Physics at the LHC - 2009/2010
Slides from lectures:
This is a monographic course focused on the discussion of the role the
experiments at the LHC can play in further development of the physics of
elementary interactions and cosmology.
The expectations linked to the experiments at the LHC are closely
connected with the existing theory of elementary interactions called the
Standard Model. We hope to get experimental hints for generalising the
Standard Model so that we better understand the origin of the Fermi scale
and get the explanation of the empirical facts that remain unexplained in
the framework of the Standard Model (the existence of dark matter and the
absence of antimatter in the universe). The main purpose of the course is
to present those aspects of the Standard Model that most likely are
important for searching for its extension. Furthermore, there will be
discussed various theoretical scenarios for beyond the Standard Model
theory both from the point of view of their theoretical value and the
chances for their verification at the LHC.
- The beauty of the Standard Model as a renormalizable quantum field
theory (the basic structure, local and global symmetries and their
experimental verification, fermion masses, GIM mechanism)
- The Standard Model as an effective theory - limits on new physical
- The Higgs mechanism and its possible realizations; the Higgs mechanism
and a Higgs particle(s)
- Vacuum stability and Landau pole in the one Higgs doublet theory
- Unitarity of the longitudinal gauge boson scattering amplitudes and
its consequences for possible extensions of the Standard Model
- Hierachy problem
- Arguments in favour of grand unification
- Dark matter in extensions of the Standard Model
The course will be based on original research publications.
Some textbooks with introduction to the Standard Model:
1. I.J.R. Aitchison i A.J.G. Hey, Gauge theories in particie
2. S. Pokorski, Gauge Field Theories
3. P.D.B. Collins, A.D.Martin i E.J.Squires, Particle Physics and
4. P. Ramond, Journeys beyond the Standard Model
S. Pokorski