Seminarium Zakładu Biofizyki

sala nr 3136 im. Prof. Jana Samsonowicza, al. Żwirki i Wigury 93
2012-05-18 (14:00) Calendar icon
prof. Krzysztof Kuczera (The University of Kansas, US)

Computer simulations of folding pathways of helical peptides

Using several popular molecular mechanics force fields, we predict folding equilibria and rates in good quantitative agreement with available experimental data for a series of helix-forming peptides. Our simulations also provide microscopically detailed information about sampled intermediate structures and folding pathways that is not easily accessible by experimental measurement. Predicted details of helix nucleation are sensitive to force field details, but later stages of folding follow similar paths in the different models. Thus, current molecular mechanics force fields appear to provide realistic descriptions of energy landscapes for helical peptides.
