8.3.1 Physics Experimental physics and geophysics
Core and specialisation courses:
Elementary particles and fundamental interactions physics:
Course: 404A Elementary particle and high energy physics I | |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Andrzej K. Wróblewski |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.507404 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: Basic information on the systematics of elementary particles and their interactions Introductory information: h = c = 1 system of units, formation and production experiments. Systematics of particles in the model of coloured quarks and gluons (construction of meson and baryon multiplets) Quark-parton model of particle interactions. Quark diagrams. Cabbibo angle. Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. Conservation laws in particle physics. P parity, C parity, G parity, CP operation. Consequences of the isospin conservation in strong interactions of particles (Shmushkevitch formalism). Neutral kaon system, strangeness oscillations, regeneration of the short-lived component. CP parity nonconservation. Kinematics of interactions. Consequences of the Lorentz transformation. Feynman x. Rapidity and pseudorapidity. Lepton-hadron scattering. Bjorken x. Deep-inelastic scattering (DIS). Elements of the partial wave analysis (PWA) in formation experiments. A review of experimental data on particle production in lepton-lepton, lepton-hadron, hadron-hadron interactions (cross sections, multiplicities). Note: This course is continued in the summer semester in which it is aimed at students who specialise in particle physics. The second part deals with more advanced problems of particle physics, including the details of some modern experiments. |
Literature: Perkins – Introduction to high energy physics may be used as an auxiliary textbook. |
Prerequisites: Physics I, II, III, Quantum physics or Quantum mechanics. |
Examination: Examination. |
Course: 404 Elementary particle and high energy physics II |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Jan Królikowski |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 3 |
Code: 13.507404 |
Credits: 6,5 |
Syllabus: This lecture is a continuation of the similarly titled lecture from the winter semester. The basic concepts and ideas introduced during the winter semester are used and build upon. The programme consists of: integration aspects of experiments in particle physics, basic experimental justifications of the Standard Model (including precision tests of the SM in LEP), future experiments and physics beyond the SM. This programme is as up to date as possible. The subjects discussed during the lecture change every year with the incoming new results. The current results discussed in the high energy physics seminar are frequently discussed and elucidated during this lecture. |
Literature: There is no textbook, which corresponds to the programme of this lecture. The literature (original and review papers) is given for every subject during the lecture. |
Prerequisites: Winter semester of course 404, Quantum Mechanics I or Quantum Physics, Physics I, II and III. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, oral examination. |
Nuclear physics and nuclear spectroscopy
Course: 408 Nuclear physics - nuclear spectroscopy |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Chrystian Droste and prof. dr hab. Jan Żylicz |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.507408 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: 1. The liquid-drop model binding energy of a nuclide, line of beta stability, proton and neutron drip line spontaneous fission 2. The Fermi gas model the Fermi energy, nuclear potential depth, density of nuclear states 3. The shell model for the spherical nuclei experimental evidence for the nuclear shell model single-particle levels, predicted nuclear properties applications: hypernuclei, the shell structure far beyond the stability line. The Nilsson model for the nonspherical nuclei anisotropic harmonic oscillator potential The Nilsson potential; asymptotic quantum numbers, nuclear properties 5. The delta-interaction and the pairing correlations The results of the BCS theory, quasiparticles, orbit occupation, energy gap 6. The role of the shell corrections nuclear shapes, fission isomers, superheavy nuclei, new magic numbers 7. The electromagnetic transitions classification of the gamma-transitions; selection rules, Weisskopf units, internal conversion 8. The collective nuclear models- low spin oscillation of the spherical and deformed nuclei, rotation, rotational bands, strong coupling 9. The fast nuclear rotation rotational alignment, back-bending, band crossing, superdeformed bands 10. Beta decay draft of the beta decay theory, neutron decay, weak interaction decay constants the Fermi decay and the analog states, the muon decay, test of the Standard Model the Gamow-Teller decay, GT resonances, quenching of the GT strength neutrino physics, double beta decay, search for the neutrino-less double beta decay 11. Emission of the charged particles and neutrons alpha decay and emission of heavier ions, application of the WKB approximation ground-state proton emission, beta delayed proton and neutron emission 12. Review of the experimental methods of the "in-beam" nuclear spectroscopy the gamma spectrometers, modern detectors (e.g. CLOVER), multidetector arrays angular distribution, the DCO method, magnetic moment and lifetime measurements |
Literature: A. Strzałkowski, Wstęp do fizyki j±dra atomowego. T. Mayer-Kuckuk, Fizyka j±drowa. |
Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics I, Introduction to nuclear and particle physics. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 504 Nuclear physics - nuclear reactions |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Krystyna Siwek-Wilczyńska and dr Brunon Sikora |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.507504 |
Credits: 5 |
These lectures consist of an introduction to the theory of nuclear reactions and an extensive course in experimental studies of different mechanisms of nuclear reactions induced by light and heavy ions in the range of low and intermediate energies. Several lectures are devoted to the field of nuclear reactions at higher energies. Syllabus: Two body kinematics. Centre of mass and laboratory systems. Geometrical interpretation of the reaction cross section. Differential cross section. Potential scattering. The quantum theory of potential scattering by a short-range potential. Charged particle scattering. Classical and semiclassical description of scattering. Classical trajectory and the deflection function. The wave-optical description of potential scattering. Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction. Introduction to the formal theory of nuclear reactions. The general formalism for two-body channels. The T- and S- matrices. - The optical potential. 4. Classification of nuclear reactions. Basic reaction mechanisms in reactions induced by light and heavy ions. 5. Direct reactions and inelastic scattering. - The distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA). Applications in nuclear structure studies. Spectroscopic factors. - The coupled-channels formalism. 6. The compound nucleus. - The Bohr hypothesis. Reaction cross sections. - Compound-elastic and shape-elastic scattering. The Breit-Wigner formula. - The statistical model. The nuclear level density in the Fermi gas model and in the nuclear shell model. 7. Compound nucleus in heavy ion reactions. - The compound nucleus and its decay. Competition between particle evaporation, fission and gamma decay. - Complete fusion and its limitations. The critical angular momentum and the critical distance models. - Fusion of very heavy systems. Extra-push. - Incomplete fusion. 8. Deep-inelastic collisions (DIC). Experimental observations and theory. - Characteristic features of DIC. - Dissipative phenomena . Friction and one body dissipation. - Nuclear potentials - The "proximity” model. 9. The nuclear fission. - Characteristics of spontaneous and induced fission. - Doubly humped barriers. Fission isomers. - Time scales deduced from neutron multiplicities. - Very asymmetric fission. 10. Nuclear forces. - The nucleon-nucleon interaction. - The deuteron. - Spin and isospin dependence of nuclear forces. 11. Introduction to nuclear reactions at intermediate and low relativistic energies. - Kinematics: rapidity and its properties. - Collective effects, reaction plane, flow. - Theoretical descriptions: BUU and QMD. - Measurements of cross sections and angular distributions. - Equation of state. - Multifragmentation and particle production 12. Selected experimental methods. Detection of charged particles. - Delta E-E telescopes, position sensitive detectors. - Time-of-flight method. |
Literature: P. Fröbrich, R. Lipperheide, Theory of nuclear reactions. E. Gadioli, P. Hodgson, Preequilibrium nuclear reactions, chap.1-4. T. Mayer-Kuckuk, Fizyka j±drowa. A. Strzałkowski, Wstęp do fizyki j±dra atomowego. |
Prerequisites: Required: Quantum mechanics I, Introduction to nuclear and elementary particle physics. Suggested: Thermodynamics or Statistical physics I. |
Examination: Examination. |
Course: 413 Elements of Modern Optics |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Ernst |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207413 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: I. High resolution laser spectroscopy 1. Saturation spectroscopy 2. Two-photon spectroscopy 3. Polarisation spectroscopy 4. Quantum beats 5. Nonlinear Hanle effect 6. Application of 1 and 2 to hydrogen atom II. Unconventional techniques in laser spectroscopy 1. Optoacustic spectroscopy (OA) 2. Optogalvanic spectroscopy (OG) 3. Resonance ionisation spectroscopy (RIS) III. Elements of laser chemistry 1. Laser isotope separation 2. Laser induced chemical reactions 3. Clusters and laser snow IV. Remote spectral analysis 1. Atmospheric and stratospheric studies 2. Lidar (principle of operation and applications) V. Cooling and trapping of atoms 1. Doppler cooling 2. Sisyphus cooling 3. Magnetic and gravitational traps 4. Applications VI. Semiconductor diode lasers and their applications 1. Overtone molecular spectroscopy VII. Spectroscopy with atomic beams VIII. Optical pumping 1. Magnetometers 2. Atomic frequency standards IX. Rydberg atoms and their properties |
Literature: W.Demtroder, Spektroskopia laserowa, PWN. A.Corney, Atomic and Laser Spectroscopy, Clarendon Press. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Quantum mechanics I. Required: Quantum physics, Introduction to atomic, molecular and solid state physics or Introduction to optics and solid state physics (since 1998/9). |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 507 Laser physics |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Wódkiewicz |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207507 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Quantum optical amplifiers. Radiation in empty cavities Einstein theory of light-matter interactions. Classical and semiclassical theory of dispersion. Quantum theory of dispersion. Bloch equations. Semiclassical laser theory. Introduction to Lamb theory. Laser beams. Geometric optics of optical cavities. Wave theory of laser resonators. Optical coherence of laser light. Fluctuations and photon statistics of laser light. |
Literature: K. Shimoda, Wstęp do Fizyki laserów. P. Milonni, J. H. Eberly, Lasers. |
Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics I, Electrodynamics. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Solid state physics:
Course: 417 Solid state physics |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Marian Grynberg |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207417 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Introduction to crystallography. Electron in periodic potential. Nearly-free-electron approximation. Finite crystal, Born-von Karman periodical boundary conditions. Phonons and lattice vibrations. Motion of electrons and transport phenomena, the Boltzmann equation. Relaxation time approximation. The effective mass approximation, shallow impurity states. The optical properties of metals. The dynamic dielectric function. The optical properties of solid states, van Hove singularities. Intraband and interband magnetooptics. Free and bound excitons. Electronic structure of the cubic crystal under uniaxial stress. Highly doped crystals, hopping, metal isolator transition. Amorphous materials. Crystal surface. Heterostructures and quantum wells. Two-dimensional electron gas, quantization in the magnetic field. Quantum Hall Effect. Zero- and one-dimensional systems. |
Literature: N.W. Ashcroft, N.D. Mermin, Solid State Physics Ch Kittel , Introduction to Solid State Physics P.Yu, M. Cardona, Fundamental of Semiconductors |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Nuclear methods of solid state physics:
Course: 421 Structure and lattice dynamics of condensed matter |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Izabela Sosnowska |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207421 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Elements of modern crystallography. Symmetries in solids including symmetries of modulated structures and quasicrystals. Relation between structure, dynamics and physical properties of crystals. Interactions in condensed matter. Physical and structural properties of matter: magnetism, ferroelectricity, and superconductivity. Structure of ionic conductors, amorphous materials, liquid crystals and quasicrystals. Methods of crystal and magnetic structure investigations. Structural studies of condensed matter by using different experimental techniques. Influence of external parameters such as pressure, temperature and magnetic field on physical properties of matter. Phase transitions and their investigations. |
Literature: Z. Bojarski, M. Gigla, K. Stróż, M. Surowiec, Krystalografia, PWN, 1996. B.K. Weinstein, Modern Crystallography, Nauka, Moskwa 1979 (in English and Russian), vol.. I-IV. |
Prerequisites: Principles of X-ray and neutron diffraction, Physics V. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 511 Nuclear methods in solid state physics |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Izabela Sosnowska |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207511 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Nuclear methods in modern crystallography. Condensed matter studies at nuclear reactors, spallation sources and synchrotron radiation sources. Interactions of radiation with condensed matter. Neutron scattering and correlation functions. Atomic and magnetic ordering in condensed matter. The Debye-Waller and Lamb-Mössbauer factors. Dispersion relations of magnons and phonons. Phase transitions. Phonon density of states. Diffusion. Experimental methods of structure and lattice dynamics studies. Neutron scattering and other nuclear methods such as Mössbauer effect, NMR and synchrotron radiation and their application in materials science. |
Literature: Z. Bojarski, M. Gigla, K. Stróż, M. Surowiec, Krystalografia, PWN, 1996. B.K. Weinstein, Modern Crystallography, Nauka, Moskwa 1979 (in English and Russian), vol.. I-IV. |
Prerequisites: X-ray and neutron diffraction, Physics V, Quantum mechanics I, Structure and lattice dynamics of condensed matter. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
X-ray structural studies:
Course: 425 X-ray physics –I |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Jerzy Gronkowski and prof. dr hab. Maria Lefeld-Sosnowska |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207425 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: General properties, sources, synchrotron radiation. Interactions with matter (absorption, photoelectric effect, photoelectron spectroscopy; Thomson, Rayleigh and Compton scattering; refraction and x-ray reflectometry). Defects in crystals. Dynamical theory of diffraction (dynamical effects in perfect crystals, diffraction in distorted crystals, Takagi-Taupin theory, numerical simulations). |
Literature: J. Gronkowski, Materiały do wykładu 1995/96. N. A. Dyson, Promieniowanie rentgenowskie w fizyce atomowej i j±drowej. M. Lefeld-Sosnowska, Rozprawa habilitacyjna (UW 1979). |
Prerequisites: Required: Physics I, II, III, IV, Fundamentals of X-ray and neutron diffraction. Suggested: Introduction to atomic, molecular and solid state physics or Introduction to optics and solid state physics (since 1998/99), electrodynamics of continuous media. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 513 X-ray physics –II |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Jerzy Gronkowski and prof. dr hab. Maria Lefeld-Sosnowska |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.209513 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Experimental methods (standing waves, diffractometry, powder diffraction, lattice parameter determination, X-ray interferometry, X-ray optics, structure determination, many-beam cases, grazing-incidence diffraction, quasicrystals). X-ray scattering (inelastic scattering, comparison with neutrons; diffuse scattering, point defects studies; small-angle scattering). X-ray emission and absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS, SAXS). Overview of X-ray and other materials science methods (X-ray reflectometry, thin layer studies; X-ray microscopy; phase-contrast methods; X-ray lithography; electron spectroscopy, electron diffraction, LEED, RHEED). Free-electron lasers (undulators). |
Literature: J. Gronkowski, Materiały do wykładu 1995/96. N. A. Dyson, Promieniowanie rentgenowskie w fizyce atomowej i j±drowej. M. Lefeld-Sosnowska, Rozprawa habilitacyjna (UW 1979). |
Prerequisites: Required: Physics I, II, III, IV, Fundamentals of X-ray and neutron diffraction. Suggested: Introduction to atomic, molecular and solid state physics or Introduction to optics and solid state physics (since 1998/99), electrodynamics of continuos media. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 428 Quantum mechanics II (for students of Biophysics) |
Lecturer: dr hab. Maciej Geller |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 1 |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 1 Class hours per week: 1 |
Code: 13.207428 |
Credits: 6,5 |
Lecture covers introduction to quantum mechanics of molecules, molecular mechanics and theory of intermolecular interactions. Syllabus: From Schrödinger equation to SCF-HF-MO-LCAO method. Approximated Schrödinger equation solution of molecular sets. Born-Oppenheimer approximation, one electron approximation, Hartree-Fock method, self coherent field method (SCF) and wave function in a form of Slater determinant; Hartree-Fock-Roothaan method (LCAO). Ab initio and semiempirical methods. Physical interpretation of chemical bond stability. Bonding and antibonding orbitals; pi and sigma; hybridised orbitals. Methods of molecular mechanics. Description of intermolecular interactions. Rayleigh - Schrödinger perturbation calculus. Application of quantum description to electronic structure of molecules and biological macromolecules. |
Literature: W. Kołos, Chemia kwantowa. |
Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics I. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination. |
Course: 429 Biology |
Lecturer: doc. dr hab. Jan Sabliński |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.101429 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: Cell theory; general information about structure, functioning and organisation of the plant and animal cells, bacteria, viruses and subcellular structures. Cell cycle: chromosomes, gene code. Basics of genetics: genes, Mendel laws, segregation of genes, genotype-phenotype-environment. Human genetics, sex determination. Chromosome and gene mutations. Differentiation of cells. Regulation and expression of genes. Basics of physiology. Basics of molecular and clinical oncology. Human protooncogenes-oncogenes cancer illnesses. Basics of immunology: structure and production of antibodies, major histocompatibility complex, immune tolerance, autoaggression. Gene therapy. Transgenic animals. Basics of radiobiology- influence of ionising radiation on live organism. Selected topics in evolution. |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Examination. |
Course: 430 Organic chemistry |
Lecturer: dr hab. Zygmunt Kazimierczuk |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 4 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.303430 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Basics of organic chemistry. Special emphasis is put on the structure and properties of biological molecules (aminoacids, proteins, carbohydrates, derivatives of nucleic acids). Lecture prepares students to the biochemistry course. |
Literature: M. Masztalerz, Chemia organiczna. |
Prerequisites: Introduction to biophysics. |
Examination: Examination. |
Course: 432 Biochemistry |
Lecturer: dr hab. Ewa Kulikowska |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 4 Class hours per week: 4 |
Code: 13.607432 |
Credits: 10 |
Syllabus: 1.a. Proteins. Aminoacids, peptides. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins. Complex proteins. Classification. Molecular evolution of proteins. 1.b. Enzymes. Classification and terminology. The role of enzyme. Outline of enzymatic kinetics. Inhibition and activation. Allosteric enzymes. Regulation of enzyme activity. Mechanism of enzyme-catalysed reaction: structure of active site, catalytic mechanism. Enzymatic complexes. Coenzymes: structures, classes of catalysed reactions, selected electronic mechanisms. Coenzymes and vitamins. 1.c. Metabolic pathways of proteins. Proteolytic enzymes. Transmination, decarboxylation of aminoacids, oxidative deamination of glutamate. Urea cycle. Oxidative decarboxylation of alpha - ketoacids. Selected electronic mechanisms. 2.a. Nucleic acids. Primary structures of DNA and RNA. Outline of biosynthesis from precursors. DNA: secondary and tertiary structures. RNA: structures of tRNA, mRNA and rRNA. Nucleolytic enzymes. Genetic functions: DNA replication in prokaryotic and eucaryotic cells; RNA transcription: processing, splicing. Interrupted genes. Mechanism of genetic information transmission. Genetic code. Translation: protein biosynthesis in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. 2.b. Viruses in molecular biology. Classification. DNA viruses, bacteriophages, animal and plant RNA viruses. HIV virus: genome, replication and life-cycle. 3. Carbohydrates : structures and metabolism. Mono- and disaccharides. Glycosides. Animal and plant polysaccharides. Hydrolysis and phosphorolysis of polysaccharides. Glycolysis and fermentation. Substrate-level phosphorylation. Tricarboxylic acid cycle. Pentose phosphate pathway. Gluconeogenesis. Glycoproteins. 4. Lipids: structures and metabolism. Acylglycerols, phospholipids, glycolipids, waxes, steroids, terpens, vitamins. Metabolism: digestion of lipids, beta-oxidation of fatty acids, biosynthesis of fatty acids, acylglycerols and phospholipids. Lipoproteins. 5. Oxidative metabolism and bioenergetics. Exergonic and endergonic processes. Thermodynamic relationships and energy-rich compounds: ATP. Structure of mitochondrion: electron transport system. Electron- transfer components and their standard oxidation-reduction potential values. Free enthalpy changes in redox reactions. Mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation - Mitchell’s chemiosmotic hypothesis. Net yields of ATP during oxidative and glycolytic pathways. 6. Photosynthesis. Light-dependent and dark reactions. Carbon fixation cycle. Structure of chloroplast. Antenna complex and light absorbing pigments. Light-induced electron transport. Structures and roles of photosystems II and I . Noncyclic and cyclic photophosphorylations. 7. Biochemistry of cellular organelles. Characteristics of eucaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Biological membranes: structure and chemical composition. Mechanisms of passive mediated and active mediated membrane transport systems. Channels and pores, transporters, ionophores. ATPase sodium-potassium pump: structure and function. Calcium pump. Cellular nucleus: structure of eucariotic chromosome. Procaryotic chromosome, plasmids, transposons. Biochemical functions of mitochondrion, ribosome and endoplasmic reticulum. 8. Metabolic interrelationships. Steps of cellular catabolism. Metabolite exchange between tricarboxylic acids cycle and protein, carbohydrate and lipid metabolic pools. Aerobic and anaerobic catabolism balance in cell, allosteric control. 9.a. Regulation of metabolism, Jacob’s and Monod’s model of enzymatic induction and repression. Other mechanisms of genetic-level regulation. DNA binding regulatory proteins in eukaryotes. 9.b. Endogenic regulatory compounds: allosteric inhibition and activation of enzymes ( and of biochemical pathways). Regulatory role of membrane transport and enzymatic complexes. 9.c. Intercellular signalization. Messengers for regulatory information: hormones and neurotransmitters. Hormones: mechanisms action. Hormonal cascades of signals. Protein phosphorylation system: cAMP-dependent protein kinases, G proteins and other proteins. 9.d. Nervous system: regulatory function. Action potential, propagation of depolarization of neuron membrane along an axon and at synapses: mechanisms of the processes. Excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. Role of calcium ions and of calmodulin. Neurotransmitters and memory. Drugs and piosons related to synaptic transmission. |
Literature: L. Stryer, Biochemia. A.L. Lehninger, Biochemia. P. Karlson, Zarys Biochemii, t. I i II. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Introduction to biophysics. Required: Organic chemistry. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises. Examination. |
Course: 433 Molecular spectroscopy |
Lecturer: dr hab. Mieczysław Remin |
Semester: summer
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.208433 |
Credits: 6 |
Syllabus: Theory, methods and application (molecular structure and dynamics) of molecular spectroscopy; nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) - classical and quantum descriptions of the spin system, relaxation, NMR parameters (chemical shifts, scalar couplings, etc.), 1H, 13C and 31P NMR in one- and two dimensions; electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR); IR and UV-VIS absorption, fluorescence - energy levels in the molecule, transition probabilities, electronic, oscillation and rotation spectra, circular dichroism; light dispersion and Raman spectroscopy; mass spectrometry; Mössbauer effect. |
Literature: P.W. Atkins, Physical Chemistry. A. Abragam, Principles of magnetic resonance. G. Herzberg, Molecular spectra and molecular structure. H. Günter, Spektroskopia wysokiej zdolno¶ci rodzielczej NMR. Z. Kęcki, Podstawy spektroskopii molekularnej. R. Ernst, G. Bodenhausen, Principles of nuclear magnetic resonance in one and two dimmension. T. James, Biomedical magnetic resonance. T. Evans, Biomolecular NMR spektroscopy. Journals of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, ed. G. D. Fullerton; Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ed. F. W. Wehrli, |
Practical exercises: Laboratory of physical chemistry - spectroscopic exercises, 2nd semester, 4th year. Prerequisites: Suggested: Statistical physics. Required: Quantum mechanics I. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises. Examination. |
Course: 515 Molecular biophysics I |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Ryszard Stolarski |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 4 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.909515 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Conformation, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th order structures, dynamics of molecular motions, intra- and intermolecular interactions, of proteins and nucleic acids; basic experimental and theoretical methods of biopolymer investigations: sequencing, electrophoresis, ultracentrifugation, NMR, X-ray diffraction, molecular dynamics (MD) and restrained molecular dynamics (rMD); protein folding in vitro and in vivo; specific recognition between biopolymers and small ligands, as well as between proteins and nucleic acids; kinetics of enzymatic reactions and ribozymes. |
Literature: W. Saenger, Princilples of nucleic acid structure. T. E. Creighton, Proteins. Structures and molecular properties. |
Practical exercises: Laboratory of biophysics, 180 h, 1st semester, 5th year. Prerequisites: Molecular spectroscopy and Biochemistry. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 516 Molecular genetics |
Lecturer: dr hab. Edward Darżynkiewicz |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.909516 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: Selected, most important topics in modern molecular genetics. Structure of DNA: helical structure, different helical types, DNA and chromosomes, methods of DNA structure studies. Transcription . DNA sequence. Structure and function of RNA. Splicing, capping, poliadenylation. Intracellular transport of RNA. Biosynthesis of proteins. Genetic engineering. |
Literature: Genetyka molekularna, red. Piotr Węgleński, PWN. Nowe tendencje w biologii molekularnej i inżynierii genetycznej oraz medycynie, Wyd. Sorus, Poznań. A. Jerzmanowski, Geny i ludzie. L. Stryer, Biochemia. |
Prerequisites: Biochemistry (for students of Biophysics). |
Examination: Examination. |
Course: 518 Introduction to mathematical and numerical modelling in natural sciences |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Bohdan Lesyng |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 11.009518 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Modern computer architecture. Theory and experiment. Modelling and simulations. Discretisation of phase space. Periodic boundary conditions. Monte-Carlo algorithms. Simple discrete models. Review of quantum methods for determination of microscopic potentials of atomic and molecular systems Born-Oppenheimer approximation Hartree-Fock approximation Perturbation calculus in polarisation approximation Density functional Simulation of discrete systems in equilibrium conditions. Simulation of time evolution of discrete systems. Selected applications Structure and dynamics of nucleic acids. Structure and dynamics of proteins. |
Literature: J. M. Haile, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Elementary Methods. R. W. Hockney, J. W. Eastwood, Computer Simulation Using Particles. M. P. Allen, D. J. Tildesley, Computer Simulation of Liquids. J. A. McCammon, S. Harvey, Dynamics of Proteins and Nucleic Acids. B. Lesyng, J. A. McCammon, Molecular Modeling Methods, Basic Techniques and Challenging Problems in Pharmac.Ther. vol. 60, pp.149-167, 1993. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Statistical physics I, Introduction to atomic, molecular and solid state physics or Introduction to optics and solid state physics. Required: Physics I, II, III, IV, V, Quantum mechanics I. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination. |
Course: 519 Molecular biophysics II |
Lecturer: many lecturers (coordination prof. dr hab. Ryszard Stolarski) |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 4 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.909519 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Continuation of Molecular biophysics I. Dedicated for students preparing their M. Sc. theses, based on experimental investigations in biophysics - those interested in the theoretical investigations can choose the lecture: Methods of Molecular Modelling. Survey and Practical Applications (Prof. B. Lesyng). Presentations, by several lecturers, of current scientific research conducted in the Department of Biophysics as well as in collaborative institutes worldwide, e.g. NMR in biology and medicine, crystallisation of biopolymers, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, computer modelling of macro-molecules, biomembranes and bioenergetics. |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: Molecular biophysics I. |
Examination: Written examination. |
Course: 520 Molecular modelling methods. Review and applications. |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Bohdan Lesyng |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 11.009520 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Experimental techniques of structure and dynamics of biopolymere studies. Introduction to electronic theory of molecules. Electronic density function. Macroscopic models of intermolecular interactions. Potential energy function for macromolecules. Micromechanics and molecular dynamics. Molecular dynamics simulations. Quantum dynamics of molecular systems. Molecular mesoscopic models. Different time scales of dynamic molecular processes. Protein folding. |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Quantum mechanics I, Quantum chemistry, Introduction to atomic, molecular and solid state physics or Introduction to optics and solid state physics, Introduction to mathematical and numerical modelling in natural sciences. Required: Introduction to biophysics, Physics I, II, III, IV, V. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises. Examination. |
Medical physics:
Course: 435 Fundamental problems of biomedical sciences |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Jan Doroszewski |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: |
Code: 12.905435 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: This lecture presents in a contemporary and synthetic form basic elements of construction and functions of the human organism. Description involves diverse structural levels, beginning with molecular and cellular levels to tissues, organs and systems until the organism as a whole. Particular attention is paid to dependencies connecting normal and pathological phenomena on different levels, especially related to regulatory processes and their disfunctions. Lecture includes the principles of methodological approach to diagnostic and therapeutic problems. |
Literature: Fizjologia człowieka z elementami fizjologii stosowanej i klinicznej, wyd. 2, red. W. Z. Traczyk i A.Trzebski, PZWL, Warszawa 1989. W. Z. Traczyk, Fizjologia człowieka w zarysie. Podstawy cytofizjologii, red. J. Kawiak i in., PWN. Podstawy biofizyki - podręcznik dla studentów medycyny, red. A.Pilawski, PZWL. Biochemia Harpera, wyd. 3, red. R. K. Murray i in., PZWL. Anatomia człowieka, wyd. 5, red, J. Sokołowska-Pituchowa, PZWL. Michajlik, W. Ramotowski, Anatomia i fizjologia człowieka, PZWL. Patofizjologia – podręcznik dla studentów medycyny, PZWL. |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 436 Principles of medical diagnostics |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Jerzy Tołwiński |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.206436 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Physical problems in radiodiagnostics. Diagnostic examination techniques. Imaging equipment and its physical parameters. Computer Tomography in Roentgen diagnostics and nuclear medicine. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Sources of radiation: RTG lamps and radiopharmaceutic drugs. Radiation detectors. X-rays and gamma radiation in biological objects. Imaging methods in medical diagnostics. Data processing in qualitative diagnostics and presentation of results. Statistical methods in imaging techniques. Evaluation of diagnostic images quality. Dosimetry of radiation and equipment used in medical diagnostics. Patient's exposure to ionising radiation. Radioprotection in sites applying ionising radiation. Quality control of diagnostic equipment operation. |
Literature: The physics of medical imaging,, red. S. Webb. P. Sprawls, Physical principles of medical imaging. Effective use of computers in nuclear medicine, red. Gelfand. Problemy biocybernetyki i inż. biomed, red. M. Nałęcz, tom 1-6. H. Morneburg, Bildgebene, Systeme fur die medizinische diagnostic. Hospital health physics, red.G. Eichholz, J. Shonke. Wybrane artykuły w czasopismach: Medical Physics, Am. Assoc. Phys. Med, Physics in Medicine and Biology, IOP Publishing Ltd. |
Prerequisits: Introduction to nuclear and elementary particles physics. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination. |
Course: 437 Statistical methods of data analysis |
Lecturer: dr Piotr J. Durka |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2/2 Class hours per week: 2/2 |
Code: 11.205437 |
Credits: 10 |
Syllabus: Probability - independent events, random variable, probability density function, mean, variance. Distributions: uniform, binomial, Poisson, Gauss, chi square Central Limit Theorem, The Law of Large Numbers, Chebyshev's inequality Random samples - statistics. Estimators: unbiased and consistent. Maximum likelihood method. Hypothesis testing; Student's distribution, bivariate normal distribution, correlation, covariance matrix. Linear regression. F distribution. Applications: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Chi square test of goodness of fit. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Principal component analysis (PCA), Factor analysis. Discriminant analysis. Nonparametric tests. Cluster analysis. laboratory: Systat, Matlab, C. Binary representations of characters, numbers, images etc. Notion of algorithm's computational complexity – notation O(.). NP-hard problems. Hilbert space L^2(0, 2 pi). Set of vectors: linearly independent, orthogonal, basis. Fourier coefficients. Isomorphism of L^2 and l^2. Spectral analysis: Fourier series, Parseval theorem, Fourier transform. Spectral power density. Convolution theorem. AR, ARMA processes. Linear time invariant systems (LTI). Impulse response function. Description by linear differential equations. Z transform. System function. Construction of frequency filters - theory and practice. Modelling and analysis of simple systems. Briefly: estimation of signal's energy density in the time-frequency plane. Spectrogram, Wignertransform, wavelets, Matching Pursuit. Fractals and deterministic chaos. Artificial neural networks. lab:Matlab, Simulink |
Literature: Basic scripts with equations and theorems (PostScript): ftp://brain.fuw.edu.pl/pub/statys.ps - statistics and ftp://brain.fuw.edu.pl/pub/sigproc.ps - signal analysis |
Prerequisites: Analysis, Algebra, Computer Programming I and II. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination. |
Course: 438 Bioelectric phenomena and elements of biocybernetics |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Cie¶lak-Blinowska |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.907438 |
Credits: 4,5 |
Syllabus: Transport of ions in the neural and muscle cells. Generation of electric potentials across biological membrane. Hodgkin-Huxley theory. Propagation of electrical excitation in neurones. Synaptic transmission and postsynaptic potentials. Transmission in neural pools. Electric phenomena in muscle cells. Muscle control mechanisms. Electric phenomena in sensory organs. Active transduction of stimulus. Mechanisms providing high sensitivity and resolution. Volume conduction. The electrical properties of biological tissues and their influence on potentials measured in the different regimes. Principles of the stochastic signals analysis. Physiological signals: EEG, ERP, EMG, EKG, ERG, EOG, EDG, OAE, MEG, MKG - generation, registration, analysis methods, clinical applications. Modelling of the electrical activity of neural pools, Freeman and Lopes da Silva models. Artificial neural networks. Formal neurones. Perceptron and Adaline. Hopfield networks (association memory). Multi-layer networks with back-propagation. Learning rules: supervised, unsupervised, competitive learning. |
Literature: P. Nunez, Electric fields of the brain. W. J. Freeman, Mass action in the nervous system. J. Hertz, A. Krogh, R. Palmer, Wstęp do teorii obliczeń neuronowych. |
Prerequisites: Electrodynamics. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 441 Physical principles of radiotherapy and dosimetry of ionising radiation |
Lecturer: dr Paweł Kukołowicz |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 1 |
Code: 12.906441 |
Credits: 4 |
Syllabus: Introduction to clinical radiobiology - description of cell death, tumor control probability, normal tissue complications - early and late injuries, linear-quadratic model - exercises. Introduction to dosimetry of ionising radiation, KERMA, absorbed dose and relationships, IAEA Report 277, calculations of absorbed dose - exercises. Dose distribution for ionising radiation - electron and photon beams, percent depth dose, profile data, isodose lines, dose rate, Cunningham's model of beam (primary and scatter dose), calculations of treatment time - exercises. Introduction to treatment planning - major techniques of teleradiotherapy, optimisation of dose distribution, treatment planning system - exercises. |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination. |
Course: 524 Mathematical modelling of biological processes |
Lecturer: dr Piotr Franaszczuk |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours: 30 Class hours: 0 |
Code: 11.007524 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: Introduction (qualitative analysis of point model). Dynamical models. Elements of qualitative analysis of dynamical systems. Elements of chemical reaction dynamics (enzymatic reactions). Models of cell culture. Stochastic models. Elements of chaotic systems dynamics. Simulation models of neural networks. |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Examination. |
Course: 525 Biochemistry |
Lecturer: dr hab. Ewa Kulikowska |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.608525 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: Characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Proteins. Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures of proteins. Molecular evolution of proteins. Enzymes. Classification and terminology. Role of enzyme. Activation and inhibition. Allosteric enzymes. Regulation of enzyme activity. Coenzymes. Mechanisms of catalysis. Enzymatic complexes. Outline of carbohydrates and lipids structures. Outline of protein, carbohydrate and lipid catabolism. Substrate-level phosphorylation. Tricarboxylic acid cycle. Oxidative metabolism and bioenergetics. Exergonic and endergonic processes. Thermodynamic relationships and energy-rich compounds: ATP. Structure of mitochondrion: electron transport system. Electron- transfer components and their standard oxidation-reduction potential values. Free enthalpy changes in redox reactions. Mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation - Mitchell’s chemiosmotic hypothesis. Net yields of ATP during oxidative and glycolytic pathways. Photosynthesis. Light-dependent and dark reactions. Structure of chloroplast. Outline of carbon fixation cycle. Antenna complex and light absorbing pigments. Light-induced electron transport. Structures and roles of photosystems II and I. Noncyclic and cyclic photophosphorylations. Nucleic acids: structures and functions. DNA: structures of eukaryotic and prokaryotic chromosomes. Plasmids, transposons. Replication. Mutations and repair of DNA. Mutations and cancer. p53 protein. RNA: transcription, processing, splicing, interrupted genes. tRNA, mRNA, rRNA. Translation: protein biosynthesis. Genetic code. The basis of genetic engineering. Agents that cause cancer in animals. DNA viruses, RNA viruses, bacteriophages: structures, main types. Scheme of life cycle. Lysogenic phages. HIV virus: structure and life cycle. Viroides and evolution of viruses. Biological membranes : structure and chemical composition. Mechanisms of passive mediated and active mediated membrane transport systems. Channels and pores, transporters, ionophores. ATPase sodium-potassium pump: structure and function. Calcium pump. Regulation of metabolism. Genetic-level regulation: Jacob’s and Mond’s model of enzymatic induction and repression. Endogenic regulatory compounds: allosteric inhibition and activation of enzymes ( and of biochemical pathways). Intercellular signalization. Messengers for regulatory information: hormones and neurotransmitters. Hormones: mechanisms of action. Hormonal cascades of signals. Protein phosphorylation system: cAMP-dependent protein kinases, transducing G protein and other proteins. Nervous system: regulatory function. Action potential, propagation of depolarisation of neurone membrane along an axon and at synapses: mechanisms of the processes. Excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. Role of calcium ions and of calmodulin. Neurotransmitters and memory. Drugs and poisons related to synaptic transmission. Visual system. Structure of eye: retina, rods and cones. Mechanism of vision: transducing of sensory input into an electrical signal. Role of rhodopsin, transducin and other proteins: photochemical, biochemical and electrical events. Muscle contraction. Structure of skeletal muscle cell. Mechanism of contraction : role of myosin-ATPase, actin and other proteins. Regulatory role of calcium ions and calsequestrin. |
Literature: L. Stryer, Biochemia. S. Rose, S. Bullock, Chemia życia. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Introduction to biophysics. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 526 Radiometry and radioecology |
Lecturer: dr Bogumiła Mysłek-Laurikainen |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.506526 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: Radiation in natural environment. Environment monitoring in Poland. Maximal dose. Radiation danger in nuclear medicine. Results of radioactive environment pollution (Czarnobyl, test nuclear explosions). Energy and nuclear energetics. Short and long term radiation results. Microdosymetry. Safety precautions for radioactive sources. |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Environmental physics:
Selected core, specialisation and monographic courses for specialisations, which co-operates within environmental physics program and courses in chemistry.
Course: 443 General chemistry |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Piotr Wrona |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.303443 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 443 Organic chemistry |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Czarnocki |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.303443 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 444 Chemical laboratory I |
Head: dr hab. Ewa Bulska |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 0 Class hours per week: 3 |
Code: 13.304444 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Pass of exercises. |
Course: 444 Chemical laboratory II |
Head: dr hab. Krystyna Pyrzyńska |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 0 Class hours per week: 3 |
Code: 13.304444 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: Chemical laboratory I. |
Examination: Pass of exercises. |
Fourier optics and information processing:
Course: 448 Fourier optics |
Lecturer: dr Kazimierz Gniadek |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207448 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: Mathematical fundamentals of Fourier optics: analytical representation of one- and two-dimensional (1-D and 2-D) signals; convolution and correlation; 2-D Fourier transform; Fourier-Bessel, Hilbert and Mellin transforms and their relation to Fourier transform; 2-D sampling theorem; discrete Fourier transform. Optical system as a 2-D linear system: spatial invariance; impulse response; transfer function. Physical fundamentals of Fourier optics: light waves; complex amplitude; superposition principle; spatial frequencies; Kirchhoff's theory of diffraction; Rayleigh -Sommerfeld's theory of diffraction; diffraction in the Fraunhoffer region as a Fourier transform of light field. Transforming properties of a lens: lens as an element which transforms phase of a light wave; lens as an element which Fourier transforms distribution of complex amplitude; lens as an imaging element; impulse response of a lens. Filtration of spatial frequencies and optical signal processing: coherent 4f type processor; computer generated spatial frequency filters; Lohmann's method of amplitude and phase coding; optical realisation of chosen mathematical operations; matched filters and pattern recognition; scale and rotation invariant correlators; visualisation of phase objects; multichannel processing of 1-D optical signals; incoherent image processing. Optical system as a spatial frequency filter: formation of images with coherent and incoherent illumination; coherent and incoherent transfer function; comparison of imaging with coherent and incoherent light. |
Literature: K. Gniadek, Optyczne przetwarzanie informacji, PWN, Warszawa, 1993. K. Gniadek, Optyka fourierowska, wyd. Polit. Warsz., 1987. J. W.Goodman, Introduction to Fourier Optics, NcGraw-Hill, New York,1968. E. G. Steward, Fourier Optics - an introduction, Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, 1987. W.T. Cathey, Optyczne przetwarzanie informacji i holografia, PWN, Warszawa, 1978. |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 449 Optical information processing |
Lecturer: dr Kazimierz Gniadek |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207449 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: Optical information processing as an interdisciplinary field of science. Generalised model of an optical information processing system. Coherent optical processors with feedback. Optical computing of partial differential and integral equations using filtration of spatial frequencies method. Image processing in coherent and quasi-coherent systems with feedback. Incoherent processing of optical signals. Hybrid optoelectronic processors and its applications. Nonlinear image processing. Halftoning. Nonlinear operations using halftoning technique. Theta modulation. Optical implementation of logic functions. Analog-digital image processing. Space variant optical systems. Optical implementations of linear space variant operations on 1-D and 2-D signals. Geometrical transformations in optics. Image enhancement. Optical tomography. Radon transform and its relationship to Fourier transform. Optical Radon transform. Optical and optoelectronic implementations of neural network and associative memory models. Associative properties of holograms. Hopfield neural network and its optical implementations. Cellular networks and its hybrid ctronic implementations. Note: Lectures are given at the Faculty of Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics of Warsaw Technical University |
Literature: K. Gniadek, Optyczne przetwarzanie informacji, PWN, Warszawa, 1993. H. Stark, Applications of Optical Fourier Transforms, Academic Press, New York,1984. Original papers in optical journals : Applied Optics, Journal of the Optical Soc. of America, Optics Communications. |
Prerequisites: Fourier optics. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Geophysics – Physics of Atmosphere:
Course: 482 General meteorology |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Haman |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 07.707482 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: The lecture deals with basic problems of meteorology 1. Introductory informations on composition and structure of the atmosphere 2. Multiscale structure of atmospheric processes. 3.Quasiequilibria and interscale interactions. 4. Radiation in the atmosphere. 5. Energetics of the atmosphere - atmosphere as a heat engine. 6.. Fundamentals of atmospheric circulations. General circulation of atmosphere; Synoptic scale motions; mezoscale motions and local phenomena; atmospheric turbulence and boundary layer 7. Weather and climate: Components of weather and climate; Review of selected atmospheric phenomena; Air masses, fronts, baric systems. Climatic zones; 8. Selected problems of modern atmospheric physics the role of atmosphere-ocean interactions. greenhouse effect and global warming - ozone in atmosphere, “ozone hole”. |
Literature: J.V. Iribarne, H. R. Cho, Fizyka atmosfery. S. P. Chromow, Meteorologia i klimatologia. |
Prerequisites: Introduction to geophysics. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 484 Foundations of hydrodynamics |
Lecturer: dr Konrad Bajer |
Semester: winter (for students of geophysics) |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 2 |
Semester: summer (for students of Physics of atmosphere) |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.207484 |
Credits: 6,5 + 5 |
Syllabus: Summary of vector calculus. Continuity equation. Eulerian and Lagrangian description. Equations of streamlines, pathlines and streaklines. Material derivative. Incompressibility. Vorticity. Incompressible and irrotational parts of the velocity field. Flows with symmetry and streamfunctions. Stress tensor (definition, symmetries). Stress tensor in a fluid at rest. Integral over material lines, surfaces and volumes and their time derivatives. Integral of a scalar function over material volume. Evolution equation for a material line element. Integral of a scalar function over material surface. Equation of motion of a fluid (momentum equation). Stress tensor in a moving fluid. Strain tensor. Stress
tensor in a Newtonian fluid. Viscosity. Navier-Stokes equation.
Equation of motion for incompressible fluid. Euler equation.
Lamb’s form of the Euler equation. Bernoulli equation.
Boundary conditions on a surface separating two continuous media.
Kinematical boundary condition. No-slip condition.
Kinematical boundary condition on a free surface.
Singular nature of the Energy equation. Energy equation in a Newtonian fluid. Viscous dissipation of energy. Difference between hydrodynamical and thermodynamical pressure, bulk viscosity. Basic relations of thermodynamics. Equation of state. First principle of thermodynamics. Second principle of thermodynamics. Functions of state, Maxwell relations. Specific heat. Thermal expansion coefficient. Entropy equation. Temperature equation. Complete set of equations for a Newtonian fluid. Time-dependent one-dimensional flow. Diffusion equation. Propagator of the diffusion equation. Influence of viscosity on the discontinuity of velocity. The concept of similarity solutions. Characteristic length- and time-scales of diffusion. Flat plate starting from rest. Flow between two parallel flat plates one starting from rest, temporal development of the velocity profile. Flow in a circular pipe with suddenly imposed pressure gradient. Equations of motion in a moving frame of reference. Coordinate transformation to an inertial frame of reference. Centrifugal force and Coriolis force. Eckman spiral under a surface with constant tangential stress (wind above the ocean surface). Eckman spiral over horizontal (solid) surface with constant pressure gradient (wind above the ground). Rossby number. The concept of large-scale flow and the meaning of dimensionless numbers. Vorticity and circulation, Kelvin’s theorem. Circulation around a material curve. Absolute vorticity. Barotropic flows. Kelvin theorem and its consequences. Vorticity dynamics. |
Literature: D. J. Acheson, Elementary Fluid Dynamics. G. K. Batchelor, An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics. M. J. Lighthill, An informal Introduction to Theoretical Fluid Mechanics. R. Patterson, A first Course in Fluid Dynamics. M. Van Dyke, An Album of Fluid Motion. Cz. Rymarz, Mechanika O¶rodków Ci±głych. |
Prerequisites: Mathematical analysis, Algebra, Mathematical methods of physics, Electrodynamics. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination after first and second semester. |
Course: 485 Experimental meteorology |
Lecturer: dr Ryszard Balcer |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 1 |
Code: 07.708485 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Measurement problems in atmospheric physics. The performance characteristics of measuring systems. In situ measurements of main atmospheric parameters: temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity, evaporation, clouds, rainfall; visibility, aerosol, solar radiation. Measurements of atmospheric electricity: electrical field, ions, thundercloud discharges. Measurements in the upper atmosphere: rawinsondes. Remote sensing methods: radar, sodar, lidar. Satellite meteorology: cloud images, temperature and humidity, wind, SST. World Weather Watch |
Literature: T. Kopcewicz, Fizyka atmosfery. E. Strauch, Metody i przyrz±dy pomiarowe w meteorologii i hydrologii. J. V. Iribarne, H. R. Cho, Fizyka atmosfery. Miernictwo elektryczne wielko¶ci nieelektrycznych. Atlas Chmur – IMGW. Podstawy Metrologii Meteorologicznej - IMGW (w druku). |
Prerequisites: Physics I-V. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 486 Theoretical meteorology I |
Lecturer: dr Szymon Malinowski |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 07.708486 |
Credits: 6,5 |
Syllabus: The lecture covers fundamentals of meteorology and ocean physics: 1 Composition and structure of atmosphere and ocean. Hydrostatic stability. 2 Radiation in atmosphere. Atmosphere and ocean as heat machines. 3 Weather and climate: components of weather and climate; atmospheric phenomena; air masses, fronts, synpotic systems. 4 Basic information on atmospheric and oceanic circulations: multiscale interactions; motions in global scale, synoptic scale, mesoscale; turbulence. 5 Global Change: greenhouse effect; atmospheric ozone; human impact. |
Literature: J. V. Iribarne, H. R. Cho, Fizyka Atmosfery. J. V. Iribarne, Atmospheric thermodynamics. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Foundations of hydrodynamics, Thermodynamics. Required: General meteorology. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, oral examination. |
Course: 535 Methods of meteorological data processing |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Haman |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.207535 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: 1. Introductory informations Data processing as reduction and selection of available information. Redundancy. Representation of atmospheric processes in various scales. Types of meteorological and climatologiocal data. Organisation of data collection, transmission and processing. 2. Processing and analysis of synoptic data. Verification and correction of observational data. Sources and types of errors. The use of redundancy for error detection and correction. Interpolation and representation of continuos fields. Interpolation to regular networks. Main techniques of interpolation - linear, polynomial, splines etc. The use of climatological and prognostic data in interpolation. Assimilation of asynchronic data. Filtration of synoptic data. Subjective and objective analysis. Decomposition into orthogonal series. Visualisation - superposition and animation of images. Automatic processing of satellite and radar images. 3. Processing and analysis of climatological data. Foundations of probability, statistics and stochastic processes theories – recollection. Stochastic fields. Correlation and autocorrelations. White noise. Canonical decomposition of stochastic processes and fields. Time series analysis. Canonical decomposition. Stationary series. Classical Fourier analysis. Power spectra. Latent periodicities. FFT. Red and blue noise. Wavelets. Analysis of stochastic fields. Natural orthogonal functions and their applications in climatological analysis. Uniform and isotropic fields. Objective interpolation. |
Literature: R. Daley, Atmospheric Data Analysis. |
Prerequisites: Experimental meteorology, Mathematical methods of geophysics. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, oral examination. |
Course: 536 Theoretical meteorology II |
Lecturer: dr Szymon Malinowski |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 07.709536 |
Credits: 6,5 |
Syllabus: The lecture covers fundamentals of dynamic meteorology: Scale analysis of equations of motion. Geostrophic approximmation. Prognostic equations. Circulation and vorticity. Potential vorticity. An introduction to the atmospheric boundary layer and turbulence. Effect of boundary layer on large scale motions. Quasi-geostrophic approximmation. Atmospheric waves. Linearisation. Instabilities in atmospheric motions. Atmospheric circulations. Mesoscale circulations. Global circulation. Introduction to numerical weather prediction. |
Literature: J. R. Holton, An Introduction to dynamic meteorology. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Synoptic meteorology. Required: Theoretical meteorology I, Foundations of hydrodynamics. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, oral examination. |
Course: 539 Applied meteorology |
Lecturer: dr Lech Łobocki and dr Henryk Piwkowski |
Semester: summer and winter |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 3 |
Code: 07.709539 |
Credits: 15 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: S. Petterseen, Weather analysis and forecasting. S. P. Chromov, Osnovy sinopticeskoj meteorologii. A. S. Zverev, Sinopticeskaja meteorologia. Compendium of meteorology, vol.1, part 3 - Synoptic meteorology, WMO - No. 364, 1978. R. K. Anderson, The use of satellite pictures in weather analysis and forecasting. Techn. Note No.124, WMO – No. 333. Images in weather forecasting, red. M. J. Bader et al. |
Prerequisites: Theoretical meteorology I, Experimental meteorology. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination. |
Course: 540 Selected topics in physics of atmosphere |
Lecturer: doc. dr hab. Janusz Borkowski |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.209540 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Dynamics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer 1. Introduction Basic information on boundary layer, depth and structure of the boundary layer, significance of the boundary layer. 2. Basic governing equations Equations of motion and heat conservation, Boussinesq approximation, turbulent motion, equations for mean and fluctuating variables, Reynolds stress, equations of higher moments, energy budget, Richardson number, closure problem, parameterisation of the boundary layer in large scale models 3. Flux-profile relationship Similarity theory and dimensional analysis, logarithmic profile, Monin-Obuchov theory, similarity predictions for variances of the velocity components and temperature. 4. Fluxes at the Earth surface Fluxes of the sensible and latent heat, evapotranspiration, Bowen ratio. 5. Convective boundary layer Structure of the convective boundary layer, diurnal variation, Tennekes model. 6. Stable boundary layer Structure of the layer, evolution, low level jet. |
Literature: R. Stull, An introduction to boundary layers meteorology. J. R. Garrat, The atmospheric boundary layer. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Theoretical meteorology. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, oral examination. |
Geophysics – Physics of lithosphere:
Course: 483 Mathematical methods of geophysics |
Lecturer: dr Jerzy Różański |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 3 |
Code: 11.103483 |
Credits: 15 |
Syllabus: The lecture is an introduction to so called "applied mathematics" and it should give an imagination about basic mathematical problems close to this, which we meet in practice, but still possible to solving. Practice include the following parts: Partial differential equation (I order linear and non-linear, linear II order of three classification types: hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic), Methods of Hilbert Spaces (integral equation, Sturm-Liouville's Problem, variational problems,...) Stochastic methods (basic probabilistic notions and introduction to stochastic processes). |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: Mathematical Analysis, Algebra with Geometry, Mathematical Methods of Physics. |
Examination: Colloquia (4), examination. |
Course: 488 Mechanics of continuous media – elastomechanics (for students of Lithosphere) |
Lecturer: dr hab. Leszek Czechowski |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.207488 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Idea of the mechanics of continuous media. Reological properties of material. Mathematical methods: non-Cartesian coordinate systems, differential operators. Substantial derivative. Tensors and their properties. Lagrangian and spatial Euler's of deformation. Tensors of deformation and conditions of compatibility. Fundamental theorem of the mechanics of continuous media. Methods of simulation: dimensionless equations and dimensional analysis. Constitutive equations. Elastic medium: small deformation, elastic waves (longitudinal, transverse, surface), reflection, Snellius law, head wave. Media of more complicated reology: Maxwell’s body and Kelvin’s body. Fractures and dislocation in the continuum medium: method of description and simple examples. |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: Foundations of hydrodynamics. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, oral examination. |
Course: 489 Physics of lithosphere and planetology |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Jacek Leliwa-Kopystyński |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.207489 |
Credits: 10 |
Syllabus: Solar System and Planetary System as its central part. Scales of the distances, of time and of energy as applied to the above Systems. Classification of the bodies (planets and satellites) of the Solar System according to their sizes and to their mean densities. Small bodies: Oort cloud, Kuiper belt, Centaur-type objects. Solar - planets and Solar - terrestrial interaction. Kepler's laws. Resonances orbit - orbit and spin - orbit (synchronous rotation of the planetary satellites). Inclinations of planetary rotation axis: tropical circles, arctic circles, seasons. Solar constant. Albedo. Temperatures of the planetary surfaces. Comparison of the solar flux of energy and of intrinsic planetary flux. Stability and escape planetary atmospheres: Jeans' formula. Gravity field of the Earth and of the planets. Spherical harmonics of gravity potential. Approximate solutions for the Earth's potential. Rotation of the Earth. Figure of the Earth. Distribution of the gravity field on the Earth's surface. Precession and nutation. Roche limit of stability against disruption; an example: comet SL9. Surfaces of the planets and of the satellites. The main achievements of the planetary missions. Evolution of planetary surfaces (resurfacing) due to internal convection. Plate tectonics on the Earth. Volcanism, weathering, and impacts as the main phenomena forming the planetary surface. Origin and age of the Solar System. Kelvin formula for the age. Isotope dating. Abundances of the elements in the Universe, in the Sun, in the protoplanetary nebula, in the meteorites, and in the planets. Condensational sequence. Accretion of planets, of satellites and of cometary nuclei. Scaling of the impact phenomena. Giant impacts, origin of the Moon. Catastrophic collisions (KT boundary). Spherical-symmetric planet. Equations of state of different media at high pressure and high temperature conditions. Distribution of pressure, of temperature, of gravity acceleration. Accretion and radioactivity as the sources of internal energy of planets. Gravitational differentiation. Multi-layered planetary models. The Earth. Model PREM. The boundaries of composition and of phase change. Distributions of pressure, of temperature, of gravity acceleration, of the velocities of the seismic waves, of composition, of material parameters (heat conductivity, viscosity, melting temperature). Note: There are rather only a few students of the specialisation of Physics of lithosphere (for whom these lectures are destined). Therefore the program of the lectures is very variable from year to year in order to fit to the individual requirement and ability of the small student group. |
Literature: F. D. Stacey, Physics of the Earth. R. J. Teysseyre, J. Leliwa-Kopystyński, B. Lang, Evolution of the Earth and other Planetary Bodies. P. Artymowicz, Astrofizyka układów planetarnych. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Astrophysics Required: Thermodynamics or Statistical physics I. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, oral examination. |
Course: 541 Seismology |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Marek Grad |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.209541 |
Credits: 10 |
Syllabus: 1. Seismicity of the Earth Spatial distribution of earthquakes; seismometry; magnitude and energy of the earthquake; Mercalli and Richter scales; theory of seismograph; arrays of seismic stations. 2. Elastic properties of rocks Elastic parameters; density and porosity; anisotropy of seismic velocities; elastic properties of rocks in high temperature and pressure. 3. Elastic waves Theoretical background; Navier equation in elastic medium; P and S body waves; surface waves; ray tracing method; theoretical travel times, amplitudes and synthetic seismograms in the multilayered inhomogenities medium; SEIS83 programme package. 4. Models of the seismic source and earthquake prediction Single force, couple of forces and double couple of forces; P and S wave radiation from the seismic source; processes in the seismic source; sequence of quakes; statistical prediction; precursor phenomena. 5. Earth interior structure Equation of seismic ray in spherical Earth model; parametric equation of the travel time; the method of Wichert & Herglotz; Jeffreys-Bullen travel time; seismic waves in the Earth; Earth structure. 6. Structural seismology Structure of the crust and upper mantle; reflection and refraction methods; deep seismic soundings; seismic tomography. |
Literature: D. Gubbins, Seismology and plate tectonics. K. Aki, P. G. Richards, Quantitative seismology: theory and methods. E. Stenz, M. Mackiewicz, Geofizyka ogólna. |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, oral examination. |
Course: 542 Geomagnetism |
Lecturer: dr Lech Krysiński |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.209542 |
Credits: 10 |
Syllabus: Historical introduction about Earth's magnetism investigations, some information about methodology of the magnetic field measurements, vast and detail description of the properties of the main field (= the internal part) of the Earth, discussion of a set of problems concerning the nature of the internal Earth's magnetism, general information about external magnetic phenomena and introduction to the rock magnetism, paleomagnetism and archeomagnetism. |
Literature: E. Stenz and M. Mackiewicz, Geofizyka ogólna. M. Westphal, Paleomagnetyzm i własno¶ci magnetyczne skał. Fizyka i ewolucja wnętrza Ziemi, red. R. Teisseyre, t. II, PWN. L. Krysiński, Pochodzenie pola magnetycznego Ziemi - historia badań i obecny stan pogl±dów, Przegl±d Geofizyczny XLI (1996), zeszyt 3, str. 193-218. F. D. Stacey, Physics of the Earth, Brookfield Press, 1992. P. Melchior, The Physics of the Earth's Core - An Introduction, Pergamon Press, 1986. R. T. Merrill, M. W. McElhinny, Ph. L. McFadden, The magnetic field of the Earth – paleomagnetism, the core and the deep mantle, Academic Press, 1996. Geomagnetism, red. J. A. Jacobs, vol. 1-4, Academic Press. |
Prerequisites: Physics I, II, III, IV, Introduction to geophysics, Electrodynamics of continuous media (or Classical electrodynamics), courses in mathematics (including Mathematical methods of physics and Mathematical methods of geophysics). |
Examination: Participation in classes, numerical problem, examination. |
Course: 543 Geothermodynamics |
Lecturer: dr hab. Leszek Czechowski |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.209543 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Basic laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamical processes in the Earth's interior and small planets and in jovian planets. Heat conduction: Fourier's law, heat flux, density of heat flux. Mechanisms of the heat conduction in the rocks: phonons, radiation and excitons. Heat flux measurements in the Earth's crust, theirs scientific and practical roles. Geothermal heat sources. Convection: process and its description in terms of the mechanics of continuum media. Fundamentals of thermodynamics of the dissipative processes. Thermodynamical description of the convection. Convection in the Earth's mantle: basic properties, role of the convection in evolution of the Earth's surface and interior. Convection in mantles of other small planets and its role for evolution. Convection inside the Earth's core: generation of the magnetic field. |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, oral examination. |
Course: 544 Satellite geophysics and gravimetry |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Barbara Kołaczek and doc. dr hab. Jan K. Łatka |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.209544 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Earth rotation Theoretical bases of Earth rotation. Contemporary methods of determinations Earth rotation parameters and their time variations from satellite observations (laser, GPS, Doppler and radio). Fundamental terrestrial reference system and their time variations. Descriptions of main of Earth velocity variations (length of day) Descriptions of main features of polar motion variations Variations of atmospheric and oceanic angular momentum and their influences on Earth rotation. Gravimetry Gravitational potential of the Earth, Geoid, Ellipsoid. Gravimetry and gravimetric anomaly. Stocks integral. Dynamics of the artificial Earth satellites movement and determination of the Earth gravity potential, from the perturbation of orbits. Determination of position of terrestrial point using satellites. Methods of determinations: SLR, GPS, GLONASS, PRARE Other satellite methods: satellite to satellite tracking, satellite altimetery, satellite gradiometry, inertial systems. Earth’s and ocean’s tides. Models of the Earth, tectonic plates, sea level variations. |
Literature: Gravity and low-frequency geodynamics, red. R. Teisseyre, t. IV, PWN, 1989. H. Monitz, I. Meuller, Earth rotation-theory and observations,1988, Ungar Publ. Company. K. Lambeck, The Earth's variable rotation, geophysical causes and consequences, 1989, Cambridge University Press. Reference frames in astronomy and geophysics, 1989, Kluwer. J. O. Dickey, Contributions of space geodesy to geodynamics: Earth dynamics, eds. D. Smith, D. L. Turcotte, Geodyn. Series, Vol. 24. W. de Gruyter, Satellite geodesy. The Earth and its rotation, 1996, Wichman Verlag. |
Prerequisites: Mathematics and Physics courses in years I to III. |
Examination: Pass grade of class exercises, oral examination. |
Monographic lectures:
Course: 492 Radiation detectors |
Lecturer: dr hab. Teresa Tymieniecka |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.506492 |
Credits: 2,5 |
The course is offered to the non-specialist who wants to apply the radiation technique to his (her) particular field and is looking for a concise introductory talk. Therefore the course should prove helpful for students before they choose a field of interest or during the first year of work for their Master’s degree as a supplementary course to get familiar with nuclear methods and detectors used in high and low energy nuclear physics, in elementary particle physics and cosmic rays as well as in applied physics (in medical physics, radiation dosimetry, nuclear science and engineering, nuclear chemistry and geochronology as well as radiological protection). The course is laid out in three parts: Some of the fundamental knowledge is presented related to the passage of radiation through matter and its application for detection. The basic ideas on data analysis are summarised: detection efficiency, resolution, calibration, electronic noise, background radiation, radiation damage. The functioning and operation of principal types of detectors are discussed: scintillators, ionisation detectors, semiconductor detectors and Čerenkov counters, solid state nuclear track detectors (emulsion, mica, inorganic crystals and glasses, synthetic organic polymers), dosimetry with superconducting grains, with thermoluminescent effects, with superheated drop detectors as well as activation foil techniques. The course includes planning the experiment, setting up the hybrid-type systems composed of different detectors and the related problems, troubleshooting the measuring apparatus, their calibration and maintaining. A general view of the present applications is provided in applied physics, in medicine and biology based on nuclear chemistry, as well as some solid state researches are presented with use of accelerators. |
Literature: Copies of transparencies from all the lectures will be available in the local library. W.R.Leo, “Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments”, Spring Verlag, 1994. C.F.G.Delaney, E.C.Finch, “Radiation Detectors”, Clarendon Press - Oxford, 1992. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Physics III and IV. Required: Introduction to nuclear and particle physics. |
Examination: Based on a short written exam or a written project of an experiment with use of the presented detection technique. |
Course: 493 Experimental methods in high energy physics |
Lecturer: dr hab. Ewa Rondio and dr hab. Teresa Tymieniecka |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.506493 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: During the lecture we will present the principles of construction of large detectors in the high energy physics as well as methods of reconstruction and the statistical analysis of the recorded interactions. In the lecture the following subjects will be covered: readout and signal processing techniques including the discussion on electronics elements used, different methods of triggering and filtering of the data, methods of construction of the composite experimental systems, the most popular algorithms for reconstruction of the events, search for the optimal parameters describing the interaction, applications of the Monte-Carlo simulation methods to algorithm testing, algorithms used for statistical analysis and methods of coordination for some large program systems. The idea of this lecture is to pass information useful for a physicist participating in the data analysis or in the preparation of large experiment in high energy physics. This lecture is a continuation of the lecture "Radiation detectors". This course is addressed to the fourth and fifth year students as well as to the PhD students specialising in high energy physics. |
Literature: B.K.Bock, H.Grote, D.Notz, M.Regler, Data analysis techniques for high-energy physics experiments, Cambridge University Press, 1990. W.R.Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, Springer, 1994. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Topics in elementary particle physics, Radiation detectors, Selected experiments of particle physics. Required: Introduction to nuclear and elementary particle physics. |
Examination: Colloquium, examination. |
Course: 494 Statistics for physicists |
Lecturer: dr Roman Nowak |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 11.205494 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Lecture covers the subject of probability theory and classical mathematical statistics on intermediate level. Student is expected to be in a possession of the fundamentals of differential and integral calculus as well as rudiments of statistical data analysis required at student’s laboratory practicals on the 1st year. Chief aim of these lectures is to broaden this knowledge by presenting general perspective together with the number of detailed results. Subjects discussed include notion of random variable and its distribution function, conditional probability and statistical independence, Bayes’s theorem, functions of random variables and moments of distributions. Popular probability distributions (uniform, binomial, exponential, Poissonian, normal, chi-square and Student’s) are considered and their practical applications indicated. Mathematical statistics is taught by means of data presentation methods, statistical indices and their properties, simulation methods, parameter estimations (method of moments, maximum likelihood, least squares and confidence regions) and hypothesis verification (Pearson chi-square) test. Lecture, illustrated with examples drawn almost exclusively from the nuclear and particle physics, is addressed to the students specialising in this filed of study in the course of the 4th or/and 5th year. |
Literature: Lecture notes are available from the Institute of Experimental Physics’ library as well as on WWW (http://www.fuw.edu.pl/~rjn/sdf.html}. |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Written examination |
Course: 497 Simulations in condensed matter physics. |
Lecturer: dr hab. Ryszard Kutner |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.205497 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Aim of lectures is to analyse characteristic problems in condensed matter by using stochastic simulations (Monte Carlo methods) and/or deterministic ones (molecular dynamic methods). In general, the lectures constitute a bridge between numerical experiments and physics. Syllabus: Lectures cover selected numerical methods and algorithms applied in condensed matter as well as selected subjects in condensed matter physics Elements of thermal and statistical physics of small systems (in nano- and mezo-scale) Ionic transport, diffusion and relaxation Dynamical properties of polymers Disordered systems: alloys and spin glasses Phase transitions in magnetic systems Elements of turbulent hydrodynamics Nonintegrable problems in nonlinear mechanics: deterministic chaos Part A: Application of Monte Carlo methods in condensed matter physics\ A1: Static Monte Carlo methods: Monte Carlo integration A2: Dynamic Monte Carlo methods: Markov master equation - kinetic Ising--Kawasaki model A3: Renormalisation group Monte Carlo method A4: Path probability method A5: Quantum Monte Carlo method A6: Cellular automata Part B: Molecular dynamics in condensed matter physics B1: Methods of numerical solution of ordinary differential equations B2: Methods of numerical solution of partial differential equations (first and second order) B3: Methods of numerical solution of eigenvalue problems |
Literature: D. Potter, Metody obliczeniowe fizyki. S. E. Koonin, Computational physics. Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics, Topics in Current Physics t. VII, red. K. Binder. Applications of the Monte Carlo methods in statistical physics, Topics in Current Physics, vol 36, red. K. Binder. R. W. Hockney, J. W. Eastwood, Computer simulation using particles. A. Björck, G. Dahlquist, Metody numeryczne. A. Krupowicz, Metody numeryczne zagadnień pocz±tkowych równań różniczkowych zwyczajnych. R. Kutner, Elementy mechaniki numerycznej. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Programming, Mathematical analysis, Classical mechanics, Statistical physics or Thermodynamics. Required: Numerical methods. |
Examination: Examination. |
Course: 502 Selected experiments of particle physics (lecture is given in English) |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Janusz Zakrzewski |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.507502 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Introduction. Intermediate vector bosons. Quarks. Future accelerators. |
Literature: Review papers. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Introduction to nuclear and elementary particle physics. |
Examination: Participation in lectures. |
Course: 509 Electronic properties of solids and defects (lecture is given in English) |
Lecturer: prof dr hab. Jacek Baranowski |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.209509 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: 1. Chemical bonds in Solids. a) Van der Waals bonds. b) Ionic bonds. c) Covalent bonds. 2. Structural properties of covalent solids a) Atomic spacing. b) Cohesive energy. c) Force constants. 3. Translation symmetry and band structure of semiconductors. 4. Electrical and optical properties of semiconductors. 5. Heterojunctions – band discontinuity. 6. Impurities in semiconductors. a) Shallow impurities and chemical shift of the ground state. b) Deep impurities. 7. Examples of technologically important deep centres. a) Vacancy in Si. b) Cation and anion vacancies in III-V and II-VI compounds. c) Oxygen in Si. d) Metastability of defects - EL2 in GaAs. e) Nitrogen in GaP. 8. Two-dimensional crystals – band structure of graphite. 9. Semiconductor surface – structural reconstruction and electronic properties. 10. Metal - semiconductor interfaces. |
Literature: W. Harison, Electronic structure of solids. |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Participation in lectures. |
Course: 530 Nonlinear image processing |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Tomasz Szoplik |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207530 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: Linear systems: superposition principle; impulse response; modulation transfer function; convolution; correlation. Linearity of optical imaging systems. Resolution in optical imaging systems. Synthetic aperture optics. Image processing in the Fourier and image planes. Nonlinear image processing in the Fourier plane: spatial frequency filtration; theta modulation; halftoning. Classical, nonlinear, digital filters for image detail enhancement. Nonlinear rank order filters. Spatially sampled and intensity quantised digital image. Definitions of L, R, and M-type as well as median type filters. Performance of rank order filters in noise removal and edge and line enhancement tasks. Criteria of filters performance. Theorems on median filters. Threshold decomposition. Optical-digital method of local histogram calculation. Optoelectronic processors and its architecture. Correlators with coherent and incoherent illumination. Hybrid processors with spatial light modulators. Morphological image processing. Basic operations and filters. Sequential filters. Idempotence. Detail and edge enhancement algorithms. Applications to satellite, aerial, and medical image processing. Processing of multispectral images. |
Literature: I. Pitas, A. N. Venetsanopoulos, Nonlinear digital filters. Principles and applications. J. Serra, Image analysis and mathematical morphology. P. Maragos, R. W. Schafer, Morphological filters, IEEE Trans Acoust Speech Signal Processing ASSP-35 (1987) 1153-1184. Morphological image processing. Principles and optoelectronic implementations, red. T. Szoplik, SPIE Milestone series, vol. 127, Bellingham (1996). |
Prerequisites: Fourier optics, and Optical information processing. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 531 Correlation methods in optical image recognition |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207531 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: Matched filtering: classical and statistical approaches. Optical correlators: architectures and criteria of performance. Recognition filters: simple and their parameters, composite and multicriteria. Nonlinear correlation. Invariances in correlation methods: with respect to shift, rotation, scale, illumination, contrast and distortion. Optoelectronic elements in correlators: spatial light modulators, CCD cameras, thresholders. Programmable real-time optoelectronic correlators. Recognition filter coding: optimisation. Optical associative memory: recognition of partially ocluded objects. Applications of correlation methods in pattern recognition. Lecture is addressed mainly to students of specialisation Fourier optics and information processing. |
Literature: K. Gniadek, Optyczne przetwarzanie informacji. J. W. Goodman, Optyka statystyczna. |
Prerequisites: Fourier optics – examination, Optical information processing – examination. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 547 Physics of clouds I and II |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Haman |
Semester: summer and winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.209547 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: R. A. Houze, Cloud dynamics. W. R. Cotton, I. R. A. Anthes, Storm and cloud dynamics. F. H. Ludlam, Clouds and storms. |
Prerequisites: Theoretical meteorology. |
Examination: Participation in lectures. |
Course: 548 Introduction to physics of magnetism |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Twardowski |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207548 |
Credits: 2,5 |
The fundamentals of the physics of magnetism are presented. The aim of the course is to get students familiar with the basic magnetic problems. They should obtain a simple overview of magnetism and this way also an introduction to the physics of modern magnetism. We discuss basic magnetic quantities, the nature of magnetism, magnetism of isolated (noninteracting) magnetic moments and collective behaviour of interacting magnetic centres. In distinction of classical electrodynamics point of view we focus on microscopic mechanisms leading to the magnetic properties of the matter, in particular crystals. Syllabus: basic magnetic quantities thermodynamics of magnetism ideal, noninteracting magnetic moments (spins) free ions and atoms crystal field and effective spins interaction between magnetic moments long ranged magnetic order (ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic systems) paramagnetic phase of interacting magnetic systems ferromagnetic phase ferromagnetic domains spin-glasses magnetic semiconductors and diluted magnetic semiconductors The course is addressed to the beginners. Only simple electrodynamics (Maxwell’s equations level) and quantum mechanics is necessary to follow the discussion. |
Literature: 1. C.Kittel Introduction to solid state physics 2. D.Craik Magnetism 3. R.M.White Quantum theory of magnetism 4. D.C.Mattis Theory of magnetism 5. D.Jiles Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Introduction to atomic, molecular and solid state physics. Required: Physics II (Electricity & Magnetism), Quantum Mechanics I. |
Examination: Oral examination. | Theoretical physics
Core courses:
Course: 463A Quantum mechanics II A |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Bohdan Grz±dkowski |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.207463A |
Credits: 6,5 |
Syllabus: Dirac equation, “derivation” Algebra of Dirac matrices. Relativistic covariance of the Dirac equation. Representations of the Lorentz group. Solutions of the Dirac equation. Interaction with the electromagnetic field. C, P and T transformations. Relativistic hydrogen atom. Canonical quantisation: a) scalar field, b) fermion field. Problems of the canonical quantisation of electrodynamics. Covariant formulation of quantum electrodynamics. Perturbation expansion. Feynman rules for quantum electrodynamics. Applications of quantum electrodynamics: a) scattering of polarised and unpolarised electrons by an external Coulomb field b) electron-positron scattering c) Compton scattering Elements of renormalisation technique: a) dimensional regularisation b) 1-loop approximation of perturbation expansion The infrared catastrophe (Kinoshita-Lee-Nauenberg theorem). |
Literature: F. Mandl, G. Shaw, Quantum field theory J. Bjorken, S. Drell, Relativistic quantum mechanics, Relativistic quantum fields A. Bechler, Kwantowa teoria oddziaływań elektromagnetycznych W. Bierestecki, E. Lifszyc, L. Pitajewski, Relatywistyczna teoria kwantów, cz.I M. E. Peskin, D. V. Schroeder, Quantum Field Theory F. Mandl, G. Shaw, Quantum field theory. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Electrodynamics and field theory or Electrodynamics of continues media. Required: Quantum mechanics I or Quantum physics |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, oral and written examination. |
Course: 463B Quantum mechanics II B (Quantum mechanics of many-body systems) |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Stanisław G. Rohoziński |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.207463B |
Credits: 6,5 |
Syllabus: The lecture is devoted to the nonrelativistic quantum mechanics of many-particle systems. It is meant for students wishing to specialise in the nuclear theory, the theory of condensed matter or the statistical physics. Programme of the lecture comprises the following topics: Foundations of the quantum mechanics of a many-particle system: description of states, the many-body hamiltonian, identical particles, the postulate for indistinguishability of identical particles, the postulate for “a connection between spin and statistics”, bosons and fermions. Systems of noninteracting particles: product states, the occupation number representation. The second quantisation: the creation and annihilation operators, the Fock space, operators in the Fock space. Quantisation of the electromagnetic field. Coupling the electromagnetic field to matter fields. Time evolution of a many-body system: the Schrödinger, Heisenberg and interaction pictures, equations of motion. Green’s functions: definitions, properties, spectral representations, equations of motion, self energy function. The perturbation calculus for Green’s functions: the Gell-Mann and Low theorem, the Wick theorem, the Feynman diagrams, the linked clusters theorem, the Dyson equation. Approximate solutions of the many-fermion problems: the Hartree-Fock approximation, the random phase approximation, the ladder approximation, the Hartree-Fock-Bogolyubov approximation. |
Literature: A.I. Fetter, J.D. Walecka, Kwantowa teoria układów wielu cz±stek. D. A. Kirżnic, Polevyje metody teorii mnogich czastic. R. D. Mattuck, A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many-Body Problem. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Introduction to the nuclear and particle physics, Introduction to optics and solid state physics, Statistical physics I Required: Quantum mechanics I, Electrodynamics (one of the versions) |
Examination: the class credit, written and oral examination |
Selected topics in theoretical physics and specialisation courses:
Course: 452 Solid state theory |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Jerzy Krupski |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.208452 |
Credits: 6,5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: N. F. Mott, Metal-insulator transition. |
Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics I, Statistical physics I, Solid state physics (winter semester). |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination |
Course: 453 Statistical physics II |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Marek Napiórkowski |
Semester: |
Lecture hours per week: Class hours per week: |
Code: 13.208453 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: |
Course: 455 Modern methods of quantum field theory II |
Lecturer: dr Piotr Chankowski |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.207455 |
Credits: 6,5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: S. Pokorski, Gauge Field Theories. J. Bjorken, S. Drell, vol. 1: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, vol. 2: Relativistic Quantum Fields. (Polish translation: Relatywistyczna teoria kwantów). C. Itzykson, J. B. Zuber, Quantum Field Theory. |
Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics I, Classical electrodynamics, Modern methods of quantum field theory I. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, oral and written examination. |
Course: 456 Theory of atomic nucleus |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Jacek Dobaczewski (winter sem.) and dr Wojciech Satuła (summer sem.) |
Semester: winter and summer
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.507456 |
Credits: 8 |
The course aims at teaching modern theoretical methods used in the nuclear structure physics and presents the research directions which are currently developed worldwide. Syllabus (winter semester): Methods of second quantisation as applied to many-fermion systems, Wick theorem, Thouless theorem, quasiparticle operators and the Bogoliubov transformation. Density matrices and pairing tensor. Selfconsistent mean-field methods, Hartree-Fock and Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximations, spontaneous symmetry breaking and selfconsistent potentials. Nuclear deformations, Jahn-Teller effect, methods to restore broken symmetries. Nuclear correlations, random phase approximation, generator co-ordinate method, time-dependent methods, adiabatic approximation. Nuclear shell model. Exactly solvable algebraic methods. Syllabus (summer semester): Shell structure in nuclei: particle-hole excitations, isomeric states, band terminations, intruder states, stability of superheavy elements. Nuclear superconductivity: static and dynamic correlations, parameterisation of residual interactions, blocking effect, nuclear Meissner effect, proton-neutron superconductivity. Collective excitations: shape and pairing vibrations, giant resonances. Nuclear rotations: symmetries of (pseudo-)SU3 and pseudo-spin, identical bands, magnetic rotations. Nuclear shapes: suprdeformation and hiperdeformation, shape coexistence. Physics of weakly bound nuclei: isospin symmetry, Thomas-Ehrman effect, proton emitters, superallowed beta decays and Gamov-Teller transitions, enhancement of pair correlations, melting of shell structure. Mesoscopic systems: nuclei, metallic clusters, superconducting grains - analogies and differences. |
Literature: P. Ring, P. Schuck, The Nuclear Many--Body Problem. A. Bohr, B.R. Mottelson, Struktura j±dra atomowego, t. I: Ruch jednocz±stkowy, t. II: Deformacje j±drowe. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Introduction to nuclear and elementary particle physics, Introduction to the quantum theory of atomic nuclei. Required: Quantum mechanics I |
Examination: Oral examination |
Course: 458 Theory of particle physics |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Jan Kalinowski (winter semester), prof. dr hab. Maria Krawczyk and dr Janusz Rosiek (summer semester) |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.507458 |
Credits: 10 |
Syllabus: The lecture is devoted to the theory of elementary particles. It covers a unified description of electroweak and strong interactions in the framework of the Standard Model. An introduction to the supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model is also given. The lecture aims at introducing students to the actual status of the theory of elementary particles in connections with research projects carried out at the Division of Theory of the Elementary Particles and Interactions. |
Literature: S. Pokorski, Gauge Field Theories. T.P. Cheng, L.F. Li, Gauge Theory of Elementary Particle Physics. D. Bailin, A. Love, Introduction to Gauge Field Theory. S. Weinberg, Quantum Field Theory. J. Wess, R. Bagger, Supersymmetry. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Mathematical methods of physics (group theory), Topics in particle physics Required: Modern methods of quantum field theory |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination |
Course: 473 Elements of modern mathematics. (Linear operators in Banach and Hilbert spaces) |
Lecturer: dr hab. Jan Dereziński |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 1 |
Code: 11.105473 |
Credits: 4 |
Syllabus: Introduction to Functional Analysis Elements of the set theory and topology. Banach spaces. Hilbert spaces. Measure theory. Integration theory. The Lebesgue measure. Bounded linear operators. Unbounded linear operators. Self-adjoint and normal operators, the spectral theorem. Examples of operators and spaces. |
Literature: M. Reed, B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, t. I |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Quantum mechanics I. Required: Mathematical analysis B or C, Algebra B or C. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, written and oral examination. |
Monographic lectures:
Course: 454 Classical field theory |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Meissner |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.208454 |
Credits: 6,5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: L. Landau, E. Lifszyc, Klasyczna teoria pola. T. Eguchi, P. Gilkey, A. Hanson, Gravitation, gauge theory and differential geometry, Phys. Reports 66 (1980) 213. R. Rajaraman, Solitons and instantons. J. Harvey, Magnetic monopoles, duality and supersymmetry, hep-th/9603086. C. Callan, J. Harvey, Supersymmetric string solitons, hep-th/9112030. |
Prerequisites: Classical mechanics, Electrodynamics and field theory, Quantum mechanics IIA, Modern methods of quantum field theory. |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination. |
Course: 457 Theory of solitons |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Antoni Sym |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.507457 |
Credits: 10 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: |
Course: 459 Theory of gravitation |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Andrzej Trautman |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.207459 |
Credits: 10 |
Syllabus: Winter semester: Theory of relativity. Newton’s theory of gravitation. Elements of differential geometry. Relativistic theories of time-space and gravitation. Einstein equation. Summer semester: Methods of Einstein equation solving. Schwarzschild and Kerr solutions. General relativity, black holes. Relativistic cosmology. Gravitational waves and algebraic special fields. Optical geometry and twistors. Theorems about singularities. |
Literature: L. Landau, E. Lifszyc, Teoria pola. W. Kopczynski, A. Trautman, Czasoprzestrzeń i grawitacja. B. Schutz, Wstęp do ogólnej teorii względno¶ci. R. Wald, General relativity. S. Huggett, K. P. Tod, An introduction to twistor theory. |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination. |
Course: 460 Introduction to theory of electromagnetic interactions |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Wódkiewicz and dr hab. Krzysztof Pachucki. |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 0 |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207460 |
Credits: 8 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: L. Allen, J. H. Eberly and K. Rz±żewski, Rezonans optyczny. I. Białynicki-Bitula, Z. Białynicka-Birula, Elektrodynamika kwantowa. |
Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics I, Electrodynamics |
Examination: Examination. |
Course: 461 Geometry and soliton theory |
Lecturer: dr Adam Doliwa |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207461 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: P. Lane, Projective differential geometry. L.D. Faddeev, L.A. Takhtajan, Hamiltonian methods in the theory of solitons. B.G. Konopelchenko, Solitons in multidimensions: inverse spectral transform method. P. Olver, Application of Lie groups to differential equations. Review papers suggested during lectures. |
Prerequisites: Algebra and geometry, Mathematical analysis, Mathematical methods of physics. |
Examination: Participation in lectures. |
Course: 465 Introduction to Hamiltonian renormalisation in quantum field theory |
Lecturer: dr hab. Stanisław Głazek |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207465 |
Credits: 4 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: Papers cited during lectures. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Algebra C, Mathematical analysis C, Electrodynamics. Required: Quantum mechanics, Quantum field theory |
Examination: Pass based on a participation in lectures, grade after examination. |
Course: 466 Nonlinear dynamics and chaos |
Lecturer: doc. dr hab. Wiesław M. Macek |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207466 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Part I of the course, in the fall semester, is an introduction to the exciting new developments in deterministic chaos and related topics in nonlinear dynamics. Emphasis will be on the physical concepts and applications, and geometrical intuition rather than mathematical proofs. The specific exercises will also include applications to physics, astrophysics and space physics, and even chemistry, biology and engineering. In part II, in the winter semester, we will focus on more advanced topics, including multifractals and intermittency, and in particular, the detection and quantification of chaos in experimental data, using also computer exercises. Part I Introduction: nonlinearity, chaos and fractals. Properties of dynamical systems. Stability in phase space: fixed points, limit cycles, bifurcations and chaos. Chaos and strange attractors: examples of chaotic attractors, Lorenz model, sensitivity to initial conditions. One-dimensional maps: tent map, Bernoulli shift, logistic map. Two-dimensional maps: Henon and Baker maps, Smale horseshoe and symbolic dynamics and Arnold cat map. Part II Strange attractors and fractal dimension: the natural measure and the generalised dimensions, multifractality. Lyapunov exponents and entropies. The topological embedding and attractor reconstruction from the experimental data. Intermittency. Quantum chaos. |
Literature: S. H. Strogatz, Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1994. E. Ott, Chaos in Dynamical Systems, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993. |
Prerequisites: Ordinary differential equations and elements of fluid mechanics; probability and statistics, including elements of measure theory and some basic notions from topology will be useful. |
Examination: Part I – test. Part II - homework assignments (oriented toward possible master's thesis in the future). |
Course: 467 Stochastic processes in physics |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Bogdan Cichocki |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.207467 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: |
Course: 468 Kinetic theory |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Jarosław Piasecki |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207468 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: |
Course: 469 Renormalisation, resummation and optimisation |
Lecturer: dr hab. Piotr R±czka |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 1 |
Code: 13.207469 |
Credits: 4 |
Syllabus: This lecture is devoted to the standard renormalisation procedure and the problems appearing in higher order perturbative calculations in the quantum field theory. The following topics would be discussed: renormalisation group, renormalisation schemes, renormalisation scheme dependence of perturbative predictions and the optimal choice of the renormalisation scheme, asymptotic behaviour of the perturbation expansion in high orders, partial resummation of the perturbation series. These topics became recently of some interest because of their relevance for the precision tests of various models of elementary particle interactions. These topics are directly relevant for the comparison of the predictions of quantum field theory with the experiment. On the other hand, these are interesting theoretical problems, deeply rooted in the foundations of quantum field theory. Considerable part of the lecture would be devoted to the applications in the quantum chromodynamics (i.e. contemporary theory of the strong interactions of elementary particles), but other theories would be also discussed. |
Literature: C. Itzykson, J.-B. Zuber, Quantum Field Theory and original articles in the scientific journals.. |
Prerequisites: A prior knowledge of the Feynman diagram technique (for example in simple applications of quantum electrodynamics) would be very useful. |
Examination: Active participation in class exercises and lecture. |
Course: 470 Quantum chromodynamics (lecture is given in English) |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Maria Krawczyk |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 3 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.507470 |
Credits: 4 |
Syllabus: The strong interaction of fundamental particles - quarks and gluons, is described by a Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). The asymptotic freedom of this non-Abelian gauge field theory allows for a perturbative calculation of a variety of processes involving hadrons. The techniques developed for the perturbative regime of QCD are explained in detail. The lecture should be available for the graduate students (IV year). |
Literature: T. Muta, Foundations of Quantum Chromodynamics, World Scientific, 1987. |
Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics I. |
Examination: |
Course: 471 Structure of photon (lecture is given in English) |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Maria Krawczyk |
Semester: summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.507471 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: The aim of the lecture is to give an introduction to the theoretical description of the high energy photon-hadron interaction within Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). The notion of partonic content (quarks and gluons) of photon is very successful in describing photon-hadron interaction at high energy. Similar results are expected to hold for W/Z and leptons as well, leading to the partonic “structure” of W/Z bosons or leptons. In the e+e- collision the dedicated deep inelastic scattering (DISgamma) experiments are performed in order to measure the corresponding photon structure functions. Here the photon-probe with the high virtuality tests the partonic structure of the photon-target. The photon can be resolved into the quarks and gluons also in the large pT particle or jet production in the e+e- and ep collisions (so called resolved photon processes). QCD gives theoretical description of the partonic content of photon up to next to leading log Q2 terms. Contrary to the hadronic case the structure function for the photon can be calculated in the Parton Model and already at this (Born) level the scaling violation appears. The all orders leading Q2 dependence of the partonic densities in the photon can be calculated in QCD in a form of the asymptotic solutions, without the extra input at some scale needed for hadrons. This feature makes the photon and especially a virtual photon a unique test of QCD. Interestingly, the structure of the virtual photon and the structure of the electron are closely related to each other, what will be discussed during the lecture. Deep inelastic scattering on photon in e+e- collisions Kinematics Structure functions of real photon in the Parton Model QCD description of the structure functions for the real photon Structure functions of the virtual photon in QCD Small x behaviour of the photon structure functions Polarised photon structure functions Resolved photon processes in e+e- and ep collisions Large pT jet production Heavy quark production Structure of electron The lecture should be available for the students of IV year. |
Literature: Review articles and original papers. |
Prerequisites: Quantum mechanics I. |
Examination: |
Course: 472 Relativistic bound states. |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Józef Namysłowski |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.507472 |
Credits: 5 |
Syllabus: Casimir operators of the Poincare group. Wigner classification of one-particle states. Field-theoretic “constituents” of the relativistic bound states. Failure of the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Fundamentally inconsistent hamiltonian “formulation” of a relativistic bound system. The necessity of the momentum representation, and subspaces of the relative momenta, orthogonal to the bound state 4-momentum. The Schwinger model of 1+1 electrodynamics, as the selfconsistency check. Hadrons as the relativistic bound states of quantum chromodynamics (examples of pi and rho mesons, and heavy mesons). |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: |
Course: 476 Rigorous results of quantum theory |
Lecturer: dr hab. Jan Dereziński |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207476 |
Credits: 5 |
The course will be devoted to the most interesting rigorous results on basic models of nonrelativistic quantum theory. Their proofs will be sometimes sketched, in particular if they are not too technical and if they contain instructive physical intuitions. Usually, however, the proofs will be skipped. To follow the course it is not necessary to have a thorough mathematical background, intuitions based on the finite-dimensional linear algebra and a standard course on quantum mechanics will be sufficient. Syllabus: Scattering theory for the Schrödinger operators (2- and N-body, short- and long-range); The self-adjointness and the spectrum of Schrödinger operators; The ground state of many fermion systems, the Hartree-Fock and Thomas-Fermi approximations; The semiclassical approximation; Perturbation theory; Resonances and the Fermi golden rule; Second quantisation and simple models of quantum optics; Scattering theory in the quantum optics. |
Literature: M. Reed, B. Simon, Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics I-IV. J. Dereziński, C. Gerard, Scattering theory of classical and quantum N-particle systems. |
Prerequisites: Suggested: Quantum mechanics II, Introduction to nuclear and elementary particle physics. Required: Algebra B or C, Mathematical analysis B or C, Quantum mechanics I. |
Examination: Oral examination. |
Course: 480 Statistical physics’ models with exact solutions |
Lecturer: dr Jacek Wojtkiewicz |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 1 Class hours per week: 2 |
Code: 13.207480 |
Credits: 4 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: Pass of class exercises, examination. |
Course: 499 Lorentz group and its representations |
Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Stanisław L. Woronowicz |
Semester: winter |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 11.105499 |
Credits: 2,5 |
Syllabus: |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: |
Course: 500 Introduction to the Hamiltonian field theory |
Lecturer: prof. Ernest Bartnik |
Semester: winter and summer |
Lecture hours per week: 2 Class hours per week: 0 |
Code: 13.207500 |
Credits: |
This lecture is devoted to Quantum Field Theory in hamiltonian form, suitable for bound state problem. Its aim is to present methods for calculating bound states for various theories with special emphasis on QCD. Topics include: Syllabus: Lagrangeans and variational principles Classical fields: scalar, vector, non-abelian vector Cannonical quantisation of free scalar field Interacting fields Lee model Scalar bound states: Tamm-Dankoff approximation Electrodynamics in temporal gauge Yang - Mills vector field in temporal gauge Dirac field: quantisation Hydrogen atom Quark model description of hadrons Zeroth order approximation to QCD: qualitative description |
Literature: |
Prerequisites: |
Examination: |