 University of Jyväskylä, FINLAND, tel. +358 14 260 2362, e-mail:
Curriculum vitae:
Born October 31, 1950, Laukaa, FINLAND. M.Sc. in Physics 1974, Ph.D. in Physics 1978. Employment history: 1974 Helsinki University of Technology (Assistant), 1978 Michigan Technological University (postdoc), 1979 Nordita (postdoc), 1981 Swiss Institute for Nuclear Research (postdoc), 1982 Helsinki University of Technology (Research associate), 1984 Cornell University (Senior scientist), 1986 Helsinki University of Technology (Assoc. prof.), 1988 University of Jyväskylä (Assoc. prof.), 1996 University of Jyväskylä (Professor). Dean of the Faculty of Science. Member of Nordita board, member of advisory board of Max Planck Institute for Complex Systems. Supervised 15 PhD theses. Magnus Ehrnrooth Price for Physics 1995. As of October 2007, author of 198 publications listed in ISI Web of Knowledge, cited 4804 times with index h=37.
List of five most recent relevant publications:

1.     M. Borgh, M. Toreblad, M. Koskinen, M. Manninen, S. Aberg, and S.M. Reimann, Correlation and spin polarization in quantum dots: Local spin density functional theory revisited, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 105, 817 (2005).

2.     M. Toreblad, Y. Yu, S.M. Reimann, M. Koskinen, and M. Manninen, Finite boson and fermion systems under extreme rotation: Edge reconstruction and vortex formation, J. of Phys. B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics 39, 2721 (2006).

3.     M. Koskinen, S.M. Reimann, J.-P. Nikkarila, and M. Manninen, Spectral properties of rotating electrons in quantum dots and their relation to quantum Hall liquids, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 076211 (2007).

4.     M. Toreblad, M. Borgh, M. Manninen, M. Koskinen, and S.M. Reimann Universal vortex formation in rotating traps with bosons and fermions, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 090407 (2004).

5.     K. Kärkkäinen, M. Koskinen, S.M. Reimann, and M. Manninen, Exchange-correlation energy of a multicomponent two-dimensional electrongas, Phys. Rev. B 68, 205322 (2003).


Ramon A. Wyss, KTH-Kärnfysik, Frescativ. 24, S-104 05 Stockholm, SWEDEN, tel. +46 8 55378210, e-mail:

Curriculum vitae:
Born 1.3.1952 in Heidelberg, Germany,  M. Sci. Engineer in Technical Physics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 1985,  Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics, Manne Siegbahn Institute of Physics and Royal Institute of Tech­nology, Stockholm, Sweden, 1990, Docent (habilitation) at the Royal Institute of Technology, 1993
 Inscription sur la liste de qualification aux fonctions de professeur, France, Feb 95 – Post Doc ­Research Assistent, JIHIR, Oak Ridge, 1990–1992, Research Assistent, MSI/ KTH, Stockholm 1992­-1999, Associate professor in physics, Högskolan i Kalmar, 1999–2000, Associate professor in theoretical nuclear physics, KTH, Stockholm 1999, Full Professor in theoretical Nuclear Physics, KTH,  2006, Vice President (Vicerektor), responsible for international education at KTH, 2002, 16 diploma work students, KTH, 5 post doc students, KTH, 2 Ph.D students, Grants, Honours: Swedish Research Council of Natural Science, PhD Stipend 1987-­1990, Post Doc Stipend 1990, Sweden­America Foundation, Stipend 1990, Swedish Research Council of Natural Science, research assistant 1992­-1999, lecture position 2000­, The ’Edlundska’ prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, March 1995. >205 papers in refereed journals, > 55 of letter type, >60 invited and contributed papers at topical conferences several articles in popular media.
List of five most recent relevant publications:
1.     Enhanced Stability of Superheavy Nuclei Due to High-Spin Isomerism, F.R.Xu, E.G.Zhao, R.Wyss, and P.M.Walker, Phys. Rev. Lett.  92 (2004) 252501.
2.     Mean field description of high-spin states, W. Satula and R.A. Wyss, Rep. Prog. Phys. 68 (2005) 131-200.
3.     Nuclear symmetry energy in relativistic mean field theory, S.Ban, J.Meng, W.Satula, and R.A.Wyss, Phys. Lett. B 633 (2006) 231.
4.     Systematics of Proton Emission, D.S.Delion, R.J.Liotta, and R.Wyss, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 072501.
5.     Theories of proton emission, D.S.Delion, R.J.Liotta, and R.Wyss, Phys. Rep. 424 (2006) 113


• List of names and full coordinates of the envisaged Steering Committee members




P.-H. Heenen, CP 229, PNTPM, Université Libre de Bruxelles, B1050 Bruxelles, BELGIUM, tel: 32 2 650 55 58,




A.N. Antonov, INRNE-BAS, Blvd. Tsarigradsko chaussee 72, 1784 Sofia, BULGARIA, tel. +359-2-9795000-315,




J. Kvasil, Charles University, V Holesovickach 2, 180 00 Praha 8,

CZECH REPUBLIC, tel. +420 22191 2471,




D. Vretenar, University of Zagreb, Bijenicka cesta 32, 10000 Zagreb, CROATIA, tel: +385 1 460 5576, e-mail:



D.V. Fedorov, University of Aarhus, Ny Munkegade, Building 1520, DK-8000 Aarhus C, DENMARK, tel: +45 8942 3651,





M. Manninen, Department of Physics, P.O. Box 35 (YFL), FI-40014 University of Jyväskylä, FINLAND, tel: +358 14 260 2362, e-mail:



M. Bender, Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan, Chemin du Solarium, Le Haut-Vigneau, BP 120, F-33175 Gradignan Cedex, FRANCE, tel: +33 5 57 12 07 78,

e-mail : bender@cenbg.in2p3.f



P.-G. Reinhard, Institut für Theoretische Physik II der Universität Erlangen, Staudstr. 7, D-91058 Erlangen, GERMANY , tel: +49 9131 85 28458 / 28462,




G.A. Lalazissis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124 Thessaloniki, GREECE, tel:  +30 2310 998352.




M. Baldo, INFN Sez. Catania, Via S. Sofia 64 - 95123 Catania, ITALY, tel:  +39 095 3785311, e-mail:



M. Hjørth-Jensen, University of Oslo, POB 1048 Blindern, Oslo N-0316, NORWAY, tel: +47-22856458,




J. Dobaczewski, University of Warsaw, Hoza 69, PL-00-681 Warsaw, POLAND, tel. +48 22 5532 248,




A.N. Petrovici, National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering - Horia Hulubei, Street Atomistilor 407, R-077125 Bucharest - Magurele, ROMANIA, tel: +4021 4042392,




J. Dukelsky, Instituto de Esructura de la Materia.CSIC, Serrano 123. 28006 Madrid, SPAIN, tel: 34 915616800 (Ext. 1134),


L.M. Robledo, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Modulo C-XI, Campus Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, SPAIN. tel: 34 914975566, e-mail:



R.A. Wyss, KTH-Kärnfysik, Frescativ. 24, S-104 05 Stockholm, SWEDEN, +46 8 55378210, e-mail:

S.M. Reimann: Lund Institute of Technology, PBox 118, S-22100 Lund, SWEDEN, tel: +46 46 222 9086,




N.R. Walet, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UNITED KINGDOM, tel: +44(0)1613063693,



• Programme Collaborations




University of Bruxelles: P.H. Heenen, N. Chamel, S. Goriely; University of Gent: D. Van Neck



INRNE Sofia:   A.N. Antonov, S.S. Dimitrova, M.K. Gaidarov, M.V. Ivanov, D.N. Kadrev, M.V. Stoitsov, Ch. Stoyanov; University of Rousse: G.Z. Krumova



University of Zagreb: S. Brant, T. Nikšić, N. Paar, D. Vretenar



Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR, Řež: J. Mares; Charles University Prague: P. Cejnar, J. Kvasil



Niels Bohr Institute: T. Døssing; University of Aarhus:  D.V. Fedorov, A.S. Jensen, R. Alvarez-Rodriguez




Department of Physics, University of Jyväskylä, M. Manninen, J. Suhonen, R. van Leeuwen



Université de Bordeaux: M. Bender, L. Bonneau, Ph. Quentin; CEA Saclay: T. Duguet; GANIL Caen: D. Lacroix, M. Płoszajczak; IPHC and ULP Strasbourg: J. Bartel, J. Dudek, H. Molique; IPN Lyon: K. Bennaceur; IPN Orsay: M. Grasso, E. Khan, J. Libert, J. Margueron, P. Schuck; Université de Toulouse: E. Suraud, Phuong Mai Dinh



University of Gießen: H. Lenske; University of Erlangen: A. Görling, P.-G. Reinhard; University of Bayreuth: S. Kümmel; University of Frankfurt: J.A. Maruhn; FU Berlin: E.K.U. Gross,



National and Kapodistrian University of Athens: E. Mavromati,  F. Diakonos; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki: C. Koutroulos, G.A. Lalazissis, S.  Massen, Ch. Moustakidis; NRCPS ``Demokritos``: D. Bonatsos, V. Demetriou; The University of  Ioannina: G. Pantis, Th. Kosmas; University of Crete: G. Kavoulakis



INFN Catania: M. Baldo, C. Ducoin; University of Catania: F. Catara, U. Lombardo; ECT* Trento: J.-P. Blaizot; University of Lecce: G. Co; University of Milano: G. Colo’, P.F. Bortignon, R.A. Broglia; INFN Milano: E. Vigezzi; University of Trento: E. Lipparini, F. Pederiva, S. Stringari; University of Bologna: P. Finelli



University of Oslo: M. Hjørth-Jensen; University of Bergen: O. Jensen, J.S. Vaagen



Sołtan Institute for Nuclear Studies: M. Kowal, Z. Patyk, R. Smolańczuk, J. Skalski, A. Sobiczewski; University of Warsaw: J Dobaczewski, P. Olbratowski, G. Rohoziński, W. Satuła, T.R. Werner; Warsaw University of Technology: P. Magierski; UMCS Lublin: A. Baran, A. Dobrowolski, A. Góźdź, B. Nerlo-Pomorska, K. Pomorski, L. Próchniak, A. Staszczak, M. Warda, K. Zając



NIPNE Bucharest: A. Petrovici, D. Cozma, D. Delion, R. Gherghescu, M. Mirea, D. Poenaru, M. Rizea, N. Sandulescu, V. Zamfir



Instituto de Estructura de la Materia - CSIC: J. Dukelsky, P. Sarriguren, E. Garrido, R. Molina, A. Relano; Universidad de Huelva: J.E . García-Ramos; Universidad de Sevilla: J.M. Arias, C. Alonso; Universidad de Valencia - CSIC: J. Navarro; Universidad Autonoma de Madrid: L.M. Robledo; Universidad de Barcelona: X. Vinyes, M. Centelles, A. Polls; Universidad Complutense de Madrid: E. Moya de Guerra, J.M. Gomez, J. Retamosa, J.M. Udias, M.C. Martinez



KTH-Kärnfysik: R.A. Wyss, R. Liotta; LTH Lund: S. Åberg, R. Bengtsson, I. Ragnarsson, S.M. Reimann



University of Manchester: R. Bishop, N.R. Walet; University of Surrey: M. Oi, P. Stevenson

• International dimension


The ARTHENSA network will collaborate with several international networks having similar research goals. In the U.S.A, the SciDAC's Universal Nuclear Energy Density Functional (UNEDF) collaboration ( has for its purpose to formulate the next generation of nuclear structure and reaction theory. The mission of the project is threefold: (i) find an optimal EDF using all our knowledge of nucleonic Hamiltonian and basic nuclear properties; (ii) apply DFT and its extensions to validate the functional using all the available relevant nuclear structure data; and (iii) apply the validated theory to properties of interest that cannot be measured, in particular the properties needed for reaction theory such as cross sections relevant to NNSA programs. The activities to be supported fall into different areas of nuclear theory and computer science, but the goal can only be achieved by working at the interfaces among these areas. The collaboration involves theoretical physicists and computer scientists from six national laboratories (Ames, Argonne, Berkeley, Livermore, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge) and eight universities (Central Michigan U., Iowa State U., Michigan State U., UNC at Chapel Hill, Ohio State U., San Diego State U., U. of Tennessee, and U. of Washington).  The advisory committee of UNEDF consists of George F. Bertsch (University of Washington, Principal Investigator), Aurel Bulgac (University of Washington), Joe Carlson (Los Alamos), Dick Furnstahl (Ohio State),  Rusty Lusk (Argonne), Witold Nazarewicz (University of Tennessee, Oak Ridge), and Ian Thompson (Livermore). The collaboration also involves a number of scientists based in Europe (including several members of ARTHENSA) and Japan. The budget of UNEDF supports those scientists by covering their participation in collaboration meetings in the U.S.A. UNEDF is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy.


Another international sister network is the Japan-U.S. Institute for Physics with Exotic Nuclei (JUSTIPEN; that has been established in order to facilitate collaborations between U.S.- and Japan-based scientists whose main research thrust is in the area of the physics of nuclei. JUSTIPEN is located at the RIKEN RIB Experimental Facility in Wako, near Tokyo. JUSTIPEN’s purview is  in the area of physics of or with exotic nuclei, including nuclear structure and reaction theory, nuclear astrophysics, and tests of the standard model using exotic nuclei. Funding for JUSTIPEN is being provided by the Office of Nuclear Physics of the U.S. Department of Energy. Additional local support is provided by the University of Tokyo and RIKEN. The matching activity from Japan to US-lead JUSTIPEN activity is provided by the JSPS core-to-core program "International Research Network for Exotic Femto Systems" (EFES; directed by Takaharu Otsuka (Tokyo) as well as by the Todai-RIKEN Joint International Program for Nuclear Physics (TORIJIN). 


In addition to JUSTIPEN, EFES directly collaborates with partners in Europe, including GSI (Germany), GANIL (France), Jyväskylä (Finland), and Padova (Italy). Joint activities involving include workshops ( or EFES supports Japan-based scientists attending joint workshops in Europe and U.S.


A particular effort will be made to maintain close links with the community in China, which has an exceptional large number of PhD students Chinese Nuclear Structure Community, headed by Prof. J. Meng of Peking University, has 120 members, including 40 faculty members from 18 institutes or universities, among them half are under age of 45. The main topics cover exotic nuclei, superheavy nuclei, nuclear astrophysics, rotating nuclei, etc. Theoretical activities include both macroscopic and microscopic approaches. Chinese Nuclear Structure Community is well organised and is about to form a formal network as well as to apply for a grant that will fund continuation of the international collaboration.