Stypendia zagraniczne
- zob. lista
Biura Współpracy z Zagranicą UW
- zob. lista
Samorządu Studenckiego UW
- The Goldman
Sachs Foundation - Global Leaders Program
This scholarship program is open to with excellent English language ability,
if you are active, ambitious, want to change things.
First-round application deadline: December 15, 2004
For more information, please see the WWW page of the program
and then contact Biuro Wspolpracy z Zagranica UW, Palac
pok. 28, p. Dorota Mikos, email:,
tel. 55-24010
or Institute of International education, European Office, phone
+36-1-4722250, fax: +36-1-472-2255, email:
Following papers should be submitted to Ms. Dorota Mikos:
- a completed nomination
- A personal statement to let reviewers know about you as a student
and as a person, and to advocate for why they should nominate you for this
award. The reviewers will be looking for candidates with superior academic
achievement, proven leadership potential, and excellent communication
skills (clarity and conciseness). Please limit your personal statement to
1000 words or less.
- Curriculum vitae (with bullet points emphasizing key
accomplishments, not a narrative), maximum 2 pages
- Copy of first-year university transcripts (your official university
record which shows courses taken and grades achieved), plus (unofficial)
English translation.
- Fundacja Crescendum
Est - Polonia