Pawel Przewlocki professionally |
This isthe bright side of the moon. You can also see the dark one.EducationUniversity education:
Ph. D. studiesat Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS).Scope: neutrino physics (oscillation experiments) Thesis defended June 7th, 2010. Analyses conducted in 2007/2008:
Experiments I am involved in
My publications1. J. Lagoda, D. Kielczewska, M. Posiadala, R. Sulej, K. Zaremba, T. Kozlowski, K. Kurek, P. Mijakowski, P. Przewlocki, E. Rondio, J. Stepaniak, M. Szeptycka, Polarization Effects in tau Production by Neutrino, Acta Phys. Pol. B Vol. B (2007) 6, 2007 [link]2. P. Przewlocki, ICARUS - The Liquid Argon Detector for Neutrino Physics, Acta Phys. Pol. B Vol. 37 No 4 1245-125 , 2006 [link] 3. P. Przewlocki , p0 Identification Analysis for the LAr Detector in 2km Station of T2K Experiment , Acta Phys. Pol. B Vol 37 No 8 2395-2402, 2006 [link] 4. A. Ankowski et al. (ICARUS Collaboration), Characterization of ETL 9357FLA photomultiplier tubes for cryogenic temperature applications Nucl. Instr. Meth. A Vol. 556 No 1 146-157, 2006 [link] 5. A. Ankowski et al. (ICARUS Collaboration ), Measurement of Through-Going Particle Momentum by Means of Multiple Scattering with the ICARUS T600 TPC, European Physical Journal C 48, 667-676, 2006 [link] 6. J. Jakubas-Przew這cka, P. Przew這cki, A. Sawicki, Assesment of changes due to the long-term effect of estrogen and calcium defficiency in the trabecular bone structure in rats, Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2005, Vol. 23., 385-388., 2005 [link] 7. Jakubas-Przewlocka J, Sawicki A, Przewlocki P. Assessment of trabecular bone structure in postmenopausal and senile osteoporosis in women by image analysis. Scand J Rheumatol. 2003;32(5):295-9 [link] My presentationsTokai2Kamioka - pierwszy eksperyment nowej generacji w fizyce oscylacji neutrin (Tokai2Kamioka - first new generation experiment in neutrino oscillation physics)Wroclaw, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Wroclaw University, 2007-12-07 [link] Optymalizacja detektora SMRD w bliskiej stacji eksperymentu T2K (Optimisation of T2K near station SMRD detector) Warsaw, Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS PhD seminar), 2007-05-22 [link] Piony neutralne w ciek這argonowym detektorze eksperymentu T2K (Neutral pions in liquid argon detector of T2K experiment) Warsaw, The Andrzej So速an Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS PhD seminar), 2006-01-10 [link] Poszukiwanie neutrin taonowych w wi您ce CNGS (Search for tau neutrino in CNGS beam) Warsaw, Soltan Institute of Nuclear Studies (SINS PhD seminar), 2005-05-17 [link] Poszukiwanie sygna逝 neutrin taonowych w eksperymencie SuperKamiokande (Search for tau neutrino signal in SuperKamiokande experiment) Warsaw, Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies (SINS PhD seminar), 2003-10-05 [link] Scientific travels abroad