The interactions between turbulence and cloud microphysical processes have been investigated primarily through numerical simulation and field measurements over the last ten years. However, only in the laboratory we can be confident in our knowledge of initial and boundary conditions, and are able to measure under statistically stationary and repeatable conditions. In this talk, a unique turbulent moist-air wind tunnel will be presented, called the Turbulent Leipzig Aerosol Cloud Interaction Simulator (LACIS-T) which has been developed in order to study cloud physical processes in general and interactions between turbulence and cloud microphysical processes in particular. Investigations take place under well-defined and reproducible turbulent and thermodynamic conditions covering the temperature range of warm, mixed-phase and cold clouds (25°C > T > -40°C). The continuous-flow design of the facility allows for the investigation of processes occurring on small time (up to a few seconds) and spatial scales (micrometer to meter scale) and with a Lagrangian perspective. The experimental studies using LACIS-T are accompanied and complemented by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations which are helpful to design experiments as well as to interpret experimental results.In this talk, I will present the fundamental operating principle of LACIS-T, the numerical model as well as results concerning the thermodynamic and flow conditions prevailing inside the wind tunnel combining both characterization measurements and numerical simulations. Finally, results are depicted from deliquescence/hygroscopic growth as well as droplet activation and growth experiments.
Zapraszamy do sali B0.14, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 13:15
Prof. Timo Vesala (Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki, Finland)
We have participated in several acts of writings, public discourses and seminars concerning the effects of forest utilization on climate and biodiversity (e.g. EASAC 2017; EURACTIV 2017a, b). Writings include, among other things, long reports (multiple authors), newspaper columns and public letters (multiple authors). Finland is planning to increase substantially harvesting of timber, which leads, in the short-term (by mid 2000 century), increased carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Based on best available scientific understanding, these communications and writings have criticized these plans, which eventually lead to situation where the forest management actions in Finland are against the targets set by the Paris Climate Agreement and endanger the present level of biodiversity.The core of the criticism has been in the planned massive intensification of forest use as bioenergy, leading to increased harvests in the expense of carbon storage and sinks, and possibly even harvesting previously economically non-profitable stands with the help of government subsidies. This view has been based on the proposed carbon neutrality of forest biomass, however it is not accounting for e.g. the poor energy content of forest biomass in comparison to other energy sources, nor the climate relevant emissions from forest harvesting which last for decades after clear-cut. Therefore, the climate neutrality of forest-based bioenergy can be questioned.The comments and feedback we have obtained have varied greatly, depending on the perspective of the commenting persons and organisations. The discussion fora for replies have ranged from social media to newspaper articles and policy debates in scientific arena. On the one hand, we have been acknowledged for participating in the important socio-economic debate, for bringing the scientific arguments to the discussion and for clarifying the complex problem, where the terms and concepts are sometimes presented very vaguely. On the other hand, we have been accused for, e.g., being extremely narrow-minded and biased, for forgetting the economic realities and being unpatriotic, in addition to presenting dangerous things towards Finland and the finnish pulp and paper industry. Our statements are blamed to be post-truth politics and representing green left values without scientific facts.In this presentation we aim at clarifying the background of this public dialogue and argue that a scientists’ responsibility is to participate also in public debates that concern the research field (s)he is working with. Scientists are often in a position where they are able to provide strong scientific argumentation on the climate change questions, and thus effectively contribute to the policy-relevant dialogue. ReferencesEASAC (2017) Multi-functionality and sustainability in the European Union’s forests. EASAC policy report 32, April 2017. ISBN: 978-3-8047-3728-0Euractiv (2017a) Science-based forest policies urgently needed for effective climate action. Euractiv (2017b) EU’s climate credibility is at risk under forest accounting rules.