Wydział Fizyki UW > Badania > Seminaria i konwersatoria > Wydarzenie (z logowaniem)

Multimedialne seminarium z ekono- i socjofizyki

sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
2019-04-16 (18:15)
Mateusz Wiliński (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa oraz Wydział Fizyki UW)

Wykrywanie Makroskopowych Struktur w Sieciach Finansowych z użyciem Modeli Blokowych
Disentangling Macroscopic Structures in Financial Networks: A Stochastic Block Model Approach

In the last decade, financial networks became an extremely important subject, both for researchers and regulators. European Central Bank, Bank of England and other central banks across the world invested significant resources into understanding the relation between financial networks properties and the systemic risk associated with them. One of the most crucial elements of such research is being able to identify macroscopic structures, such as core-periphery, which is considered to be very common in the financial world. In my talk, I will show how Stochastic Block Models can be used in order to easily distinguish between different structures. Moreover, I will present results obtained for real data from the Italian interbank market, which suggest that including or neglecting part of the information about the network can lead to surprisingly different results. Finally, I will show the dynamics of interbank market structures in the years 2010-2014, and how they depend on the used timescale.
