Środowiskowe Seminarium Fizyki Atmosfery

sala 17 budynku przy ul. Pasteura 7,
2007-10-19 (13:15) Calendar icon
dr hab. Wojciech Grabowski (NCAR, Boulder, Colorado, USA)

Cloud-resolving modeling

Cloud-resolving modeling, also known as cumulus ensemble modeling or cloud-system-resolving modeling, refers to an approach where cloud dynamics and microphysics are explicitly represented, in contrast to the situation where they are parameterized as in climate and weather prediction models. Cloud-resolving models are nonhydrostatic small-scale models, and when applied to deep convection they use horizontal gridlengths in the range of 1 to 3 km (thus are really convection-permitting, not cloud-resolving). In this lecture, I will briefly review the design of such models, present some examples of their applications, and review progress in their application to the climate research through the super-parameterization approach and global cloud-resolving modeling.
