When compared to the experimental binding energies, the quasilocal Skyrme functional HFB-17 [18] (Fig. 6) gives results, which have the quality very similar to those given by the nonlocal Gogny functional D1M [19] (Fig. 7). In both cases, the functionals were augmented by terms responsible for the pairing correlations and all parameters were adjusted specifically to binding energies. Moreover, in both cases, by using either the 5D collective Hamiltonian approach or configuration mixing, theoretical binding energies were corrected for collective quadrupole correlations. The results are truly impressive, with the RMS deviations calculated for 2149 masses being as small as 798 and 581keV, respectively.
The problem of treating collective correlations and excitations
within the DFT or EDF approaches is one of the most important issues
currently studied in applications to nuclear systems. The question of
whether one can describe these effects by using the functional only
is not yet resolved. In practice, relatively simple functionals that
are currently in use, require adding low-energy correlation effects
explicitly. This can be done by reverting from the description
in terms of one-body densities back to the wave functions of mean-field
states. For example, for quadrupole correlations this amounts to using
the following configuration-mixing states,
To determine variationally
the mixing amplitudes
, one has to generalize the energy
densities, such as those shown in Eqs. (4)-(7),
to transition energy densities that
enable us to compute Hamiltonian kernels.
For mean-field
states, this can be rigorously done by using the Wick theorem, whereby the
average energy
generalizes to
matrix element
as [21]:
An example of the results is shown in Fig. 8, where calculated excitation energies [24] are compared with experimental data. One obtains fairly good description for nuclei across the nuclear chart. Calculations slightly overestimate the data, which is most probably related to the fact that in this study the nonrotating mean-field states were used, see Ref. [26] and references cited therein. As shown in Fig. 9, this deficiency disappears when the moments of inertia of the 5D collective Hamiltonian are determined by using infinitesimal rotational frequencies [13]. At present, calculations using in light nuclei the triaxial projected states of Eq. (9) are becoming possible for the relativistic (Fig. 10) and quasilocal (Fig. 11) functionals.
Another fascinating collective phenomenon that can presently be described for the non-local [29,30] and quasilocal functionals [31] is the fission of very heavy nuclei. In Fig. 12, an example of fission-path calculations performed in Fm is shown in function of the elongation and shape-asymmetry parameters. One obtains correct description of the region of nuclei where the phenomenon of bimodal fission occurs and predicts regions of the trimodal fission, see Fig. 13.
In recent years, significant progress was achieved in determining the multipole giant resonances in deformed nuclei by using the RPA and QRPA methods. In light nuclei, the multipole modes can be determined for the nonlocal, relativistic, and quasilocal functionals, see Figs. 14, 15, and 16, respectively. In heavy nuclei, such calculations are very difficult, because the number of two-quasiparticle configurations that must be taken into account grows very fast with the size of the single-particle phase space. Nevertheless, the first calculation of this kind has already been reported for Yb, see Fig. 17. The future developments here will certainly rely on the newly developed iterative methods of solving the RPA and QRPA equations [33,34,35].
The EDF methods were also recently applied within the full 3D dynamics based on the time-dependent mean-field approach. In Ref. [40], the spin-independent transition density was calculated in the 3D coordinate space for the time-dependent dipole oscillations. It turned out that one of the Steinwedel-Jensen's assumptions [41], , was approximately satisfied for Be. In contrast, in Be, large deviation from this property was noticed. Figure 18 shows how transition densities (lower panels) and (upper panels) evolve in time in the - plane. The time difference from one panel to the next (from left to right) roughly corresponds to the half oscillation period. White (black) regions indicate those of positive (negative) transition densities. One sees that significant portions of neutrons actually move in phase with protons.
An interesting 3D EDF time-dependent calculation was recently performed for the -Be fusion reaction [42]. Although this calculation aimed at elucidating properties of the triple- reaction, it was performed at the energy above the barrier, where the time-dependent mean-field approach can lead to fusion, whereas the real triple- reaction involves tunneling through the Coulomb barrier. Nevertheless, the studied tip-on initial configuration in the entrance channel, shown in the upper panel of Fig. 19, is probably the preferred one as it must correspond to the lowest barrier. The calculations lead to the formation of a metastable linear chain state of three -like clusters which subsequently made a transition to a lower-energy triangular -like configuration before acquiring a more compact final shape, as shown in the lower panels of Fig. 19.