W dniu 30. października 2014 r. o godzinie 10:15
Michał Wrochna (CNRS, Institut Fourier, Grenoble)
wygłosi wykład pt.
"Construction of pure states from characteristic Cauchy data"
For the Klein–Gordon equation one formulates a characteristic Cauchy
problem by specifying as initial datum the restriction to a lightcone. I
will demonstrate how such characteristic Cauchy problem (also called
Goursat problem) can be solved in the inside of a cone in a globally
hyperbolic spacetime for data in adapted Sobolev spaces. I will then review
applications in Quantum Field Theory, where one is interested in
constructing solutions with a specific wave front set. (This is joint work with
Christian Gérard)
Seminarium odbywa się w czwartki w godzinach 10:15–12:00
w sali 2.23 w głównym budynku Wydziału Fizyki UW przy ul. Pasteura 5
(II p.) w Warszawie.
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