Seminarium KMMF "Teoria Dwoistości"

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2021-03-04 (10:15) Calendar icon
Marcin Lis (University of Viena)

Free boundary dimers: random walk representation and scaling limit

The standard dimer model is a uniform probability measure on the space ofperfect matchings of a graph, i.e., sets of edges such that each vertex is incident on exactly one edge. It was introduced as a model of adsorption of diatomic molecules on a surface of a crystal, and its correlations exhibit free fermionic statistics. In two dimensions, one can define an associated height function which naturally models a ‘’uniform'' random surface (with specified boundary conditions). Moreover the model can be solved exactly which in particular means that its correlations are given by the entries of the inverse Kasteleyn matrix. This exact solvability was the starting point for the breakthrough work of Kenyon who proved, already 20 years ago, that the scaling limit of the height function in bounded domains approximated by the square lattice with vanishing mesh is the Dirichlet (or zero boundary conditions) Gaussian free field (or the continuum free boson). This was the first mathematically rigorous example of conformal invariance in planar statistical mechanics. In this talk, I will focus on a natural modification of the model where one allows the vertices on the boundary of the graph to remain unmatched. This is the so-called free boundary dimer model. This modification complicates the classical analysis in several ways and I will discuss how to circumvent the arising obstacles.In the end, the main result that we obtain is that the scaling limit of the height function of the monomer-dimer model in the upper half-plane approximated by the square lattice with vanishing meshis the Neumann (or free boundary conditions) Gaussian free field. This is based joint work with Nathanael Berestycki (Vienna) and Wei Qian (Paris). To attend, please use the Zoom identificator:
