The homepage of Dr Pawel Marek Jakubczyk
Institute of Theoretical Physics
University of Warsaw
Pasteura 5, 02-093 Warsaw
tel: (0048) 22 55 32 918
e-mail: pawel.jakubczyk at
Current scientific interests:
- classical bulk and interfacial critical phenomena
- quantum criticality
- strongly-correlated Fermi systems
- superfluidity/superconductivity
- Casimir effects
- renormalization group methods
Brief CV:
- Master studies in theoretical physics at the University of Warsaw
- Ph.D. at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw
(supervised by Prof. Marek Napiorkowski, 2002-2005)
- Post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State
Research in Stuttgart (group of Prof. Walter Metzner 2007 - 2009)
- Assistant Professor (Adiunkt) at the Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Warsaw (2006 - 2022)
- Habilitation, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw (2014)
- Associate Professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics,
University of Warsaw (2022 - )