Wydział Fizyki UW > Badania > Seminaria i konwersatoria > Seminarium "Modeling of Complex Systems"

Seminarium "Modeling of Complex Systems"

2018/2019 | 2019/2020 | 2020/2021 | 2021/2022 | 2022/2023 | 2023/2024


2020-06-10 (Środa)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 17:15  Calendar icon
Student's' names in summary (IFT UW)

Google Meet - Student's short talks

Jacek Gębala, “Multichannel scattering formalism and long range dimer interaction”Piotr Szulim - “Quantum Rotor in external magnetic field”Le Xuan The Tai - “Non-hermitian physics”Tomasz Necio - “Brain Computer Interfaces”Małgorzata Rytel - “Quantum Devices” or “Game of Life” Urszula Kurdziel - “Space Shutter Challenger and geometry disaster”Mariusz Popielski “Surface related features potentially responsible for cytotoxic behaviour of MXenes layered materials”
2020-03-05 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
Prof. Yehuda Band (Ben-Gurion University)

Quantum Rotors: Magnetometers, Accelerometers and Rotation Sensors

In a cold atom gas subject to a spin-dependent 2D optical lattice potential, trapped atoms undergo orbital motion around the minima of the potential. Such atoms are elementary quantum rotors (QRs). The theory of atomic QRs is developed. Wave functions, energies, and degeneracies are determined for both bosonic and fermionic QRs, as well as the magnetic dipole transitions between ground and spin-excited states. QRs in optical lattices with precisely one atom per site can be used as a magnetometer, an accelerometer and a rotation sensor. Such devices have unprecedented accuracy.
2020-02-27 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
prof Marek Trippenbach (IFT UW)

PT symmetry, SO coupling and more. Why it is useful to solve NLSE

2020-01-23 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
Dariusz Wiater, Aleksei Koshevarnikov, Małgorzata Rytel (Faculty of Physics UW)

There are 3 talks

(i) Dariusz Wiater - “Spin dynamics in ultracold collisions between Yb ion and Li atoms”(ii) Aleksei Koshevarnikov: “Molecular magnetic properties of metal phthalocyanine”(iii) Małgorzata Rytel: - “Green Al”
2020-01-16 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
Michał Jagielski, Stanisław Żukowski, Adam Koza, Dominik Stańczak (IFT UW)

4 short talks of studens (titles given below)

Short talks of students: (i) Michał Jagielski - “Snow Crystals”; (ii) Stanisław Żukowski - "Relationship between river network geometries and their growth laws”; (iii) Adam Koza - "Quantum mixture of ultracold, polar and paramagnetic NaLi molecules and Na atoms”; (iv) Dominik Stańczak - "A brief overview of methods of plasma simulation".
2019-12-12 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
dr Michal Tomza (IFT UW)

Interplay of long-range and short-range effects in cold ion-neutral collisions

Hybrid systems of laser-cooled trapped ions and ultracold atomscombined in a single experimental setup have recently emerged as a newplatform for fundamental research in quantum physics and chemistry[1]. In my talk, I will present how quantum chemical calculations ofelectronic structure and scattering dynamics can support and explainquantum physics experiments. On one hand, cold charge-transfer (CT)collisions of Rb atoms with N_2^+ and O_2^+ molecular ions in the mKregime using a dynamic ion-neutral hybrid trapping experiment wereinvestigated, where state- and collision-energy-dependent reactionrate coefficients have been measured [2]. On the other hand, thecharge and spin dynamics in atomic ion-atom system of Yb^+ with Lihave been studied [3]. The theoretical analysis reveals an intricateinterplay between short- and long-range effects in the differentreaction channels which ultimately determines the CT dynamics andrates in those systems.[1] Rev. Mod. Phys. 91, 035001 (2019)[2] Nature Commun. 10, 5429 (2019)[3] Nature Phys. in press / arXiv:1907.10926 (2019)
2019-12-05 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
dr Tomi Ketolainen (University of Ostrava)

Optical gaps and optical absorbance spectra of two-dimensional materials investigated by first-principles methods

Two-dimensional (2D) materials have received a lot of attention in recent years. Moreover, the physical properties of 2D materials have been studied extensively with density functional theory (DFT). Due to the strong light- matter interaction, many-body methods beyond DFT are usually needed to describe the optical properties of 2D systems accurately. These meth-ods are often computationally demanding. In this work, we compute optical absorbance spectra for several 2D materials using a recently developed method based on time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) and the HSE06 hybrid functional. This method (TD-HSE06) turns out to be faster than the standard many-body methods. With a test set of eight common 2D materials, we show that the TD-HSE06 method results in optical absorbance spectra that are in agreement with recent experimental and computational studies. In addition, the errors of the optical gaps determined with the TD-HSE06 method are rather small compared with the many-body calculations. We also calculate the TD-HSE06 optical absorbance spectra for transition metal carbides called MXenes. Our calculations show that the TD-HSE06 method makes it possible to describe the optical gaps and optical absorbance spectra of 2D materials quite accurately. Furthermore, the TD- HSE06 method can also describe excitons in 2D materials whereas standard spectrum calculations neglect the excitons completely.
2019-11-21 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
dr Magdalena Birowska, Tomasz Necio, and Aleksandra Jankowska (IFT UW)

Antiferromagnetism of two-dimensional materials

Atomically thin, magnetic materials have recently gained a lot of attention in the field of two-dimensional (2D) materials. Single magnetic layers with critical temperature above room-temperature are extremely attractive for fundamental studies and could potentially be the basis for a new class of information storage. In order to shed light on the intriguing phenomena of 2D magnetism, we present theoretical investigations in the framework of the density functional theory (DFT) of the structural, electronic and optical properties of the layered material such as MnPS3, NiPS3 as well as a mixed systems MnxNi1-xPS3. These materials are important examples from the large family of transition metal phosphorus trisulfide (MPS3). We also discuss the influence of the substrate (graphene layer) on the properties of NiPS3 material. In this seminar we will answer important questions concerning 2D magnetic materials, such as: Can we probe the magnetic properties optically at the nanolevel scale?Is there a difference between 3D and 2D magnetism?Does the graphene layer affect NiPS3 properties?How to obtain ferromagnetic semiconductor from the antifferomagnetic material?
2019-11-14 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
prof. dr hab. Adam Kubas (Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences)

Cis-trans isomerization of retinois: insights from theory

Polyene retinoids are an important class of biologically active molecules involved in many facets of human physiology. The geometric configurations of retinoids have enormous impact on their chemical and biological properties. For example the Z-isomeric form of retinal plays an important role as a chromophore of rod and cone photoreceptor cells in the visual cycle. Genetic or environmental factors affecting chromophore production can lead to diseases of the retina and eventually blindness. Pharmacological interventions by means of Z-isomers of retinal and retinyl acetate are used to maintain vision in inherited retinal degenerative disease [1].We recently developed three paths to access such biologically relevant 9-cis and 13-cis retinoid derivatives: (a) palladium-based catalytic approach [2], (b) direct monochromatic photoisomerisation [3] and (c) photocatalytic isomerization using iridium catalyst [3]. The single-step protocols are easily scalable and allows for gram-scale synthesis of the Z-isomers. However, depending on the method and the nature of all-trans substrate various distributions of Z-isomers were observed. To understand the distribution of the products we carried out extensive quantum chemical calculations [2,3]. Our multi-level approach include geometry optimizations at the density functional theory (DFT) level, single-point energy refinements at the local coupled-cluster level and excitation energies calculations at the (simplified) time-dependent DFT level. In the case of catalytic reaction we showed that the active catalyst exists in a dimeric form and the reaction proceeds via six-membered chair-like chloropalladate intermediate. We related the distribution of photochemical products with the relative energy ordering of the intermediates at the excited potential energy surface. In addition, we developed the “local polarization change” (LPC) model that explains photoisomerisation product distribution using only HOMO and LUMO atomic populations.[1] P. D. Kiser, K. Palczewski, Annu. Rev. Vis. Sci. 2, 197-234 (2016).space[2] S. Kahremany, A. Kubas, G. P. Tochtrop, K. Palczewski, Dalton Trans. 48, 10581 (2019).[3] S. Kahremany, C. L. Sander, G. P. Tochtrop, A. Kubas, K. Palczewski, Org. Biomol. Chem. accepted, DOI: 10.1039/C9OB01645G (2019).
2019-11-07 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
dr Paweł Bączyk (IFT UW)

Isospin symmetry breaking in atomic nuclei

Modelling of isospin-symmetry-breaking (ISB) effects in atomic nuclei is a long-standing problem first tackled by Nolen and Schiffer in 1969. Since then, the interplay of electromagnetic and strong-force-rooted effects has been studied in many models. Our approach based on the Density Functional Theory (DFT) turns out to be very successful in this matter.During the seminar I will present how to reproduce binding energy differences of nuclei with N~Z in a broad range of masses (A=6-75) and what can we learn about the strong nuclear interaction using an effective theory. What is more, I will present calculations of nuclear structure and beta decay properties going beyond mean-field approximation.
2019-10-24 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
dr Max P. Cooper (IFT UW)

Observing the evolution of geometry and flow in dissolving rock

When acid is injected into soluble rocks such as limestone channels,termed "wormholes", are formed due to a reaction-infiltrationinstability arising from heterogeneity within the rock. The continuedgrowth of the wormhole is controlled by the coupling of flow andgeometry of both the wormhole and pre-existing pores in the rock.Previous studies have attempted to capture the evolution of flow andgeometry in models, starting with initial pore geometry fromtomographic scans of rocks and compare the model output to scans ofthe acidize rock. This study steps back from modeling and directlyobserves the evolution of wormhole formation. Rock cores are subjectedto acid injection in a cell, with parameters such as injection rateand acid concentration are controlled. To observe evolution this cellis placed in a tomograph and scans are performed while the rock isbeing acidized. The evolution of the flow field is also captured byinjecting a contrasting agent such as potassium iodide or heavy waterwhen scanned with X-Ray or neutron tomography, respectively. Initialresults show wormhole growth is controlled by focused flow at the tipof the wormhole and the character of wormhole geometry is stronglycontrolled by the pore space.
2019-10-17 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
DR Jacek Konieczny (Nauto, CA USA)

Deep Learning Optimization Methods

The lecture presents practical insights into training of Deep Neural Networks. We will start by introducing basic components of modern Artificial Neural Networks and explain why the training of such networks is not a trivial task. Next, we will discuss the most important approaches to training neural networks, including Stochastic Gradient Descent and Adam, show practical variants of the methods improving their performance and convergence time and discuss applicability of the methods. Finally, we will take a look into the most recent advances in the field of optimizing neural networks, including Circular Learning Rates, warm-up and Lookahead optimizer.
2019-10-10 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 15:15  Calendar icon
Jacek A. Majewski (IFT UW)

New opportunities in the flat world