Seminarium Fizyki Wielkich Energii

sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
2016-12-09 (10:15) Calendar icon
Wojciech Krzemień (NCBJ)

Search for CPT symmetry violation in neutral flavour meson oscillations

CPT is the simultaneous combination of three transformations: charge conjugate C, parity P and time reversal T. The discrete CPT symmetry is believed to be strictly conserved in the nature. This statement is strengthened by the general theorem formed in 50' by Pauli, Luders, Schwinger and Jost. The theorem states that any local, Lorentz-invariant quantum field theory must be also CPT-invariant.The precise experimental tests of indirect CPT symmetry violation can be performed by exploiting the neutral-meson oscillation phenomena, one of the fascinating effects predicted by Quantum Mechanics, in which the meson oscillates back and forth between its particle and antiparticle states.The overview of the last LHCb experimental results and prospects will be given
