setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/intel_fc_80/lib setenv NLSPATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH/ifcore_msg.catif the script is a csh script, or
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/intel_fc_80/lib; NLSPATH =/usr/intel_fc_80/lib/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH NLSPATHif it is a bash (sh) script (variable NLSPATH is useful in case of a crash: it points to an error messages file).
The following can serve as an example:
#!/bin/tcsh -f #PBS -j oe #PBS -r n #PBS -l nodes=1 #PBS -l pcput=9:40:40,mem=5mb cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR echo 'Submitted by :' `basename ~` echo 'Starting on :' `hostname` echo 'Working directory :' $PBS_O_WORKDIR echo 'Started at :' `date` echo ' ' setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/intel_fc_80/lib setenv NLSPATH $LD_LIBRARY_PATH/ time ./my_program < my_program.dat > my_program.out echo ' ' echo Job finished at `date`For interactive compilation, you don't have to specify anything, provided you have used use_ic. If you want the autodouble mode, you can add -r8 option when compiling your program.