The Density Functional Theory (DFT) was introduced in atomic physics
through the Hohenberg-Kohn [1] and Kohn-Sham
[2] theorems. Its quantum-mechanical foundation relies on
a simple variational concept that uses observables as variational
parameters. Namely, for any Hamiltonian and observable
one can formulate the constraint variational problem,
Function is thus the simplest model of the density functional.
However, the idea of two-step variational procedure can be applied to
an arbitrary observable or a set of observables, and hence the total
energy can become a function
of several observables
or a functional
of a continuous set of observables
When these ideas are applied to the observable
, which is the local
density of a many-body system at point
, we obtain the original local DFT,
It is thus obvious that the idea of two-step variational principle, which is at the heart of DFT, does not give us any hint on which observable has to be picked as the variational parameter. Moreover, the exact derivation of the density functional is entirely impractical, because it involves solving exactly the variational problem that is equivalent to finding the exact ground state. If we were capable of doing that, no DFT would have been further required. Nevertheless, the exact arguments presented above can serve us as a justification of modelling the ground-state properties of many-body systems by DFT, which, however, must be rather guided by physical intuition, general theoretical arguments, experiment, and exact calculations for simple systems.