Seminarium "Modeling of Complex Systems"

sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
2022-01-27 (15:15) Calendar icon
Rastko Sknepnek (School od Science and Engineering and School of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, United Kingdom)

Active Junction Model for Epithelial Tissues

Convergence-extension in embryos is driven by cellular behaviours controlled by chemical and mechanical signalling. A key cellular process is intercalation - the exchange of neighbours via T1 transitions. We analyse a model with positive feedback between recruitment of myosin motors and mechanical tension in cell junctions. The model characterises active T1 events, which occur against external pulling, as a function of the pulling force, remodelling timescales in cell junctions, and myosin kinetics. Using several active cells in a passive tissue with hexagonal cells, we found an optimal range of pulling forces that induce active T1 events, which initiate deformations that extend the tissue perpendicular to the pulling force. We showed that pulling generate tensions chains in a random patch of active cells, identified the parameter range for convergence-extension to occur, and compared our finding with experiments on chick embryos. The mechanochemical feedback, therefore, provides a mechanism for tissue-scale remodelling.
Seminar will be hold on the Zoom platform:Topic: Seminar Modeling of Complex SystemsTime: Jan 27, 2022 03:10 PM WarsawJoin Zoom Meeting ID: 993 3809 0255Passcode: vK4pc7
