Publikacje z 1977
Prace oryginalne
1. J. Chrostowski, T. Warenycia, Two-photon absorption of a two-mode laser beam with phase diffusion, Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 7, 12 (1977).
2. S. Kryszewski, J. Chrostowski, Photon statistic of optical frequency up-conversion with stochastic pumping, J. Phys. A10, 261 (1977).
3. W. Skubiszak, K. Rosiński, Transverse relaxation of cesium vapour in a "strong" resonance radio frequency field, Opt. Commun. 23, 54 (1977).
4. M. Allegrini, G. Alzetta, A. Kopystyńska, L. Moi, G. Orriols, Molecule formation and energy transfer processes in a vapor with high density of 3P-excited sodium atoms, Opt. Commun. 22, 329 (1977).
5. T. Grycuk, Some remarks on the interpretation of satellites of the mercury 2537 A line in the presence of noble gases, Chem. Phys. Lett. 50, 309 (1977).
6. J. Chrostowski, B. Karczewski, Photon statistics and time dependence of two photon absorption, Phys. Lett. 63A, 239 (1977).
7. A. Golnik, Application of the Houston Method to the Calculation of Spin Lattice Relaxation for Cubic Crystals, Acta Phys. Pol. A52, 511 (1977).
8. A. M. Witowski, M. Grynberg, R. R. Gałązka, Odbiciowe badania HgSe w obszarze krawędzi plazmowej, Materiały VII Ogólnokrajowego Seminarium Związków Półprzewodnikowych AII BVI, Jaszowiec 1976, Prace IF PAN 74, 269 (1 977).
9. A. P. Radliński, Oddziaływanie stanów wzbudzonych 4T1(4F) i 4T1(4P) domieszki kobaltu z pasmem przewodnictwa ZnSe, Materiały VII Ogólnokrajowego Seminarium Związków Półprzewodnikowych AII BVI, Jaszowiec 1976, Prace IF PA N 74, 218 (1977).
10. A. P. Radliński, On the Properties of Cobalt Impurites in Zinc Selenide Crystals: I Effect of In-band Position of States on Photoelectric Properties, Phys. Status Solidi (b) 84, No 2 (1977).
11. B. A. Orłowski, The valence band origin in CdF2, VII Int. Conf. on Atomic Spectroscopy, Prague 1977, p. 237.
12. B. A. Orłowski, J. M. Langer, M. Wasiucionek, Photoemission from Surface and Shallow Donor States in Semiconducting CdF2 Crystals, Proc. 7th Int. Vacuum Congress and the 3rd Int. Conf. on Solid Surfaces, Vienna 1977, ed. R. Dobrozemsky, F.&n bsp;Rudenauer, F. P. Vichbock, A. Breth (Horn, F. Berger und Sohne 1977), p. 697.
13. E. Litwin-Staszewska, L. Dmowski, U. Piekara, J. M. Langer, B. Krukowska-Fulde, Dwa typy płytkich stanów donorowych w CdF2, Materiały VII Ogólnokrajowego Seminarium Związków Półprzewodnikowych AII BVI, Jaszowiec 1976, Prace IF PAN 74, 242 (1977).
14. J. Kaniewski, W. Szuszkiewicz, A. Mycielski, Krawędź absorpcji w mieszanych kryształach Mnk g1-kTe, Materiały VII Ogólnokrajowego Seminarium Związków Półprzewodnikowych AII BVI, Jaszowiec 1976, Prace IF PAN 74, 34 (1977).
15. J. A. Gaj, R. R. Gałązka, Pewne własności optyczne Cd0.95Mn0.05Te, Materiały VII Ogólnokrajowego Seminarium Związków Półprzewodnikowych AII BVI, Jaszowiec 1976, Prace IF PAN 74, 228 (1977).
16. K. Kocot, J. M. Baranowski, The Resonant States of Ti(d2) in CdSe, Phys. Status Solidi (b) 81, 629 (1977).
17. K. Pastor, M. Grynberg, Y. Couder, Magnetooptical Investigation of Gamma8 band anisotropy in HgTe, Materiały Konferencji "Physik und Elektronik" - Berlin 1977.
18. Le Manh Hoang, J. M. Baranowski, Absorption and luminescence of V (d3) in II-VI Compound Semiconductors, Phys. Status Solidi (b) 84, 361 (1977).
19. M. Bieńkowska, J. M. Baranowski, S. Uba, Absorpcja i luminescencja Cr2+ (d4) w związkach AII BVI, Materiały VII Ogólnokrajowego Seminarium Związków Półprzewodnikowych AII BVI, Jaszowiec 1976, Prace IF PAN 74, 210 (1977).
20. M. Grynberg, K. Pastor, Magnetooptyczne badanie niesferyczności pasm Gamma8 w HgTe, Materiały IF PAN, Jaszowiec 1977.
21. M. Nawrocki, R. Planel, C. Benoit a la Guillaume, Skręcenie płaszczyzny polaryzacji polarytonów ekscytonowych w CdSe w polu magnetycznym, Materiały VII Ogólnokrajowego Seminarium Związków Półprzewodnikowych AII BVI, Jaszowiec 1976, Prace IF PAN 74, 197 (1977).
22. Nguyen The Khoi, J. A. Gaj, Fundamental Absorption Edge of Cd1-xMnxTe Mixed Crystals, Phys. Status Solidi (b) 83, K133 (1977).
23. R. Planel, M. Nawrocki, C. Benoit a la Guillaume, Optical Orientation of Excitonic Polaritons and Resonant Faraday Effect in CdSe, Nuovo Cimento 39, 519 (1977).
24. U. Piekara, J. M. Langer, B. Krukowska-Fulde, Shallow Versus Deep Donors in CdF2, Solid State Commun. 23, 583 (1977).
25. W. Gębicki, W. Nazarewicz, Long-Wavelength Optical Phonons in MnxHg1- xTe Mixed Crystals, Phys. Status Solidi (b) 80, 307 (1977).
26. W. Szuszkiewicz, Direct Determination of the Negative Energy Gap E0 for Semiconductors with Inverted Band Structure, Phys. Status Solidi (b) 81, K119 (1977).
27. W. Szuszkiewicz, Optical Absorption in HgTe, Phys. Status Solidi (b) 79, 691 (1977).
28. W. Szuszkiewicz, Własności optyczne HgSe, Materiały VII Ogólnokrajowego Seminarium Związków Półprzewodnikowych AII BVI, Jaszowiec 1976, Prace IF PAN 74, 103 (1977).
29. W. Szuszkiewicz, W. Walukiewicz, J. Kaniewski, Absorpcja w HgTe typu p, Materiały VII Ogólnokrajowego Seminarium Związków Półprzewodnikowych AII BVI, Jaszowiec 1976, Prace IF PAN 74, 129 (1977).
30. E. Zielińska-Rohozińska, X-Ray Diffraction Investigations of Annealing Characteristics in P+ - Implanted Silicon Crystals, Phys. Status Solidi (a) 44, 59-64 (1977).
31. M. Lefeld-Sosnowska, J. Gronkowski, X-Ray Study of the Effects of Annealing Procedures on the Residual Deformation in 140 keV Si++ Implanted Silicon, Proc. Int. Conf. on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors, Reinhardsbrunn (GDR), 1977, p. 264.
32. E. Zielińska-Rohozińska, Annealing Characteristics of 200 keV P+ Ions Implanted Silicon Crystals Investigated by X-Ray Diffraction Methods, Proc. Int. Conf. on Ion Implantation in Semiconductors, Reinhardsbrunn (GDR), 1977, p. 266.
33. R. Kutner, I. Sosnowska, Nonlinear Jump Diffusion Model Applied to the Incoherent Thermal Neutron Scattering, Acta Phys. Pol. A51, 171 (1977).
34. R. Kutner, I. Sosnowska, Thermal Neutron Scattering from a Hydrogen-Metal System in terms of a MultiSublattice Jump Diffusion Model. I. Theory, J. Phys. & Chem. Solids 38, 741 (1977).
35. R. Kutner, I. Sosnowska, Thermal Neutron Scattering from a Hydrogen-Metal System in terms of a General MultiSublattice Jump Diffusion Model. II. Remarks on Hydrogen Diffusion in alpha Phase of Nb - H, J. Phys. & Chem. Solids 38, 747 (19 77).
36. I. Sosnowska, Inelastic Scattering of Thermal Neutrons from Crystal Containing Impurity Atoms, Proc. V Int. Summer School on Defects, PWN 1977, p. 115.
37. M. Kopcewicz, A. Kotlicki, Proton Radiation Effects in Ferrocene, Proc. Int. Conf. on Mö ssbauer Spectroscopy, Bucharest 1977, vol. 1, p. 87.
38. M. Kopcewicz, A. Kotlicki, Origin of RF Collapse and Sideband Effects, Proc. Int. Conf. on Mö ssbauer Spectroscopy, Bucharest 1977, vol. 1, p. 341.
39. N. Anantaraman, H. E. Gove, J. Tö ke, J. P. Draayer, Alpha Particle Spectroscopic Strengths for Levels Populated in the 20,21,22Ne(6Li, d)24,25,26Mg Reactions, Nucl. Phys. A279, 474 (1977).
40. D. Gunn, R. N. Boyd, N. Anantaraman, D. Shapira, J. Tö ke, H. E. Gove, Unnatural Parity Levels Populated in the 16O(6Li, d)20Ne Reaction, Nucl. Phys. A275, 524 (1977).
41. H. W. Fulbright, C. L. Bednnett, R. A. Lindgren, R. G. Markham, S. C. McGuire, G. C. Morrison, U. Strohbusch, J. Tö ke, Four-Nucleon Transfer via the (6Li, d) Reaction, Nucl. Phys. A284, 329 (1977).
42. A. Saganek, I. Śledzińska, Z. Wilhelmi, B. Zwięgliński, Analysis of the 9Be(d,alpha)7Li g. s. and 9Be(d, alpha)7Li (470 keV) reactions in terms of the two nucleon distorted wave Born approximation, Acta P hys. Pol. B8, 277 (1977).
43. W. Kurcewicz, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, A. Płochocki, J. Żylicz, M. Matul, K. Stryczniewicz, Collective states fed by weak alpha-transitions in the 232U chain, Nucl. Phys. A289, 1-14 (1977).
44. W. Kurcewicz, E. Ruchowska, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, Precise energies of gamma-rays from the 230Th and 228Th decays, Nucl. Instrum. & Methods 146, 613 (1977).
45. D. D. Bogdanov, A. V. Demyanov, V. A. Karnaukhov, L. A. Petrov, A. Płochocki, V. G. Subotin, J. Voboril, New neutron-deficient isotopes of Barium and rare-earth elements, Nucl. Phys. A275, 229 (1977).
46. M. Bardadin-Otwinowska, Multiparticle production on deuterium, Proc. European Conference on Particle Physics, Budapest 1977, vol. 1, p. 229-246.
47. A. Para (Aachen - Berlin - Bonn - CERN - Cracow - Innsbruck - London - Vienna - Warsaw Collaboration), The radius of pion source in hadron - hadron collisions, Proc. I Int. Symp. on Hadron Structure and Multiparticle Production, Kazimierz 1977, Uni wersytet Warszawski, Warszawa 1977, p. 213-227.
48. S. Csorna, L. Dunn, H. J. Lubatti, H. Rudnicka, K. Moriyasu, A. Ziemiński, H. Abramowicz, H. Białkowska, J. Krolikowski, S. Otwinowski, A. Para, G. Sinapius, J. H. Klems, W. Ko, R. L. Lander, D. E. Pellett, P. M. Yager, A. Eskreys, J. Figiel, D. Kisielewska, P. Malecki, P. Stopa, A. Zalewska, Inclusive strange particle production in pi- d interactions at 205 GeV, Nucl. Phys. B124, 19 (1977).
49. K. Dziunikowska, A. Eskreys, K. Eskreys, D. Kisielewska, P. Malecki, A. Zalewska, J. Zaorska, M. Bardadin-Otwinowska, K. Doroba, M. Górski, T. Hofmokl, M. Szeptycka, A. K. Wróblewski, A. Ziemiński, R. E. Ansorge, R. J. Barlow, J . R. Carter, G. S. Ioannidis, W. W. Neale, J. G. Rushbrooke, High multiplicity pi- d interactions at 21 GeV/c, Nucl. Phys. B129, 189-204 (1977).
50. T. Hofmokl, J. Królikowski, A. Para, A. K. Wróblewski, Does baryon exchange show up in transverse momentum of pions?, Acta Phys. Pol. B8, 209-217 (1977).
51. J. Bartke, H. Kirk, P. Schmitz, K. J. Biebl, H. Bö ttcher, M. Klein, R. Nahnhauer, H. Schiller, K. Bö ckmann, J. Lowsky, M. J. Counihan, M. F. Hodous, P. Kostka, D. R. O. Morrison, T. Coghen, P. Stopa, E. Leitner, J. Stiewe, J. Królikowski, A. Para, The effect of resonance production on angular correlations (Aachen - Berlin -Bonn - CERN - Cracow - He idelberg - Warsaw Collaboration), Nucl. Phys. B127, 269 (1977).
52. H. Kirk, G. Rudolph, U. Kriegel, H. Vogt, K. Bö ckmann, G. Zobernig, H. Bohr, V. T. Cocconi, M. J. Counihan, P. K. Malhotra, D. R. O. Morrison, H. Saariko, P. Schmid, D. Kisielewska, K. W. J. Barnham, R. M. Eason, F. Mandl, M. Markytan, K. Doroba, A. Para, Inclusive yields and transverse spectra of the mesons: comparisons with the quark model, and an estimate of the fraction of 'direct' pion production, (Aachen - Berlin - Bonn - CERN - Cracow - London - Vienna - Warsaw Collaboration), Nucl. Phys. B128, 397 (1977).
53. J. Królikowski, S. Pokorski, Hadron structure and fragmentation effects, Proc. I Int. Symp. on Hadron Structure and Multiparticle Production, Kazimierz 1977, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa 1977, p. 105.
54. J. Bartke, M. Deutschmann, H. G. Kirk, P. Sixel, H. H. Kaufmann, M. Klein, K. Bö ckmann, R. Hartmann, D. Kocher, P. K. Malhotra, D. R. O. Morrison, P. Porth, F. Triantis, J. Zaorska, W. Zieliński, J. Królikowski, Simplicity of the transverse energy spectra of hadrons, Nucl. Phys. B120, 14 (1977).
55. A. Ziemiński, H. Abramowicz, H. Białkowska, J. Królikowski, S. Otwinowski, A. Para, Inclusive neutral particle production in pi- d interactions at 205 GeV, Nucl. Phys. B124, 19 (1977).
56. H. Grä ssler, P. Schmitz, H. H. Seyfert, H. Bö ttcher, J. Klabuhn, K. Lanius, T. Naumann, S. Nowak, K. Bö ckmann, K. Sternberger, M. J. Counihan, P. Kostka, D. R. O. Morrison, P. Schmid, K. Dziunikowska, J. Figiel, E. Leitner, J. Stiewe, H. Abramowicz, S. Otwinowski, Production and decay of the d (970) and D (1285) mesons in pią p interactions at 16 GeV/c, Nucl. Phys. B121, 189 (1977).
57. J. Bartke, H. Kirk, J. Kaltwasser, J. Klabuhn, K. Bö ckmann, G. Zobernig, H. Bohr, M. J. Counihan, P. K. Malhotra, D. R. O. Morrison, H. Saariko, K. Śliwa, T. C. Bacon, P. J. Dornan, F. Mandl, M. Markytan, M. Bardadin-Otwinowska, A. K. Wróblewski, h and w meson production in medium-energy pią p and K- p interactions, Aachen - Berlin - Bonn - CERN - Cracow - London - Vienna - Warsaw Collaboration, Nucl. Phys. B118, 360 (1977).
58. K. Bö ckmann, R. Hartmann, J. Hofmann, J. Lowsky, H. Abramowicz, R. Gokieli, R. Sosnowski, M. Szeptycka, A. Wróblewski, A. Ziemiński, Inclusive pi0 production in pi+ p interactions at 16 GeV/c, Nucl. Phys. B119, 253 (1977).
59. A. K. Wróblewski, Review of experimental data on multiparticle hadronic reactions, Proc. VIII Int. Symp. on Multiparticle Dynamics, Kaysersberg 1977, p. A1 - A63.
60. J. Bartke, M. Deutschmann, H. G. Kirk, P. Sixel, L. Becker, H. Vogt, R. Hartmann, H. Plothow, D. Kocher, D. R. O. Morrison, P. Porth, K. Eskreys, K. Olkiewicz, K. Doroba, T. Hofmokl, Off-shell anti-N N annihilation studied in pi+ p interactions at 8 GeV/c and 16 GeV/c, Aachen - Berlin - Bonn - CERN - Cracow -Heidelberg - Warsaw Collaboration, Nucl. Phys. B120, 1 (1977).
61. E. S. Basova et al. (z Warszawy: E. Skrzypczak), Korrelyacii mezhdu vtorichnymi chasticami iz vzaimodestvii alpha-chastic s yadrami pri impulse na nuklon 4.2 GeV/c, Yad. Fiz. 25, 777 (1977).
62. J. Zakrzewski, Nuclear interactions of strange particles and baryon resonances: introductory remarks, Nukleonika 22 (1977).
63. B. Czochralska, H. Fritsche, D. Shugar, Photochemically reversible dimer electroreduction product of 2-oxopurine, Z. Naturforsch. 32c, 488 (1977).
64. B. Czochralska, D. Shugar, S. K. Arora, R. B. Bates, R. S. Cutler, Structure, cyclization and other properties of the electrochemical reduction product of 4,6-dimethylpyrimidon-2, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 99, 2583 (1977).
65. L. Dudycz, E. Darżynkiewicz, D. Shugar, Kinetics of Deamination of Cytosine Nucleosides with Etherified Sugar Hydroxyls, Acta Biochim. Pol. 24, 207-214 (1977).
66. R. Stolarski, M. Remin, D. Shugar, Studies on prototropic tautomerism in neutral and monoanionic forms of pyrimidines, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy, Z. Naturforsch. 32c, 894-900 (1977).
67. J. H. Eberly, K. Wódkiewicz, The time-dependent physical spectrum of light, J. Opt. Soc. Am. 67, 1252 (1977).
68. K. Wódkiewicz, Spin-frame independent variables in general relativity, J. Math. Phys. 18, 441 (1977).
69. Ł. A. Turski, J. S. Langer, Studies in the Theory of Interfacial Stability I, Acta Met. 25, 1113 (1977).
70. Ł. A. Turski, P. Goldstein, The Vlasov Equation for the Breit-Darwin Plasma, Physica 89A, 481 (1977).
71. I. Białynicki-Birula, Z. Białynicka-Birula, Triple optical resonance, Phys. Rev. A16, 1318 (1977).
72. I. Białynicki-Birula, Classical limit of quantum electrodynamics, Acta Phys. Austr. Suppl. 18, 111 (1977).
73. I. Białynicki-Birula, J. H. Eberly, B. Shore, Z. Białynicka -Birula, Coherent dynamics of N-level atoms and molecules. I. Numerical experiments, Phys. Rev. A16, 2038 (1977).
74. I. Białynicki-Birula, Z. Białynicka-Birula, J. H. Eberly, B. Shore, Coherent dynamics of N-level atoms and molecules. II. Analytic solutions, Phys. Rev. A16, 2048 (1977).
75. I. Białynicki-Birula, Nonlinear wave mechanics, Proc. III School of Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sofia 1977, p. 178.
76. J. Blinowski, G. Rebmann, C. Rigaux, J. Mycielski, Magnetooptical Investigation of the Conduction Band in Tellurium, J. Phys. (France) 38, 1139 (1977).
77. J. Blinowski, L. Leibler, The Effect of Lattice Constant Variation in the Band Structure Theory of Semiconducting Alloys, Proc. III Int. Conf. on Physics of Narrow -Gap Semiconductors, Warszawa 1977, PWN, Warszawa, p. 239.
78. S. G. Rohoziński, J. Dobaczewski, J. Srebrny, B. Nerlo-Pomorska, K. Pomorski, Solution of the Schrödinger Equation with the Bohr Hamiltonian for the Even-Even Barium and Xenon Nuclei, Nukleonika 22, 293 (1977).
79. J. Dobaczewski, S. G. Rohoziński, J. Srebrny, Nuclei from the Barium Region: Nonaxial or Gamma-Soft, Z. Phys. A282, 203 (1977).
80. S. G. Rohoziński, J. Dobaczewski, B. Nerlo-Pomorska, K. Pomorski, J. Srebrny, Microscopic Dynamic Calculation of Collective States in Xenon and Barium Isotopes, Nucl. Phys. A292, 66 (1977).
81. K. Pomorski, T. Kaniowska, A. Sobiczewski, S. G. Rohoziński, Study of the inertial functions for rare-earth nuclei, Nucl. Phys. A283, 394 (1977).
82. Z. Szymański, High Spin Nuclear Rotations, Nucl. Instrum. & Methods (1977).
83. M. Cerkaski, J. Dudek, Z. Szymański, C. G. Andersson, G. Leander, S. Aberg, S. G. Nilsson, I. Ragnarsson, Search for the Yrast Traps in Neutron Deficient Rare Earth Nuclei, Phys. Lett. 70B, 9 (1977).
84. M. Cerkaski, J. Dudek, Z. Szymański, C. G. Andersson, G. Leander, S. Aberg, S. G. Nilsson, I. Ragnarsson, Nucleon Binding Energy in Nuclei at High Angular Momenta, Phys. Lett. 72B, 149 (1977).
85. J. Dudek, Yrast traps in fast rotating nuclei, Proc. Int. School in Theoretical Physics "Enrico Fermi", Varenna 1977, eds. A. Bohr, R. Broglia, p. 465.
86. J. Dudek, Gamma vibrations in fast rotating nuclei, Proc. Int. School in Theoretical Physics "Enrico Fermi", Varenna 1977, eds. A. Bohr, R. Broglia, p. 465.
87. J. Dudek, High spin isomers in rare earth nuclei, Proc. Int. School in Theoretical Physics, Les Houches 1977, eds. R. Baljan, G. Ripka, p. 364.
88. W. Królikowski, G. Jaroszkiewicz, Are integral charges of quarks developed by spontaneous breaking of colour symmetry? , Phys. Rev. D16, 2278 (1977).
89. W. Królikowski, Are there valence gluons in the nucleon? Acta Phys. Pol. B8, 237 (1977).
90. G. Białkowski, C. B. Chiu, D. M. Tow, A New Space-Time Model for Hadron-Nucleus Collisions at High Energies, Phys. Lett. 68B, 451 (1977).
91. T. R. Taylor, Long Range Correlations in Hadron-Hadron Collisions and the Parton Model, Acta Phys. Pol. B8, 773 (1977).
92. S. Pokorski, Jets and Multiplicity Distributions Associated with Large pT Particles, Acta Phys. Pol. B8, 61 (1977).
93. J. A. Domaradzki, The Liouville Operator for the Step-Type Interparticle Interaction, Physica 86A, 169-176 (1977).
94. J. Kalinowski, S. Pokorski, Long range effects in rapidity in hadron - hadron collisions, Proc. I Int. Symp. on Hadron Structure and Multiparticle Production, Kazimierz 1977, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszawa 1977, p.195.
95. J. M. Namysłowski, Unusual Phenomena in Heavy-Ion Collisions, Nukleonika 22, 573 (1977).
96. E. A. Bartnik i K. Rzążewski, Chaotic, isospin zero state of one mode isovector field, Lett. Math. Phys. 2, 71 (1977).
97. M. Sawicki, Four-Body Calculations of He (p, pp) d and 3He (p, pd)p Break-up Reactions, Phys. Lett. B68, 42 (1977).
98. W. Sawicki, O. Blaton, M. Pindor, Spatial Distribution of DNA-synthesizing Cells in Colonic Crypts of the Guinea Pig, American J. of Anatomy 145, 417 (1977).
99. J. Werle, A. Bohm, M. Igarashi, SU(3) - Invariant Form Factor for Pseudoscalar Mesons, Phys. Rev. D15, 2461 (1977).
100. J. Werle, Non-Linear Spinor Equations with Localized Solutions, Lett. Math. Phys. 2, 109 (1977).
101. J. Werle, Dirac Spinor Solitons or Bags, Phys. Lett. B71, 357 (1977).
102. J. Werle, Localized Solutions of Non-Linear Klein-Gordon Equations, Phys. Lett. B71, 567 (1977).
103. M. Napiórkowski, J. Piasecki, M. Seghers, P. Resibois, On the transport properties of the van der Waals fluid. III Explicit calculaction of shear viscosity, J. Chem. Phys. 66, 1422 (1977).
104. M. Napiórkowski, A note on the range of the applicability of the Ornstein-Zernike theory in the van der Waals model, J. Math. Phys. 18, 2162 (1977).
105. M. Napiórkowski, J. Piasecki, M. Seghers, P. Resibois, On the transport properties of the van der Waals fluid. III. Explicit calculation of the shear viscosity, J. Chem. Phys. 66, 1422 (1977).
106. M. Demiański, Spin may prevent formation of small black holes, Acta Phys. Pol. B8, 591 (1977).
107. A. Trautman, Solutions of the Maxwell and Yang-Mills equations associated with Hopf fibrings, Intern. J. Theor. Phys. 16, 561-565 (1977).
108. S. Bażański, Kinematics of relative motion of test particles in general relativity, Ann. Inst. H. Poincar'e A27, 115 (1977).
109. S. Bażański, Dynamics of relative motion of test particles in general relativity, Ann. Inst. H. Poincar'e A27, 145 (1977).
110. J. Tafel, Cosmological models with a spinor field, Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astron. & Phys. 25, 593 (1977).
111. J. Kijowski, Symplectic geometry and second quantization, Rep. Math. Phys. 11, 97-109 (1977).
112. J. Kijowski, A. Smólski, Darboux theorem and the linearization of ordinary differential equations, Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astron. & Phys. 25, 671-673 (1977).
113. O. Dumbrajs, M. Staszel, Pole and quark-counting model for form factors of light nuclei, Z. Phys. 280, 249 (1977).
114. O. Dumbrajs, M. Staszel, Analytic representation for form factors and determination of radii of hadrons and light nuclei, Z. Phys. 280, 383 (1977).
Książki i skrypty
1. Nuclear Structure and Reactions, Proceedings of the IX-th Summer School in Nuclear Physics, August 30 - September 11, 1976, Mikołajki; offprint of Nukleonika, vol. 22, No. 1, 3 and 7, 1977.
2. Proceedings of the I International Symposium on Hadron Structure and Multiparticle Production, Kazimierz, May 1977, pod red. Z. Ajduka, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 1977.
3. A. Blinowska, J. Blinowski, W. Gorzkowski, Fale, cząstki, atomy, wyd. I, WSiP Warszawa 1977.
4. J. Kijowski, K. Gawędzki, Metody geometryczne w klasycznej mechanice i teorii pola, 250 pp, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 1977.
Prace różne i popularnonaukowe
1. M. Nawrocki, Zastosowanie metody orientacji optycznej w badaniach półprzewodników, Postępy Fiz. 27, 585 (1977).
2. A. Para, Słabe prądy neutralne, Postępy Fiz. 28, 405 (1977).
3. S. Pokorski, Produkcja hadronów z dużymi pędami poprzecznymi w zderzeniach hadronów przy wysokich energiach, Postępy Fiz. 28, 391 (1977).
4. Z. W. Gortel, Stany rezonansowe w półprzewodnikach o zerowej przerwie energetycznej, Postępy Fiz. 28, 567 (1977).
5. O. Dumbrajs, Zagadnienie odwrotne w fizyce jądra atomowego i cząstek elementarnych, Postępy Fiz. 28, 417 (1977).
6. M. Kupczyński, Odkrycie powabu, Postępy Fiz. 28, 275 (1977).
7. G. Białkowski, Ciągłość i nieciągłość w fizyce, Delta 8 (1977).
8. G. Białkowski, Czy mechanika - to matematyka, czy fizyka?, Delta 11 (1977).
9. G. Białkowski, Cele a system nauczania fizyki w szkole, Fizyka w Szkole 23, 152 (1977).
10. K. Tabaszewski, Laboratorium w Domu - Ruch bez tarcia w naszych szkołach, Delta 4, Nr 9 1, 14 (1977).
11. K. Tabaszewski - Laboratorium w domu - Wyznaczanie przyspieszenia i nie tylko, Delta 4, Nr 11, 116 (1977).
Raporty, abstrakty i doniesienia konferencyjne
1. T. Grycuk, H. Nguyen, New measurements of satellities of Hg-2537 A line perturbed by Kr and Xe, 9th EGAS Conf., Kraków 1977.
2. J. Chrostowski, T. Warenycia, Two-photon absorption of a two-mode laser beam with phase diffusion, Laser und ihre Anwendungen, Drezno 1977.
3. J. Chrostowski, Two photon absorption of randomly modulated laser beam, 9th EGAS Conf., Kraków 1977.
4. P. Główczewski, Cz. Radzewicz, J. Krasiński, Two photon absorption on oxasol scintillators, 9th EGAS Conf., Kraków 1977.
5. M. Allegrini, G. Alzetta, A. Kopystyńska, L. Moi, G. Orriols, New emission molecular sodium band connected with resonant atomic excitation, 9th EGAS Conf., Kraków 1977.
6. M. Kraińska-Miszczak, Optical pumping with pi polarized D2 line, 9th EGAS Conf., Kraków 1977.
7. A. Sieradzan, W. Sieradzan, Magnetic resonance in optically pumped cesium vapour, RAMIS, Poznań 1977.
8. R. Broda, Ch. Droste, L. Goettig, T. Morek, M. Rybicka, J. Srebrny, J. Styczeń, High-spin isomeric states in 128Xe and 130Xe, Progress Report No 955/PL (I977), Institute of Physics, Cracow.
9. B. Fryszczyn, E. Gierlik, M. Siemiński, A. Turowiecki, E. Wesołowski, Z. Wilhelmi, Neutron orbit radii in the investigations of sub-coulomb (d,p) stripping, Rap. IBJ - INR-1702/I/PL/A, 1977, p. 42-44, Progress report on Nucl. Data Research in P oland May 1976 - April 1977.
10. C. Borcea, A. Buta, I. Lazar, V. Meyer, M. Petrascu, M. Petrovicki, J. Ramm, A. Saganek, V. Simion, Intermediate substructures and isobaric analog resonance in 67Ca and their significance against statistical reaction model, Proc. Nucl. Struct. Conf ., Tokyo 1977, vol. I, p. 497.
11. J. Piotrowski, G. Szeflińska, Z. Szefliński, Z. Wilhelmi, Average Resonance Spectroscopy Applied to 73As, Proc. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Structure, Tokyo 1977, p. 284.
12. Z. Wilhelmi, J. Piotrowski, G. Szeflińska, Z. Szefliński, Study of the 85Y Nucleus Structure by the Method of the Averaged Resonance Spectroscopy, JINR, P15 -11026, Dubna 1977.
13. A. K. Wróblewski, Poisson fits to multiplicity distribution tails, VTL-HEP-53, Seattle 1977.
14. A. K. Wróblewski, Calculation of pi-p topologic cross sections as an input for CTM and BLRW models, VTL-HEP-55, Seattle 1977.
15. Ł. A. Turski, P. Goldstein, On the Eigenmodes of the Breit-Darwin Plasma, Proc. III Int. Congr. on Waves and Instabilities in Plasma, Palasiseau 1977.
16. S. G. Rohoziński, J. Dobaczewski, B. Nerlo-Pomorska, K. Pomorski, J. Srebrny, Microscopic dynamic calculations of collective states for xenon and barium isotopes II, preprint IFT/77/8.
17. S. Pokorski, Clustering in Hadron-Like and Quark-Like Jets, Warsaw University preprint, IFT/3/77, 1977.
18. S. Pokorski, L. Van Hove, Hadron Fragmentation and Leading Particle Effect in the Quark-Gluon Model, CERN preprint, TH 2427 (1977).
19. J. Kalinowski, 1/N-F expansion in the one-dimensional dual unitary scheme, IFT/77/12-WARSAW, 1977, 16pp.
20. H. R. Petry, M. Sawicki, The State Vector in the VV Sector of the Lee Model, Contribution to the Symp. on Few-Body Problems, Tokyo 1977.
21. M. Sawicki, The Coulomb Effects in the p + 3He --> d + p + p Break-up, Contribution to the Symp. on Few-Body Problems, Tokyo 1977.
22. M. Sawicki, Application of Integral Equations for Calculations of Elastic, Rearrangement and Break-up Processes in the Four-Nucleon System, Bonn University preprint ITKP/1/77 (1977).
23. J. Werle, A Hydrodynamical Quark Model, Proc. Int. Symp. on Math. Phys., Mexico 1976.
24. J. Werle, Non-Linear Spinor Quark Model, Proc. Int. Symp. on Math. Phys., Mexico 1976.
25. M. Demiański, A cosmic censor mechanism for Kerr metric (with F. de Felice), 8th Int. Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitation, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario (Canada) 1977, Abstracts of Contributed Papers.
26. M. Demiański, Formation of galaxies, Proc. Erice Summer School on General Relativity, ed. V. de Sabbata, 1977.
27. S. Bażański, Semilocal approach to the relative motion of test particles in general relativity, 8th Int. Conf. on General Relativity and Gravitation, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario (Canada) 1977, Abstracts of Contributed Papers, p. 81.