Javier de
            Lucas picture

dr. hab. Javier de Lucas Araujo, prof. UW

Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics, University of Warsaw,

ul Pasteura 5, 02.093, Warsaw, Poland.

Short Curriculum Vitae

Name: Javier de Lucas Araujo

Date and place of Birth: Talavera de la Reina (Spain) on September 2, 1981

Address: Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics, room 5.46, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw,  Pasteura 5, 02-093, Warsaw, Poland

Email: javier.de.lucas@fuw.edu.pl

Alternative website: https://delucasaraujo.wixsite.com/uniwersytet

Degrees and positions

Simons-CRM Professor at the Center de Recherchers Mathematiques, University of Montreal (2023)

Associate Professor at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (2022)

Polish Habilitation in Physics (2017)

Profesor contratado doctor, ANECA, Spain (2012)

PhD in Physics, University of Zaragoza, Spain (2009)

MSc in Physics, University of Salamanca, Spain (2004)


• 2023 - Individual prize of second degree for research acievements, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
• 2023 - Simons–CRM Professorship, Centre de Recherches Mathematiques (CRM), University of Montreal, Canada (one of the most reputable research positions at the CRM).
• 2022 - Nomination to Didactic Award ‘Zygmunt Ajduk’ in recognition to outstanding exercises classes (Analysis III Special Functions in Mathematical Physics), Faculty of
Physics, University of Warsaw (Summer Semester).
• 2021 - Dean Prize of third degree for research achievements.2021 - Dean Prize in commemoration to Rector Stefan Pie´ nkowski and Rector Grzegorz Białkowski for the best researcher in the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw (younger than 40 years old).
• 2020 - UW Rector Prize of second degree in recognition to the publication “A Guide to Lie Systems with Compatible Geometric Structures”, research on the differential geometry properties of differential equations, and didactic achievements, University of Warsaw.
• 2020 - UW Didactic Award ’Zygmunt Ajduk’ in reocgnition to outstanding exercises classes (Differential Geometry), Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
• 2019 - Award in recognition of achievements affecting the development and prestige of the University of Warsaw, University of Warsaw.
• 2018 - Nomination to the best paper prize of the conference ,,10th International Symposium on Quantum theory and symmetries and 12th International Workshop on Lie
Theory and Its Applications in Physics”(+70 participants).
• 2017 - Didactic Award of the Dean of the University of Warsaw.
• 2016 - Award in recognition of achievements affecting the development and prestige of the University of Warsaw, University of Warsaw.
• 2015 - Individual prize of third degree, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
• 2014 - Best teacher of the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (UW Student council).
• 2013 - Didactic Award for outstanding classes and lectures, Summer term, University of Warsaw.
• 2011 - Postdoc fellowship for young researchers, IMPAN.
• 2011 - Special Award for Doctoral Theses, University of Zaragoza, year 2009/2010.
• 2010 - Postdoc fellowship for young researchers, IMPAN.
• 2009 - Postdoc fellowship for young researchers, IMPAN.
• 2006 - F.P.U. Fellowship funded by the Ministerio de Educaci´ on y Ciencia (Ministry of Education and Science) for the best students in Spain to accomplish my PhD thesis project “Lie systems and applications to Quantum Mechanics”.
• 2005 - Fellowship funded by the Faculty of Science of the University of Salamanca for the best students in the University of Salamanca starting their PhD.
• 2005 - F.P.I. Fellowship funded by the Junta de Castilla y Le´ on ( Castilla y Le´ on council) for the best students in the Castilla y Le´ on region starting their PhD.
• 2003 - Fellowship ‘Beca de colaboraci´ on’ funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Spain) and granted by the Faculty of Science of the University of Salamanca for the best (5) students of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Salamanca in the period from 1999 to 2003.

Main publications (last 10 years)

  • Students (past and actual)

    • PhD Students:
      • Julia Lange
      • Bartosz Zawora
      • Tomasz Sobczak
      • Adam Maskalaniec
      • Daniel Wysocki,  2023
      • Cristina Sardon-Munoz, 2015
    • Master's Students
      • Julia Lange
      • Bartosz Zawora
      • Tomasz Sobczak
      • Adam Maskalaniec
      • Daniel Wysocki
      • Tymon Frelik 
    • Bachelor's Students:
      • Michał Lewandowski
      • Michał Skowronek
      • Wojciech Fabjanczuk
      • Mariusz Tobolski
      • Julia Lange
      • Bartosz M. Zawora
      • Daniel Wysocki
      • Mikołaj Duch
      • Tymon Frelik

    Works for students and potential collaborators

    Nowadays I have several running projects. Students can request to take part in any of them so as to write Bachelor, Master, PhD dissertations or postdoc stays:

    1) Lie systems and superposition rules,
    2) Reduction methods and geometric structures,
    3) Energy-momentum methods,
    4) Supergeometry and super Lie group methods.


    My Facebook profile "Mathematical Physics at UW" has been by the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS, Princeton, USA).

    Link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064620915112

    Javier de Lucas Araujo © 2024