Ryshard-Pavel Kostecki* / Ryszard Paweł Kostecki**
* – birth name (preferred) / ** – current legal name (official)
Assistant Professor at:
International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies
University of Gdańsk
Gdańsk, Poland
kostecki % fuw.edu.pl
Scientific CV (21.12.2024)
Main research interests
in physics:
Quantum information theory
QFTs and nonequilibrium quantum stat. mech.
Space-time emergence
Multi-agent information relativity
| in mathematics:
Quantum information geometry
Operator algebras and functional analysis
Category theory and topos theory
Foundations of smoothness and integration
| in philosophy (out of office):
Structural epistemology and inference
Intersubjectivity and semiotics
Cross-cultural anthropology
Publications, preprints, drafts
recent work:
- Generalised Brègman relative entropies: a brief introduction
We present some basic elements of the theory of generalised Brègman relative entropies over nonreflexive Banach spaces. Using nonlinear embeddings of Banach spaces together with the Euler–Legendre functions, this approach unifies two former approaches to Brègman relative entropy: one based on reflexive Banach spaces, another based on differential geometry. This construction allows to extend Brègman relative entropies, and related geometric and operator structures, to arbitrary-dimensional state spaces of probability, quantum, and postquantum theory. We give several examples, not considered previously in the literature.
- Upper bounds on the leakage of private data and operational approach to markovianity
coauthored with K. Horodecki, M. Studziński, O. Sakaya, D. Yáng
Phys. Rev. A. 104 (2021), 052422
We quantify the consequences of a private key leakage and private randomness generated during quantum key distribution. We provide simple lower bounds on the one-way distillable key after the leakage has been detected. We also show that the distributed private randomness does not drop by more than twice the number of qubits of the traced-out system. We further focus on irreducible private states, showing that their two-way distillable key is nonlockable. We then strengthen this result by referring to the idea of recovery maps. We further consider the action of a special case of side channels on some of the private states. Finally, we connect the topic of (non-)Markovian dynamics with that of hacking. In particular, we show that an invertible map is non-CP-divisible if and only if there exists a state whose the key witnessed by a particular privacy witness increases in time. This complements the recent result of J. Kołodyński et al. [Phys. Rev. A 101, 020303(R) (2020)] where the log-negativity was connected with the (non-)Markovianity of the dynamics.
- Categories of Brègman operations and epistemic (co)monads
We construct a categorical framework for nonlinear postquantum inference, with embeddings of convex closed sets of suitable reflexive Banach spaces as objects and pullbacks of Brègman quasi-nonexpansive mappings (in particular, constrained maximisations of Brègman relative entropies) as morphisms. It provides a nonlinear convex analytic analogue of Chencov’s programme of geometric study of categories of linear positive maps between spaces of states, a working model of Mielnik’s nonlinear transmitters, and a setting for nonlinear resource theories (with monoids of Brègman quasi-nonexpansive maps as free operations, their asymptotic fixed point sets as free sets, and Brègman relative entropies as resource monotones). We construct a range of concrete examples for semi-finite JBW-algebras and any W*-algebras. Due to relative entropy’s asymmetry, all constructions have left and right versions, with Legendre duality inducing categorical equivalence between their well-defined restrictions. Inner groupoids of these categories implement the notion of statistical equivalence. The hom-sets of a subcategory of morphisms given by entropic projections have the structure of partially ordered commutative monoids (so, they are resource theories in Fritz’s sense). Further restriction of objects to affine sets turns Brègman relative entropy into a functor. Finally, following Lawvere’s adjointness paradigm for deductive logic, but with a semantic twist representing Jaynes’ and Chencov’s views on statistical inference, we introduce a category-theoretic multi-(co)agent setting for inductive inference theories, implemented by families of monads and comonads. We show that the brègmanian approach provides some special cases of this setting.
- Limitations for private randomness repeaters
coauthored with K. Horodecki, R. Salazar, and M. Studziński
Phys. Rev. A. 102 (2020), 012615
Cryptographic protocols are often based on the two main resources: private randomness and private key. In this paper, we develop the relationship between these two resources. First, we show that any state containing perfect, directly accessible, private key (a private state) is a particular case of the state containing perfect, directly accessible, private randomness (an independent state). We then demonstrate a fundamental limitation on the possibility of transferring the privacy of random bits in quantum networks with an intermediate repeater station. More precisely, we provide an upper bound on the rate of repeated randomness in this scenario, similar to the one derived for private key repeaters. This bound holds for states with positive partial transposition. We further demonstrate the power of this upper bound by showing a gap between the localisable and the repeated private randomness for separable Werner states. In case of restricted class of operations, we provide also a bound on repeated randomness which holds for arbitrary states.
- Equivalence of tensor products over a category of W*-algebras
coauthored with T.I. Tylec
We prove the equivalence of two tensor products over a category of W*-algebras with normal (not necessarily unital) *-homomorphisms, defined by Guichardet and Dauns, respectively. This structure differs from the standard tensor product construction by Misonou–Takeda–Turumaru, which is based on weak topological completion, and does not have a categorical universality property.
- Postquantum Brègman relative entropies
We develop a new approach to construction of Brègman relative entropies over nonreflexive Banach spaces, based on nonlinear mappings into reflexive Banach spaces. We apply it to derive few families of Brègman relative entropies over several radially compact base normed spaces in spectral duality. In particular, we prove generalised pythagorean theorem and norm-to-norm continuity of the corresponding entropic projections for a family induced on preduals of any W*-algebras and of semifinite JBW-algebras using Mazur maps into corresponding noncommutative and nonassociative Lp spaces. We also prove generalised pythagorean theorem for a family induced using Kaczmarz maps into Orlicz spaces over semifinite W*-algebras, and for a family over generalised spin factors. Additionally, we establish Lipschitz–Hölder continuity of the nonassociative Mazur map on positive parts of unit balls, characterise several geometric properties of the Morse–Transue–Nakano–Luxemburg norm on noncommutative Orlicz spaces, and introduce a new family of Lp spaces over order unit spaces.
- Local quantum information dynamics
This paper is intended to: 1) show how the local smooth geometry of spaces of normal quantum states over W*-algebras (generalised spaces of density matrices) may be used to substantially enrich the description of quantum dynamics in the algebraic and path integral approaches; 2) provide a framework for construction of quantum information theories beyond quantum mechanics, such that linearity holds only locally, while the nonlocal multi-user dynamics exhibits some similarity with general relativity. In the algebraic setting, we propose a method of incorporating nonlinear Poisson and relative entropic local dynamics, as well as local gauge and local source structures, into an effective description of local temporal evolution of quantum states by using fibrewise perturbations of liouvilleans in the fibre bundle of Hilbert spaces over the quantum state manifold. We apply this method to construct also an exact algebraic generalisation of Savvidou's action operator. In the path integral setting, motivated by the Savvidou–Anastopoulous analysis of the role of Kähler space geometry in the Isham–Linden quantum histories, we propose to incorporate local geometry by means of a generalisation of the Daubechies–Klauder coherent state phase space propagator formula. Finally, we discuss the role of Brègman relative entropy in the Jaynes–Mitchell–Favretti renormalisation scheme. Using these tools we show that: 1) the propagation of quantum particles (in Wigner's sense) can be naturally explained as a free fall along the trajectories locally minimising the quantum relative entropy; 2) the contribution of particular trajectories to the global path integral is weighted by the local quantum entropic prior, measuring user's lack of information; 3) the presence of nonlinear quantum control variables results in the change of the curvature of the global quantum state space; 4) the behaviour of zero-point energy under renormalisation of local entropic dynamics is maintained by local redefinition of information mass (prior), which encodes the curvature change. We conclude this work with a proposal of a new framework for nonequilibrium quantum statistical mechanics based on quantum Orlicz spaces, quantum Brègman distances and Banach Lie algebras.
- Noncommutative Orlicz spaces over W*-algebras
Using the Falcone–Takesaki theory of noncommutative integration and Kosaki's canonical representation, we construct a family of noncommutative Orlicz spaces that are associated to an arbitrary W*-algebra without any choice of weight involved, and we show that this construction is functorial over the category of W*-algebras with *-isomorphisms as arrows. Under a choice of representation, these spaces are isometrically isomorphic to Kunze's noncommutative Orlicz spaces over crossed products.
Lüders' and quantum Jeffrey's rules as entropic projections
We prove that the standard quantum mechanical description of a quantum state change due to measurement, given by Lüders' rules, is a special case of the constrained maximisation of a quantum relative entropy functional. This result is a quantum analogue of the derivation of the Bayes–Laplace rule as a special case of the constrained maximisation of relative entropy. The proof is provided for the Umegaki relative entropy of density operators over a Hilbert space as well as for the Araki relative entropy of normal states over a W*-algebra. We also introduce a quantum analogue of Jeffrey's rule, derive it in the same way as above, and discuss the meaning of these results for quantum bayesianism.
- Quantum collapse rules from maximum relative entropy principle
coauthored with F. Hellmann and W. Kamiński
New J. Phys. 18 (2016), 013022. (html version)
We show that the von Neumann–Lüders collapse rules in quantum mechanics always select the unique state that maximises the quantum relative entropy with respect to the premeasurement state, subject to the constraint that the postmeasurement state has to be compatible with the knowledge gained in the measurement. This way we provide an information theoretic characterisation of quantum collapse rules by means of the maximum relative entropy principle.
- W*-algebras and noncommutative integration
This text is a detailed overview of the theories of W*-algebras and noncommutative integration, up to the Falcone–Takesaki theory of noncommutative Lp spaces over arbitrary W*-algebras, and its extension to noncommutative Orlicz spaces. The topics under consideration include the Tomita–Takesaki modular theory, the relative modular theory (featuring bimodules, spatial quotients, and canonical representation), the theory of W*-dynamical systems (featuring derivations, liouvilleans, and crossed products), noncommutative Radon–Nikodým type theorems, and operator valued weights. We pay special attention to abstract algebraic formulation of all properties (avoiding the dependence on Hilbert spaces wherever it is possible), to functoriality of canonical structures arising in the theory, and to the relationship between commutative and noncommutative integration theories. Several new results are proved.
early papers:
- Quantum Schwarzschild space-time
coauthored with P. Duch
Using new approach to construction of space-times emerging from quantum information theory, we identify the space of quantum states that generates the Schwarzschild space-time. No quantisation procedure is used. The emergent space-time is obtained by the Poincaré–Wick rotation and Fronsdal embedding of certain submanifold of the riemanian manifold of six-dimensional strictly positive matrices with the Bogolyubov–Kubo–Mori metric.
- Information dynamics and new geometric foundations for quantum theory
in: D'Ariano M., Fei S.-M., Haven E., Hiesmayr B., Jaeger G. (eds.), Foundations of Probability and Physics - 6, Växjö, Sweden, 14-16 June 2011, AIP Conf. Proc. 1424 (2012), 200–205.
We discuss new approach to mathematical foundations of quantum theory, which is completely independent of Hilbert spaces and measure spaces. New kinematics is defined by non-linear geometry of spaces of integrals on abstract non-commutative algebras. New dynamics is defined by constrained maximisation of quantum relative entropy. We recover Hilbert space based approach (including unitary evolution and the von Neumann–Lüders rule) and measure theoretic approach to probability theory (including Bayes' rule) as special cases of our approach.
- On principles of inductive inference
in: Goyal P., Giffin A., Knuth K.H., Vrscay E.R. (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, 9–16 July 2011, Waterloo, Canada, AIP Conf. Proc. 1443 (2012), 22–31.
We propose an intersubjective epistemic approach to foundations of probability theory and statistical inference, based on relative entropy and category theory, and aimed to bypass the mathematical and conceptual problems of existing foundational approaches.
- The general form of γ-family of quantum relative entropies
Open Systems and Information Dynamics 18:2 (2011), 191–221.
We use the Falcone–Takesaki non-commutative flow of weights and the resulting theory of non-commutative Lp spaces in order to define the family of relative entropy functionals that naturally generalise the quantum relative entropies of Jenčová–Ojima and the classical relative entropies of Zhu–Rohwer, and belong to an intersection of families of Petz relative entropies with Bregman relative entropies. For the purpose of this task, we generalise the notion of Bregman entropy to the infinite-dimensional non-commutative case using the Legendre–Fenchel duality. In addition, we use the Falcone–Takesaki duality to extend the duality between coarse–grainings and Markov maps to the infinite-dimensional non-commutative case. Following the recent result of Amari for the Zhu–Rohwer entropies, we conjecture that the proposed family of relative entropies is uniquely characterised by the Markov monotonicity and the Legendre–Fenchel duality. The role of these results in the foundations and applications of quantum information theory is discussed.
- Quantum theory as inductive inference
extended version of a paper published in: Mohammad-Djafari A., Bercher J.-F., Bessière P. (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, AIP Conf. Proc. 1305 (2011), 28–35.
We present the elements of a new approach to the foundations of quantum theory and probability theory which is based on the algebraic approach to integration, information geometry, and maximum relative entropy methods. It enables us to deal with conceptual and mathematical problems of quantum theory without any appeal to frameworks of Hilbert spaces and measure spaces.
- Quantum information geometry
(last update: 24.12.2014, 111 pages)
This text is a detailed overview of the quantum and classical information geometry, containing several new concepts and some new results. The key role played by the relative entropy is exposed, and the interconnections between various structures are analysed. We consider the convex/variational nonsmooth part of the theory on the equal footing with the smooth/infinitesimal part, and we also consider the duality principles (as embodied in the concepts of Brègman relative entropy and dually flat smooth geometries) on the equal footing with monotonicity under quantum channels. All results are spelled out with the maximal available generality, so the functional analytic setting of W*-algebras and Banach spaces is widely used.
- An introduction to topos theory
(last update: 26.06.2011, 93 pages)
The purpose of this text is to equip the reader with an intuitive but precise understanding of elementary structures of category and topos theory. In order to achieve this goal, we provide a guided tour through category theory, leading to the definition of an elementary (Lawvere–Tierney) topos. Then we turn to the investigation of consequences of this definition. In particular, we analyse in detail the topos Set2op, the internal structure of its subobject classifier and its variation over stages. Next we turn to the discussion of the interpretation of a logic and language in topos, viewed as a model of higher order intuitionistic multisort type theory, as well as the geometric perspective on a topos, viewed as a category of set-valued sheaves over base category equipped with a Grothendieck topology. This text is designed as an elementary introduction, written in a self-contained way, with no previous knowledge required.
- Differential geometry in toposes
(last update: 27.12.2009, 93 pages)
old work:
- Hamiltonian approach to conformal coupling scalar field in the general relativity
coauthored with Ł.A. Glinka and V.N. Pervushin, arXiv:gr-qc/0703062.
- Experimental and theoretical investigations of quadrupole collective degrees of freedom in 104Ru
coauthored with J. Srebrny, T. Czosnyka, Ch. Droste, S.G. Rohozinski, L. Próchniak, K. Zając, K. Pomorski, D. Cline, C.Y. Wu, A. Bäcklin, L. Hasselgren, R.M. Diamond, D. Habs, H.J. Körner, F.S. Stephens, C. Baktash, Nuclear Physics A 766 (2006), 25–51.
supervised master theses:
- John DeBrota, 2015, A quantum information geometric approach to renormalization, University of Waterloo & Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada.
- Morten Ib Munk-Nielsen, 2015, Quantum measurements from entropic projections, University of Waterloo & Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada.
- Daniel Ranard, 2015, An introduction to rigorous approaches to quantum field theory, University of Waterloo & Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Canada.
notes from the underground quantum fight club:
inutile academic arithmetics:
- My Erdős number:
- since 2020 it is 4 (actively), via R.D. Maudlin, T. Szarek, and K. Horodecki;
- from 2019 to 2020 it was 4 (passively), via M. Erné, J. Heitzig, and F. Hellmann;
- from 2016 to 2019 it was 5 (actively), via M. Kac, T. Jacobson, A. Ashtekar, and W. Kamiński;
- from 2006 to 2016 it was 6 (actively), via V. Faber, W.Y.C. Chen, L.C. Biedenharn, K.T. Hecht, S. Szpikowski, and (L. Próchniak or K. Zając).
- According to Mathematics Genealogy Project, my academic greatk-grandfathers include: Gauß (k=8), Laplace (k=9), Lagrange (k=9), Euler (k=10), Newton (k=13), Leibniz (k=14), Galilei (k=16), and Copernicus (k=20).
semiotic papers:
Selected scientific talks and posters
- 10.12.2024 - Extended Vaĭnberg–Brègman relative entropies over postquantum state spaces and semigroups of nonlinear operators, Research Center for Quantum Information, Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava.
- 29.09.2024 - Jenseits von Haag und Dasein: Paraconsistency of relativistic nonsignalling and functorial vacuum pre-a.q.f.t. in causal spectral presheafs, Mathematical Workshop in Kielnarowa, Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie, Kielnarowa.
- 16.09.2024 - Paraconsistency of relativistic nonsignalling, and some other features of causal spectral toposes, Causalworlds 2024, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo.
- 7.08.2024 - Extended Vaĭnberg–Kachurovskiĭ–Brègman relative entropies over (post)quantum state spaces, and operational reference frames based on generalised spin factors, 14th Annual Conference on Relativistic Quantum Information (North), Univerzita Karlova, Praha.
- 24.07.2024 - Extended Vaĭnberg–Kachurovskiĭ–Brègman geometry and unital semigroups of nonlinear operators on state spaces of generalised probabilistic theories, The 16th Biennal International Quantum Structures Association Conference, Centre "Leo Apostel", Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Elsene/Ixelles.
- 12.07.2024 - Geometric properties of noncommutative Orlicz spaces with p-Amemiya norms in the context of metric and Vaĭnberg–Kachurovskiĭ–Brègman projections, Function spaces XIII, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznań.
- 29.09.2023 - Nonlinear generalised pythagorean geometry of quantum state spaces, Categorical modifications of theories of physics Workshop, Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania w Rzeszowie, Kielnarowa.
- 18.07.2023 - Quantum Schwarzschild space-time: a toy model for space-time emergence from quantum information geometry, 13th Annual Conference on Relativistic Quantum Information (North), Technical University of Crete, Chaniá.
- 20.06.2023 - Brègman relative entropy and semigroups of nonlinear maps of (post)quantum states, Mathematical Structures in Quantum Mechanics, Institute of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Uniwersytet Gdański, Gdańsk.
- 11.06.2023 - Postquantum Brègman entropic projections and quasi-nonexpansive operators: general structure and some resource-theoretic applications, 54th Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Institute of Physics, Uniwersytet Toruński, Toruń.
- 17.01.2022 - Quantum Brègman geometry and operators, Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków.
- 01.07.2021 - Brègman relative entropies and nonexpansive operators over state spaces of W*- and JBW-algebras, Mathematical physics, dynamical systems and infinite-dimensional analysis – 2021, Moskovskiĭ Fiziko–Tekhnicheskiĭ Institut, Dolgoprudnyĭ.
- 22.02.2021 - New approaches to resource theories: relative entropic transmitters & epistemic adjointness, Quantum Information Days, Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa (poster in .pdf).
- 13.03.2020 - Optimal quantum inference: using nonlinear convex analysis on noncommutative Banach spaces, Department of Mathematical Informatics, Nagoya University, Nagoya (slides in .pdf).
- 08.11.2019 - Two layers of inference, 23rd Kraków Methodological Conference, Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Jagiellonian University, Kraków (slides in .pdf).
- 19.09.2019 - Geometrisation of quantum theory beyond pure states and Hilbert spaces, Isolated horizons and near horizon geometries, loop quantum gravity, CR structures and spacetimes, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw, Warszawa (slides in .pdf).
- 16.07.2019 - Epistemic comonads, entropic projections, and resource theories (poster), Applied Category Theory Conference, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Oxford (slides in .pdf).
- 16.06.2019 - (Post)Quantum Brègman divergences, nonlinear resource theories, and renormalisation, 51 Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Institute of Physics, Uniwersytet Toruński, Toruń (slides in .pdf).
- 11.09.2017 - Information geometric quantum foundations: new results & open problems, National Quantum Information Centre, University of Gdańsk, Sopot (slides in .pdf).
- 30.06.2016 - Quantum information geometric approach to foundations of quantum theory, Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (slides in .pdf).
- 04.05.2016 - Towards (post)quantum information relativity, Quantum Foundations Seminar, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo (slides in .pdf).
- 30.06.2015 - Operator-algebraic quantum foundations revisited, 34 Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, University of Białystok, Białowieża.
- 24.06.2015 - Towards geometric (and nonlinear) quantum information theory, National Quantum Information Centre, University of Gdańsk, Sopot.
- 22.06.2015 - Is mathematics the vanguard of culture? - Some sketches on anthropology of mathematics in the context of category theory, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Commission for Philosophy of Science, Kraków.
- 21.05.2015 - Quantum information geometric approach to quantum foundations, Underground seminar on open problems in quantum foundations, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo.
- 14.05.2015 - Quantum information geometric foundations: beyond the spectral paradigm, Information Theoretic Foundations for Physics, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo (slides in .pdf).
- 21.04.2015 - Quantum information geometric approach to foundations of quantum theory, Seminarium Zakładu Fizyki Matematycznej, Institute of Physics, Uniwersytet Toruński, Toruń.
- 17.04.2015 - Quantum information geometry for quantum foundations (and emergence of space-time), Exact Results in Quantum and Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa.
- 15.04.2015 - Revisiting the foundations of quantum theory with an artillery of quantum information geometry, Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warszawa.
- 30.03.2015 - Is physics just a statistical inference?, Rethinking foundations of physics Workshop, Universität Regensburg, Dorfgastein.
- 26.03.2015 - Quantum information geometry as a new foundation for quantum theory, Kolloquium des Graduiertenkollegs, Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Regensburg, Regensburg.
- 18.02.2015 - Quantum information geometry as a foundation for quantum theory beyond quantum mechanics, Special Seminar, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig.
- 11.02.2015 - From quantum information geometry to quantum nonmarkovian dynamics, 51st Winter School of Theoretical Physics, University of Wrocław, Lądek Zdrój.
- 12.12.2014 - Jaynes redux: maximum entropy and bayesianity in the foundations of quantum theory, Physics Department Colloquium, University at Albany - SUNY, Albany.
- 11.12.2014 - New quantum kinematics and dynamics based on geometry of quantum information, Mathematical Physics and Center for Coherence and Quantum Optics Seminar, University of Rochester, Rochester.
- 10.12.2014 - Information: a new paradigm for the foundations of physics?, Physics Department Colloquium, University of Rochester, Rochester.
- 18.11.2014 - Quantum information geometric foundations: an overview, Quantum Foundations Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo.
- 01.07.2014 - Towards nonlinear quantum information geometric foundations of quantum theory, 33 Workshop on Geometric Methods in Physics, University of Białystok, Białowieża.
- 19.06.2014 - Quantum theory as a causal inference: a nonlinear noncommutative approach (poster), Quantum
[Un]Speakables II: 50 Years of Bell’s Theorem, Universität Wien, Wien.
- 17.06.2014 - Can we use quantum information geometry as a foundation for nonlinear quantum theory?, 46th
Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Institute of Physics, Uniwersytet Toruński, Toruń.
- 09.06.2014 - Quantum information geometric foundations, Quantum Theory from Problems to Advances, Linnaeus University, Växjö.
- 27.03.2014 - From ontic/epistemic paradigm clashes towards new, general, quantum theory, Paradigms of Modern Physics Workshop, Universitaet Regensburg, Dorfgastein.
- 03.10.2013 - Foundational applications of nonlinear quantum geometries, Quantum Information Seminar, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw, Warszawa.
- 24.04.2013 - Information geometric foundations of quantum theory, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Warsaw, Warszawa. (slides in .pdf)
- 25.03.2013 - Nonlinear geometries and dynamics of quantum states, Chaos and Quantum Information Seminar, Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Kraków.
- 24.01.2012 - Towards non-linear quantum information foundations of quantum theory, Quantum Foundations Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo.
- 18.07.2011 - Categories of quantum theoretic models, International Category Theory Conference CT2011, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
- 12.07.2011 - Information geometric foundations of quantum theory, Quantum Foundations Seminar, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo.
- 11.07.2011 - Information geometric foundations of quantum theory (poster), 31st International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo.
- 07.07.2011 - The emergence of space-time geometry from quantum theory, Quantum Gravity Group Meeting, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo.
- 29.06.2011 - Quantum entropy and information geometry based on non-commutative integration, 30th Workshop of Geometric Methods in Physics, University of Białystok, Białowieża.
- 24.06.2011 - Quantum theory and space-time from quantum information geometry, Underground seminar on open problems in quantum foundations, University of Warsaw, Warszawa.
- 22.06.2011 - New results on quantum relative entropy and quantum information geometry, 43th Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Institute of Physics, Uniwersytet Toruński, Toruń.
- 16.06.2011 - Information geometric foundations of quantum theory, Foundations of Probability and Physics 6, Linnaeus University, Växjö.
- 31.03.2011 - Algebraic approach to quantum theory, Underground seminar on open problems in quantum foundations, University of Warsaw, Warszawa.
- 17.02.2011 - Esquisse d'un programme, Underground seminar on open problems in quantum foundations, University of Warsaw, Warszawa.
- 08.10.2010 - Riemannian geometry on the spaces of quantum states, Exact Results in Quantum and Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa.
- 02.08.2010 - Quantum information geometry and non-commutative flow of weights (poster), Information Geometry and Applications III, Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften, Leipzig.
- 04.07.2010 - Quantum theory as inductive inference, 30th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Chamonix.
- 22.06.2010 - Information dynamics and geometric foundations of quantum theory, 42th Symposium on Mathematical Physics, Institute of Physics, Uniwersytet Toruński, Toruń.
- 03.04.2009 - Riemannian and dual geometries on the spaces of probabilistic measures, Exact Results in Quantum and Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa.
- 22.07.2008 - Differential geometry and smooth analysis in toposes, Underground seminar on open problems in quantum foundations, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa.
- 07.05.2008 - The physical meaning of the modular theory and the measurement problem, 4th Quantum Gravity Colloquium, Albert-Einstein-Institute, Golm.
- 10.01.2008 - Modular automorphisms, 3rd Quantum Gravity Colloquium, Nottingham University, Nottingham.
- 30.11.2007 - General relativity histories, Exact Results in Quantum and Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa.
- 23.11.2007 - Quantum histories, Exact Results in Quantum and Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa.
- 11.10.2007 - Toposes and histories, Theoretical Physics Student Seminar, Imperial College, London.
- 05.01.2007 - Ponzano-Regge reloaded, Exact Results in Quantum and Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa.
- 15.12.2006 - Ponzano-Regge model for 2+1 quantum gravity, Exact Results in Quantum and Gravity Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa.
- 11.01.2006 - Category theory as a mathematical framework for the concept of inner relation, Seminar on Categories of Reality in Shamanism, Daoism, and Buddhism, Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition, Warszawa.
- 13.11.2004 - Black holes in 45 minutes, Theoretical Physics Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa.
- 01.06.2004 - Inflation in cosmology, Particle Physics Student Seminar, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Warszawa.
- 06.01.2004 - Well-adapted topos models of synthetic differential geometry, Category Theory Seminar, Department of Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Warszawa.
Some other public talks
- 22.06.2015 - On cultural anthropology of mathematics (a discussion with Michał Heller) - De Revolutionibus, Copernicus Center, Kraków
- 01.04.2015 - Scientific facts, thought styles and thought collectives: the ideas of Ludwik Fleck, Rethinking foundations of physics Workshop, Universität Regensburg, Dorfgastein.
- 21.01.2011 - Photos and stories from travel through Tibet - Klub Turystyczny Hoża 69, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
- 14.05.2010 - Photos and stories from travel through Mongolia and Buriyatiya - Klub Turystyczny Hoża 69, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw.
- 05.11.2009 - Photos and stories from travel through Mongolia and Buriyatiya - Slajdowiska SKPB, Warsaw University of Technology.
- 11.01.2006 - Tibetian Book of the dead, Seminar on categories of reality in Shamanism, Daoism, and Buddhism, Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition, University of Warsaw.
- 30.11.2005 - Pozdneev's description of Buddhist monasteries in Mongolia, Seminar on categories of reality in Shamanism, Daoism, and Buddhism, Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition, University of Warsaw.
- 20.04.2004 - Critical analysis of Ken Wilber's philosophy, Tranpersonal psychology seminar, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
- 15.01.2004 - Form is easy meaning is hard, Seminar on developmental psycholinguistics, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
- 14.01.2004 - Narration as a method of understanding of reality, Seminar on cognitive development, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
- 06.11.2003 - Infants' cognition of intentionality, Seminar on developmental psycholinguistics, Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
originally created courses:
- Nonlinear quantum information processing with Brègman relative entropies, Department of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Informatics, Nagoya University, 2020
- Underground seminar on open problems in foundations of quantum theory, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw: 2008, 2011, 2012; Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics: 2014, 2015, 2018; Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Praha: 2023
- Matematyka dla humanistów [Mathematics for students of humanities, in Polish], The Centre for Open and Multimedia Education, University of Warsaw, 2007-2013 (12 editions, run each semester from spring 2007 to summer 2013, with an exception of fall 2012; created and supervised jointly with Katarzyna Grunt-Mejer and Jacek Grunt-Mejer)
graduate teaching (in Polish):
- September 2010 - Kurs START (Zaawansowana matematyka)
- Fall 2008/2009 - Mechanika klasyczna
- Spring 2006/2007 - Podstawy fizyki współczesnej
- Spring 2006/2007 - Informatyka dla biologów
- Spring 2005/2006 - Elektrodynamika ośrodków materialnych
- Fall 2005/2006 - Programowanie C++
Some scientific things in Polish
- Krótka historia matematyki (12.03.2007), wydany we fragmentach jako cykl artykułów Na przestrzeni dziejów: Jak liczyli Babilończycy?, Jak liczyli Chińczycy?, Jak liczyli Majowie?, Jak liczyli starożytni Hindusi?, Jak liczyli starożytni Egipcjanie?, Matematyka 375, 29–30; 376, 40–41; 377, 38–39; 378, 25–27; 379, 12–14 (2011)
- Konsultacja naukowa, korekta tłumaczenia, oraz przypisy do polskiego wydania książki Einstein. Jego życie, jego wszechświat, Walter Isaacson, Wydawnictwo W.A.B., Warszawa [ISBN: 9788301165987] (2010; v.1.1: 11.8.2019)
- Redakcja działu Spadająca winda, czyli fizyka na lekko w czasopiśmie 'Fizyka w Szkole' (2005)
introductory scientific texts (2000–2008):
reports on experiments in physical laboratories (2000–2003):
- II Pracownia Fizyczna
- I Pracownia Fizyczna:
- Pracownia Wstępna:
- Rachunek Błędu Pomiarowego:
council of PhD students (2006–2010): kilka archiwalnych dokumentów z czasów mojego uczestnictwa w Radzie Doktorantów Wydziału Fizyki UW:
- Mail podsumowujący działalność Rady Doktorantów w latach 2008-2009 (19.05.2009)
- Oświadczenie Rady Doktorantów w/s stypendiów (25.05.2008)
- Prezentacja argumentów Rady Doktorantów w/s stypendium przedstawiona na Radach Instytutów i Radzie Wydziału (21.01.2008)
- List otwarty do Dziekana Wydziału Fizyki UW w sprawie stypendium doktoranckich (27.12.2007)
- Protokół z posiedzenia Tymczasowej Rady Doktorantów Wydziału Fizyki UW (26.10.2007)
Photographic meditations
Graphics & sketches
The majority of these graphics is made from photos, subjected to post-processing via various transformations. The main intention of processing is to uncover some ‘deeper’ content (both semantic and structural) of the graphics, when the rudimentary ‘realistic’ content of the photo ceases completely or sufficiently strongly, so that the pulsation of the noise (always raising from the original photo) becomes a semiotically potent factor itself, corresponding to ‘dynamical’ aspects of perception that form a part of alive experience of the viewing process, but are lost in the ‘static representation’. This noise becomes, in turn, a substrate for painting on a digital canvas, with tonality, colours, and shape patterns expressing various ‘transitionary’ aesthetic experiences and mental states. (One of the original, and thus rare, effects, used especially in the «Abstractions» and «Wilder Wein» cycles, is based on processing a binary .jpg file with an initial photo through a converter of various Polish 8-bit ASCII codepages.) With time I have started to put more and more emphasis on using complete crops of photos as globally defined layers (or, eventually, distinct parts) of the image, so that the local structures of the resulting graphics would have in principle larger inter-local cohesiveness. In «Spiritual transformations» cycle this constraint has helped to increase the integrity of formal substance and semiotic essence (reflections of light, literally and figuratively, from experiential μsamādhis). The short collection of the covers of «Imaginary albums» has a humoresque character, yet check out the (literal and metaphorical) layers of «The Lwów Volta».
Texts & zines
«Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us
To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side»
— David Gilmour & Polly Samson (1993)
- Vladimir Vysockiĭ - Domes [fragment] // transl. from Russian to English (2018)
- Marta Rakoczy - I fight // transl. from Polish to English (2017)
- Boris Timofeev - Caravan // transl. from Russian to English (2016)
- Stanisław Zapaśnik - Internal relation and Central Asia // fragments transl. from Polish to English (2016)
- Jacek Kaczmarski - Stalker // transl. from Polish to English jointly with Jadwiga Smulko (2014)
The intention behind the translation style used here is to maximise the transmission of the original polyvalence of semiotic interconnections between particular wordings (i.e. their semiotic loci), constrained by the limitations of translator etc., at the expense of suboptimal translation of the structure of rhythms and rhymes. This expresses the intuition that the latter reflect foremostly the structural properties of a particular language (thus, a large-scale global feature, providing a data type that is common to many users), while the specific choices of the semiotic interconnections represents more the individual soundscape of an author (so the rhythms and rhymes characteristic to his individual data type are represented primarily in the relationships between meanings).
booklets of poems, songs, etc.:
- in English(+3ε):
at the doorsill - a collection of poems, short texts, dreams, and translations from V.2014–II.2020
(64 pages, 春分の日 2020, 名古屋大学)
- in Polish(+ε):
- Jesień w górach - (zawężony) wybór wierszy z lat 1999–2013
(16 pages, XII.2014, Waterloo, 2nd rev. ed.; 1st ed.: 2005, Warszawa)
- Gdzieś na grani - (poszerzony) wybór wierszy z lat 1999–2013
(24 pages, XII.2014, Waterloo, 2nd rev. ed.; 1st ed.: 2007, Ząbki)
- Pioseneczki - wybór piosenek z lat 1999–2006
(36 pages, XII.2014, Waterloo, 2nd rev. ed.; 1st ed.: XII.2006, Ząbki)
aberrations 3 (texts in English):
- Toposopher in memoriam (11.III.2024)
- Icons and mead (19.I.2023)
- Ural and nonduality (28.IV.2022, transl. from Polish)
- A trolley into nonassociativity (21.XI.2021, transl. from Polish)
- Office of indeterminacy (9.XI.2021, transl. from Polish)
- To hodl is to die (20.V.2021)
- A shady deal at the pharmacy (12.V.2021; transl. from Polish)
- On the Anielewicz–Hofmann groupoid spectrum (19.IV.2020/19.IV.2021; transl. from Polish by Michał Kotowski)
- Quantum theory of soul (3.XI.2020, transl. from Russian)
- Covid-1984 (9.V.2020)
- * * * (I was looking at the grasslings...) (25.IV.2020, transl. from Polish)
- Coronation (29.III.2020)
- 20 years later (27.II.2020)
- Darkness and mould (21.III.2019)
- Philo (The unbearable itchiness of now) (18.XI.2018)
- Inter-Universal Samurai (宇宙際侍) (1.VIII/23.IX.2018)
- Bye bye sweet 3.14159... (3.IV/7.VIII.2018)
- μSamādhi 420 (20.IV.2018)
- Ākāśic motives (19-21.III.2018)
- St. Patrick's Day (17.III.2018)
- The open world (16.III.2018)
- Angels are renormalisable (19.II.2018)
- YYZ (14.XII.2017)
- Unpacking at Euclid (15.XI.2017)
- Independence/Remembrance (स्वतन्त्र/स्मृति) (11.XI.2017)
- Not a mirror (24.X.2017)
- Śavāsanic QG (24.X.2017)
- ARhythmEthics (IX.2017)
- * * * (In the night bus...) (14.IX.2017, transl. from Polish)
- LOST in translation (28.VII.2017)
- * * * (I fell asleep on the floor of my office...) (1.V.2016, transl. from Polish)
- K.O. 4 Cupid (6.III.2016, transl. from Polish)
- Be here now (25.XII.2015)
- Voevodskiĭ’s Conjecture (10.XII.2015)
- Dialogues Heroes III: Из Вагантов (23.XI.2015)
- Danger Liker (6.X.2015)
- Banach with Eilenberg (30.VIII.2015, transl. from Polish)
- 8:09 7.5.15 (7.V.2015, transl. from Polish by Michał Kotowski)
- '98/'99 (3.I.2015, transl. from Polish)
- Conference in Tibet (24.VI.2014)
- Examination and Indians (22.II.2014, transl. from Polish)
- * * * (When i wake up...) (18.VII.2013, transl. from Polish)
- Turtle-philosopher (X.2012, transl. from Polish)
- Semiotic defence shield (27.VII.2012, transl. from Polish)
- On closing the door (11.III.2012, transl. from Polish)
- * * * (My poems have become...) (VIII.2011, transl. from Polish)
- * * * (Words got stuck...) (2010, transl. from Polish)
- * * * (I have a head...) (2009, transl. from Polish)
- * * * (And where to...) (2009, transl. from Polish)
- * * * (Awakened from a nightmare...) (6.XII.2008, transl. from Polish)
- * * * (I read your palms...) (2008, transl. from Polish)
- Autumn VI (2008, transl. from Polish)
- * * * (We revolve...) (2007, transl. from Polish)
- Photoelectric effect (21.IV.2006, transl. from Polish)
- Masquerade (X.2004, transl. from Polish)
- * * * (Without what was...) (summer 2004, transl. from Polish)
- * * * (Through the streets...) (summer 2004, transl. from Russian)
- Mystagogy (26.X.2003, transl. from Polish)
- * * * (Integrals over senses...) (X.2003, transl. from Polish)
- 2k (8.XI.2002, transl. from Polish)
- Endless fall (21.X.2001/15.XII.2015)
- * * * (Oscillations...) (5.X.2001, transl. from Polish)
- Bitter fruits (5.XII.2000, transl. from Polish)
aberrations 5/2 (texts neither exclusively in English nor exclusively in Polish):
- Колмогоров и шкаф (5.IV.2024, a dream in Russian)
- Эпитафия Зэку (16.II.2024, a poem in Russian)
- Avalokiteśvaradämmerung (10.VII/16.X.2023, a poem in English, Russian, and Polish)
- Осень XI (2.IX.2023, a poem in Russian)
- Как выклёвывалась кундалини (18.VIII.2023, a poem in Russian)
- Памяти Юрия Манина / Yuriĭ Manin in memoriam (8.I.2023, a poem in Russian, with a parallel rough translation to English)
- Ультрафиолетовый огонёк (31.XII.2022, a poem in Russian)
- Бесоcoнничча (12.XII.2022, a poem in Russian)
- Autumnus X (29.X.2022, a poem in Polish, English, and Russian)
- Урал и недвойственность (28.IV.2022, a dream in Russian, translated from Polish)
- Besy ekatānatā (17.X.2021, a poem in Polish, Russian, and English)
- Naẓīr as-samt (27.VIII.2021, a poem in Russian)
- 子 (13.IV.2021, a poem in Chinese)
- Cor: triptych/reporto (28.II-10.-20.III.2021, a poem in Polish, Russian, English, Latin, German, and Chinese)
- Песня з/к-испытателя (1.XII.2020, a poem in Russian)
- Квантовая теория души (3.XI.2020, a dream in Russian)
- Tempus fungit (18.XI.2018, a poem in Russian)
aberrations 2 (texts in Polish):
gdzieś na grani (poems in Polish(+ε)):
aberrations (texts in Polish):
- List za Ocean (12 października 2006)
- Fotojonizacja - analiza zjawiska fotoelektrycznego (21 kwietnia 2006, 22:20-:27)
- Traktat o zużyciu materiału (17 kwietnia 2006)
- log 2006.01 - :.._notatnik.roboczy_+>+?>.pamięć.zewnętrzna.::... (styczeń 2006)
- Topos, patos, portos i aramis - alternatywna wersja pracy magisterskiej (11 czerwca 2005)
- Liquidation - dancing măcăbreșcu (luty 2005)
- Bajki matematyczne - wspólnie z Zuzią Pacholczyk i Markiem Zawadowskim (sierpień 2004)
- Mały Książę, wiek XXI - komunikat prasowy (wrzesień/listopad 2003)
- Historia z seminarium - notatki z seminarium fizyki teoretycznej, wspólnie z Rafałem Sarneckim (kwiecień 2003)
- Aksolotl - dygresja procesorowa, na podstawie wyrazów dodanych do słownika korekt (25 grudnia 2001)
- Przeminęło z falą uderzeniową - szkic pierwszego postnuklearnego melodramatu, wspólnie z Konradem Grochowskim (wrzesień 2001)
- Aciteop - quasimanifest (4 września 2001)
- 2001 - ostatni dramat ubiegłego tysiąclecia & pierwszy dramat tego tysiąclecia (31.XII.2000-1.I.2001)
- Deszcz - pomiędzy kroplówką a maturą (20 maja 2000)
- Zarys kwantowej teorii uczniodynamiki (październik 1999)
- Szatan jako źródło ludzkiej pychy w utworach romantyków - dialog wyrobniczo-produkcyjny (22 listopada 1998)
- Proposal pracy badawczej - pierwsze badania naukowe, wspólnie z Krzysiem Saganem (12 marca 1997)
- Tipsy - pierwsza publikacja, Top Secret #44, str.48-49 (listopad 1995)
- Kalosik + Łoś - pierwszy artykuł naukowy + pierwsza (zachowana) mikroproza (sierpień 1995, z drobn. popr. w 1999)
- Opowieść o Gerwazym (1994)
- Wiersze w V tomach (1991)
zines (in Polish):

(1999–2006 + 2024)
- Anyten Mlek № 24 (listopad 2024)
// numer podwójnie jubileuszowy, współredagowany z Konradem Grochowskim
- Nieregularnik artystyczny Anyten Mlek № 20 (listopad 2004)
// numer jubileuszowy, współredagowany z Mariuszem Czarnockim-Cieciurą
- Historia Anytena Mleka (1999–2006)
// feat. Konrad Grochowski & Maciek Pfützner (last update: 6.IV.2015)
- Anyten.www - wybór tekstów z AM № 1 – № 16 w formacie html (last update: 15.XI.2004)
- Galeria redaktorów № 1 – № 17 (last update: 27.XI.2004)
- Pełne archiwum (wszystkie numery) w formacie pdf:
ciąg główny:
[22 numery + 1 numer specjalny (Anyten Πerwszak);
łącznie 422 strony A4, wydane na przestrzeni 99 miesięcy;
nakład: od 100 do 240 egzemplarzy na numer;
ponad 110 autorów tekstów i grafik;
bonusy: № 12 wydany łącznie z № 62 Staszic Kuriera,
№ 20 wydany z dołączoną płytką CD]
jubileuszowa reaktywacja:
[2 numery (№ 24 – № 25); łącznie 72 strony A4, 36 autorów tekstów i grafik; nakład: 125 egz.; elektroniczna wersja № 25 dostępna tylko dla posiadaczy wersji papierowej]
- Anyten Mlek Publications:
- Dodatki:

// współredagowany z Łukaszem Degórskim
CDs (booklets) & photos:
- CDs (booklets):
- MC (cover):
- Bands[+collabs]:
- more recent:
Oriolus (6.VI.2023; guitar improvisation, feat. birds in the forest)
Gagarin LX (60 years later) (12/17.IV.2021; in Russian; feat.: voc. by Сергей П. Королёв, Юрий А. Гагарин, Татьяна Н. Костэцка; + remixed fragments of: «The forgotten cape awaq» by Lin-Qing Chen (2021), «Panca» and «Siwaija» by Виталий В. 'Svara' Светлов (2021)) [text + Engl. transl.]
- Covid-1984 (9.V.2020; in English; feat. «Prelude in S» (amino acid sequence of the S gene of SARS-CoV-2 virus, converted to sound using Bio2MIDI with special marking of the PRRA insert sequence, made by the undisclosed author of proteinmusic.blogspot.com) and a fragment of «День Победы» (composed by Давид Тухманов, and sung by Alexandrov's Choir of Red Army)) [text]
- Yeahdzie pociąg (17.X.2019; in Polish)
- waterlooan transgressions ep:
- 鎮魂曲, op.3 [閉殻症] / requiem, op.3 [closed shell syndrome]:
- guitar pro instrumentals:
- pioseneczki (songs in Polish):
- ゴーストハック:
- abnormal residues:
- Głaz Kotlet Krajzły (13.III.2013; in Polish; alternatywna wersja autoreferatu pracy doktorskiej) [tekst]
- Licznik Geigera–Müllera (III.2002; in Polish; alternatywna wersja raportu z Pracowni Fizycznej; dedicated to Jurek Konarski) [tekst]
- Maska gazowa (31.VIII.2001; in Polish; sł. wspólnie z Grzesiem Adamczewskim, wyk. wspólnie z Agnieszką Jaworską, mel. utworu 'Woda sodowa' kabaretu OT.TO, nagr. Krzyś Sagan)
- short improvs:
- Black Hole Stalker (II.2016)
The world's first neoshamanic meditation music based on the real sound of merging black holes
feat.: Jessy Cerritos on bass & LIGO's registration of gravitational wave signal of a black hole binary system
non-LIGO sounds recorded at The Space (Kitchener, Ontario)
video composites recorded at the surroundings of Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Waterloo, Ontario)
- Supermoon eclipse (28.IX.2015)
An (almost) 8-bit video recording of a spontaneous improvisation on 3 strings
(inspired by the rare astronomical event)
recorded at Studio #357, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Waterloo, Ontario)
- No Higgs at LHC (VIII.2011)
directed by Nora Molkenthin;
starring: Frank Hellmann, Ewa Infeld, Ryszard Kostecki, Nora Molkenthin, Lisa Torlina
(check out also the lyrics)
recorded in Albert Einstein Institute for Gravitational Physics (Golm, Germany)
Programs (in Polish, except YAFG & PXM.h)
programy związane z życiem w IX LO (Hoffmanowej) w latach 1996–2000:
klasy w C++ stworzone we współpracy z Konradem Grochowskim:
- DynaChar.h 0.98 - klasa do dynamicznej obsługi stringów kompatybilna z przed-STL'owym C++, tzn. m.in. z Borland C++ 3.1, grudzień 2003, 34 kB
- PXM.h 1.1 - C++ class for using PBM, PGM & PPM graphic file formats inside Borland VCL, luty 2004, 3 kB
Scientifically enriched social groupoids and their web-functors
Scientific conferences, workshops & schools
scientifically co-organised:
locally co-organised:
- Isolated horizons and near horizon geometries, loop quantum gravity, CR structures and spacetimes, Einstein equations and the twistor equation: Conference on the occasion of Jerzy Lewandowski's 60th birthday, Warszawa 16–20.09.2019
- 2nd conference of the Polish Society on Relativity: 100 years of general relativity, Warszawa 23–28.11.2015
- GR20-Amaldi10, Warszawa 7–13.06.2013 (see also: a bid for GR20)
- General Relativity and Gravitation – 50 years after Jabłonna, Warszawa 4–6.06.2012 (conference poster)
The Third Quantum Gravity & Quantum Geometry School, Zakopane 28.02–13.03.2011
Loops and Foams Workshop, Zakopane 3–9.03.2008
The First Quantum Gravity & Quantum Geometry School, Zakopane 23.03–3.04.2007
Lost library shelf (scans of some generally unavailable* works by other authors)
«Я мысленно вхожу в ваш кабинет,
Здесь те, кто был, и те, кого уж нет,
Но чья для нас не умерла химера.
И бьётся сердце, взятое в их плен.»
― Максимилиан А. Волошин (1913)
- Johann Radon - 1913 - Theorie und Anwendungen der absolut additiven Mengenfunktionen [Theory and applications of absolutely additive set functions, in German], Sitzungsber. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-naturwiss. Klasse, Abt. IIa 122, 1295–1438
- René M. Gateaux - 1913 - Sur la représentation des fonctionnelles continues [On the representation of continuous functionals, in French], Atti Real. Accad. Lincei. Rend. Class. sci. fis., mat. nat. 22, 646–648
- René M. Gateaux - 1914 - Sur la représentation des fonctionnelles continues [On the representation of continuous functionals, in French], Atti Real. Accad. Lincei. Rend. Class. sci. fis., mat. nat. 23, 310–315
- Henryk Greniewski - 1925 - Próba dedukcyjnej teorji przyczynowości [An attempt of deductive theory of causality, in Polish], Przegląd Filozoficzny 28, 82–105
- Stefan Mazurkiewicz - 1932 - Zur Axiomatik der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung [On the axiomatics of probability calculus, in German], Compt. Rend. Séanc. Soc. Sci. Lett. Varsovie, Classe III 25, 1–5
- Władysław Orlicz - 1932 - O pewnej klasie przestrzeni typu B. – Über eine gewisse Klasse von Räumen vom Typus B [On a certain class of spaces of type B, in German], Bull. Internat. Acad. Polon. Sci. Lett., Class. Sci. Math. Natur.: Sér. A, Sci. Math. 1932:2, 207–220
- Stefan Kaczmarz - 1933 - O homeomorfji pewnych przestrzeni. – The homeomorphy of certain spaces, Bull. Internat. Acad. Polon. Sci. Lett., Class. Sci. Math. Natur.: Sér. A, Sci. Math. 1933:2, 145–148
- Stefan Mazurkiewicz - 1934 - Über die Grundlagen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung I [On the foundations of probability calculus, in German], Monatsh. Math. Phys. 41, 343–352
- Aleksandr P. Norden - 1935 - Die relative Geometrie der Flächen im projektiven Raume [Relative geometry of surfaces in projective space, in German], Trudy semin. vekt. tenzorn. anal. 2-3, 229–268
- Władysław Orlicz - 1936 - O przestrzeniach (LM). – Über Räume (LM) [On (LM) spaces, in German], Bull. Internat. Acad. Polon. Sci. Lett., Class. Sci. Math. Natur.: Sér. A, Sci. Math. 1936:2, 93–107
- Stanisław Mazur - 1936 - O zbiorach i funkcjonałach wypukłych w przestrzeniach linjowych [On sets and convex functionals in linear spaces, in Polish], Książnica-Atlas, Lwów
- Aleksandr P. Norden - 1937 - Über Paare konjugierter Parallelübertragungen [On the pairs of adjoint parallel transports, in German], Trudy semin. vekt. tenzorn. anal. 4, 205–255
- Vera R. Gantmakher, Vitol'd L. Shmul'yan - 1937 - Sur les espaces linéaires dont la sphère unitaire est faiblement compacte [On linear spaces whose unit sphere is weakly compact , in French], Compt. Rend. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS 17, 91–94
- David P. Mil'man - 1938 - On some criteria for the regularity of spaces of the type (B), Compt. Rend. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS 20, 243–246
- Donald H. Hyers - 1939 - Locally bounded linear topological spaces, Revista Cienc. 41, 555–574
- Vitol'd L. Shmul'yan - 1939 - Linear topological spaces and their connexion with the Banach spaces, Compt. Rend. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS 22, 471–473
- Vitol'd L. Shmul'yan - 1939 - On some geometrical properties of the sphere in a space of the type (B), Compt. Rend. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS 24, 648–652
- Vitol'd L. Shmul'yan - 1940 - Sur la dérivabilité de la norme dans l'espace de Banach [On differentiability of a norm in Banach space, in French], Compt. Rend. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS 27, 643–648
- Mark G. Kreĭn, 1940, Sur la décomposition minimale d'une foncionelle linéaire en composantes positives [On the minimal decomposition of a linear functional into positive components, in French], Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 28, 18–22
- Shizuo Kakutani - 1940 - 中野氏ノ談話ニツイテ [Regarding Mr. Nakano's talk, in Japanese], Zenkoku Shijō Sūgaku Danwakai 192, 42–44
- Aleksandr P. Norden - 1945 - О проективно-евклидовом пространстве Вейля [On projective-euclidean Weyl space, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 48, 327–328
- Aleksandr P. Norden - 1945 - Аффинная связность на поверхностях проективного и конформного пространства, [Affine connection on surfaces of projecive and conformal space, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 48, 567–569
- Aleksandr P. Norden - 1945 - О парах сопряженных параллельных перенесений в многомерных пространствах, [On pairs of parallel transports in multidimensional spaces, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 49, 649–652
- Aleksandr P. Norden - 1945 - Конформно-евклидово пространство Вейля, [Conformal-euclidean Weyl space, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 50, 53–55
- Sergeĭ M. Lozinskiĭ - 1946 - On convergence in mean of Fourier series, Compt. Rend. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS 51, 7–10
- Aleksandr P. Norden - 1948 - О внутренних геометриях поверхностей проективного пространства [On inner geometries of projective space, in Russian], Trudy semin. vekt. tenzorn. anal. 6, 125–224
- Aleksandr P. Norden - 1949 - О внутренних геометриях поверхностей проективного пространства (окончание) [On inner geometries of projective space (ending), in Russian], Trudy semin. vekt. tenzorn. anal. 7, 31–64
- Yuriĭ L. Daleckiĭ, Selim G. Kreĭn, 1951, Формулы дифференцирования по параметру функций эрмитовых операторов [Formulas of differentiation along a parameter of the functions of hermitian operators, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 76, 13–16
- Mstislav V. Keldysh, 1951, О собственных значениях и собственных функциях некоторых классов несамосопряженных уравнений [On eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of some classes of nonselfadjoint equations, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 77, 11–14
- Hidegoro Nakano, 1951, Topology and linear topological spaces Maruzen, Tokyo
- Mark A. Krasnosel'skiĭ, Yakob B. Rutickiĭ - 1952 - Линейные интегральные операторы в пространствах Орлича [Linear integral operators in Orlicz spaces, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 85, 33–36
- Aleksandr V. Aleksandrov, V. V. Ovchinnikova - 1953 - Замечания к основам теории относительности [Remarks about the foundations of relativity theory, in Russian], Vestn. leningr. gosud. univ., ser. matem., fiz. khim. 11, 95–110
- Mark A. Krasnosel'skiĭ, Yakob B. Rutickiĭ - 1954 - О линейных функционалах в пространствах Орлича [On linear functionals in Orlicz spaces, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 97, 581–584
- Boris Z. Vulikh - 1957 - Частичное упорядочение колец ограниченных самосопряженных операторов [Partial ordering of rings of bounded self-adjoint operators, in Russian], Vestnik Leningr. Univ., Mat., Mekh., Astr. 13, 13–21
- Dzhalal È. Allakhverdiev - 1957 - О скорости приближении вполне непрерывных операторов конечномерными операторами [On speed of approximation of completely continuous operators by finite-dimensional operators, in Russian], Uch. zap. Azerb. univ. Ser. fiz.-mat. khim. nauk 1957:2, 27–37
- Andrzej S. Białynicki-Birula, Helena Rasiowa - 1957 - On the representation of quasi-Boolean algebras, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 5, 259–261
- Oleg V. Besov, 1959, О некотором семействе функциональных пространств. Теоремы вложения и продолжения [On some family of functional spaces. Theorems of injection and extension, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 126, 1163–1165
- Mordukhaĭ M. Vaĭnberg, Roman I. Kachurovskiĭ, 1959, К вариационной теории нелинейных операторов и уравнений [Towards a variational theory of nonlinear operators and equatons, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk SSSR 129, 1199–1202
- Kenneth W. Anderson - 1960 - Midpoint local uniform convexity, and other geometric properties of Banach spaces, Ph.D. thesis, University of Illinois, Urbana
- Eduardo H. Zarantonello - 1960 - Solving functional equations by contractive averaging, Technical Summary Report #160, Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison
- Tsuyoshi Andō - 1960 - Linear functionals on Orlicz spaces, Nieuw Arch. Wisk., Ser. 3, 8, 1–16
- Wanda Matuszewska - 1960 - On generalized Orlicz spaces, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astr. Phys. 8, 349–353
- Wanda Matuszewska, Władysław Orlicz - 1960 - On certain properties of φ-functions, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astr. Phys. 8, 439–443
- Władysław Orlicz - 1961 - On spaces of ϕ-integrable functions, in: Proceedings of the International
symposium on linear spaces, held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on July 5-12, 1960, Jerusalem Academic Press/Pergamon, Jerusalem/Oxford, pp. 357–365
- Władysław Orlicz - 1961 - A note on modular spaces. I, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astr. Phys. 9, 157–162
- Wanda Matuszewska - 1961 - Some further properties of φ-functions, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astr. Phys. 9, 445–450
- Douglas J. Scalapino - 1961 - Irreversible statistical mechanics and the principle of maximum entropy, Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University, Stanford
- F. William Lawvere - 1962 - The category of probabilistic mappings, unpublished preprint
- Masahiro Nakamura, Hisaharu Umegaki - 1962 - On von Neumann's theory of measurements in quantum statistics, Math. Japonica 7, 151–157
- Imre Csiszár, 1963, Eine informationstheoretische Ungleichung, und ihre Anwendung auf den Beweis der Ergodizität von Markoffschen Ketten [An information-theoretic inequality and its application to the proof of the ergodicity of markovian chains, in German], Magyar Tud. Akad. Mat. Kutató Int. Kőzl. 8, 85–108
- M. S. Brodskiĭ, Izrail' C. Gokhberg, Mark G. Kreĭn, Vladimir I. Macaev - 1964 - О некоторых новых исследованиях по теории несамосопряженных операторов [On some new investigations on the theory of nonselfadjoint operators, in Russian], in: Aleksandrov A.D. (ed.), Trudy Chetvertogo Vsesoyuznogo Matematicheskogo S`ezda. Leningrad, 3-12 iyulya 1961, Vol. 2, Nauka, Leningrad, 261–271
- Evgeniĭ M. Semënov - 1964 - Шкалы банаховых пространств, соединяющие пространства L1 и L∞ [Scales of Banach spaces, joining spaces L1 and L∞, in Russian], Synopsis of Ph.D. thesis, Voronezhskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet, Voronezh
- Malempati M. Rao - 1964 - Linear functionals on Orlicz spaces, Nieuw Arch. Wisk., Ser. 3, 12, 77–98
- Ivan Singer - 1964 - Some remarks on approximative compactness, Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 9, 167–177
- Zbigniew Semadeni - 1965 - Free compact convex sets, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astr. Phys. 13, 141–146
- Wolfgang Fensch, Karlheinz Spallek - 1966 - Zur lokalen Geometrie [Towards local geometry, in German], in: Der Ministerpräsident des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen – Landesamt für Forschung – Jahrbuch 1966, Westdeutscher Verlag, Köln/Oppladen, pp. 117–121
- Wilhelmus A.J. Luxemburg - 1967 - Rearrangement-invariant Banach function spaces, in: Coleman A.J., Ribenboim P. (eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium in Analysis. Queen's University, June, 1967, Queen's Papers in Pure and Applied Mathematics 10, Queen's University, Kingston, pp. 83–144
- Djairo G. de Figueiredo - 1967 - Topics in nonlinear functional analysis, University of Maryland, College Park
- John P. Burg - 1967 - Maximum entropy spectral analysis, Texas Instruments, Dallas
- William C. Mitchell - 1967 - Statistical mechanics of thermally driven systems, Ph.D. thesis, Washington University, Saint Louis
- Lev M. Brègman - 1967 - Релаксационный метод нахождения общей точки выпуклых множеств и его применения [Relaxation method of search of a common point of convex sets and its applications, in Russian], Synopsis of Ph.D. thesis, Leningradskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet, Leningrad
- Isaak V. Shragin - 1967 - Норма Амемии в пространстве Орлича-Накано [Amemiya norm in Orlicz-Nakano space, in Russian], Uchën. zap. Kishenëv. gosud. univ. 91, 91–102
- Minoru Tomita - 1967 - Standard forms of von Neumann algebras, unpublished preprint, Kyūshū University, Fukuoka
(this preprint is mis-referenced as "Quasi-standard von Neumann algebras" in Masamichi Takesaki's 1970 book "Tomita's theory of modular Hilbert algebras and its applications" (as well as in his later 1979 book, "Theory of operator algebras"), and since then in all other publications. I am aware of only two papers that properly cite Tomita's text:
- Minoru Tomita, 1967, von Neumann 代数の標準型について [On standard forms of von Neumann algebras, in Japanese], in: 第5回関数解析シンポジウム [Fifth Functional Analysis Symposium, in Japanese], Tōhoku University, Sendai, pp. 101–102
- Jun Tomiyama, 1969, On the tensor products of von Neumann algebras, Pacific J. Math. 30, 263–270
see also some more story about it)
- Evgeniĭ M. Semënov - 1968 - Интерполяция линейных операторов в симметричных пространствах [Interpolation of linear operators in symmetric spaces, in Russian], Synopsis of Habilitation thesis, Voronezhskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet, Voronezh
- Alain Guichardet - 1969 - Tensor products of C*-algebras. Part I. Finite tensor products, Lecture Notes Series no.12, Matematisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus
- Alain Guichardet - 1969 - Tensor products of C*-algebras. Part II. Infinite tensor products, Lecture Notes Series no.13, Matematisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus
- Peter Dodds - 1969 - The Riesz space structure of an abelian W*-algebra, Ph.D. thesis, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
- Vladimir I. Ovchinnikov - 1971 - Пространства измеримых операторов и интерполяция [Spaces of measurable operators and interpolation, in Russian], Synopsis of Ph.D. thesis, Voronezhskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet, Voronezh
- Malempati M. Rao - 1971 - Approximately tame algebras of operators, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 19, 43–47
- Cecylia Rauszer - 1971 - Representation theorem for semi-boolean algebras. I, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 19, 881–887
- Cecylia Rauszer - 1971 - Representation theorem for semi-boolean algebras. II, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 19, 889–892
- Grigoriĭ Ya. Lozanovskiĭ, 1972, Банаховы структуры и их преобразования [Banach structures and their transformations, in Russian], Habilitation thesis, Leningradskaya Voennaya Inzhenernaya Krasnoznamënnaya Akademiya, Leningrad
- László Zsidó - 1973 - Descompuneri topologice ale W*-algebrelor, I, II [Topological decompositions of W*-algebras, in Romanian], Studii Cercet. Matem. 25, 859–945, 1037–1112
- Mikhail Sh. Birman, Mikhail Z. Solomyak, 1973, Двойные операторные интегралы Стилтьеса. III. Предельный переход под знаком интеграла [Double Stieltjes operator integrals. III. Passage of the limit under the integral sign, in Russian], in: Birman M.Sh. (ed.), Problemy matematicheskoĭ fiziki, Tom 6, Izdatel'stvo Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Leningrad, pp. 27–53
- Zbigniew W. Semadeni - 1973 - Monads and their Eilenberg-Moore algebras in functional analysis, Queen's Papers in Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 33, Queen's University, Kingston
- Larisa L. Maksimova - 1973 - A semantics for the calculus E of entailment, Bull. Sect. Log. Pol. Acad. Sci. 2, 18–21
- E. Ioana Ciorănescu - 1974 - Aplicații de dualitate în analiza funcțională neliniară [Applications of duality in nonlinear functional analysis, in Romanian], Editura Academiei Republici Socialiste România, București
- Igor' A. Akchurin - 1974 - Единство естественнонаучного знания [Unity of the natural-scientific knowledge, in Russian], Nauka, Moskva
- Jørgen Hoffmann-Jørgensen - 1974 - On the modulus of smoothness and the Gα-conditions in B-spaces, Preprint Series 1974/75 No. 2, Matematisk Institut, Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus
- Tadeusz Świrszcz - 1974 - Monadic functors and convexity, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. 22, 39–42
- Tadeusz Świrszcz - 1975 - Monadic functors and categories of convex sets, Preprint no. 70, Instytut Matematyczny Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Warszawa
- Leo L. Èsakia, 1975, The problem of dualism in the intuitionistic logic and brouwerian lattices, in: 5 International congress of logic, methodology, and philosophy of science. Contributed papers, University of Western Ontario, London, pp. I-7–I-8
- Elena A. Morozova, Nikolaĭ N. Chencov - 1976 - Структура семейства стационарных состояний квантовой цепи Маркова [The structure of family of quantum Markov chain stationary states, in Russian], preprint № 130/1976, Institut Prikladnoĭ Matematiki Akademii Nauk SSSR, Moskva
- Bogdan Mielnik - 1976 - Quantum logic: is it necessarily orthocomplemented?, in: Flato M., Marić Z., Milojević A., Sternheimer D., Vigier J.P. (eds.), Quantum mechanics, determinism, causality, and particles. An international collection of contributions in honor of Louis de Broglie on the occasion of the jubilee of his celebrated thesis, Reidel, Dordrecht, pp. 117–135
- Sławomir Bugajski - 1977 - Joint probabilities in quantum mechanics, unpublished typescript, Institute of Physics, Silesian University, Katowice
- Leo L. Èsakia, 1978, Семантический анализ бимодальных (временных) логических систем [Semantic analysis of bimodal (temporal) logical systems, in Russian], in: Mikeladze Z.N. (ed.), Logika, semantika, metodologiya, Mecniereba, Tbilisi, pp. 87–99
- Imre Csiszár, 1978, Information measures: a critical survey, in: Kožešnik J. (ed.), Transactions of the Seventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes and of the 1974 European Meeting of Statisticians held at Prague, from August 18 to 23, 1974, Vol. B, Springer, Berlin, pp. 73–86
- Cóng Xīn Wú, Shàn Zhōng Zhào, Jùn Ào Chén - 1978 - 关于Orlicz空间范数的计算公式与严格赋范的条件 [On the calculation of the formula of Orlicz space norm and the conditions for rotundity of a norm, in Chinese], Hāěrbīn gōngyè dàxué xuébào 1978:2, 1–12
- Nicolas Hadjisavvas - 1978 - Étude de certaines consequences d'une interprétation subjective de la notion d'état [Study of some consequences of a subjective interpretation of the concept of state, in French], Ann. Fond. Louis de Broglie 3, 155–176
- Aleksandr A. Vladimirov, Yuriĭ E. Nesterov, Yuriĭ E. Chekanov - 1978 - О равномерно выпуклых функционалах [On uniformly convex functionals, in Russian], Vestn. moskovsk. univ. ser. vychist. matem. kibern. 1978:3, 12–23
- Grigoriĭ Ya. Lozanovskiĭ - 1978 - О сопряженном пространстве к банаховой решетке [On the space dual to a Banach lattice, in Russian], Teor. funkc., funkc. anal. prilozh.: resp. mezhved. nauchn. sb. 30, 85–90
- Mustafa A. Muratov - 1978 - Некоммутативные пространства Орлича [Noncommutative Orlicz spaces, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk UzSSR 1978:6, 11–13
- Mustafa A. Muratov - 1979 - Норма Люксембурга в пространстве Орлича измеримых операторов [The Luxemburg norm in an Orlicz space of measurable operators, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk UzSSR 1979:1, 5–6
- Mustafa A. Muratov - 1979 - Идеальные подпространства в кольце измеримых операторов [Ideal subspaces in the ring of measurable operators, in Russian], Ph.D. thesis, Tashkentskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet, Tashkent
- Shavkat A. Ayupov - 1979 - К теории частично упорядоченных йордановых алгебр [Towards a theory of partially ordered Jordan algebras, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk UzSSR 1979:8, 6–8
- Shavkat A. Ayupov - 1979 - Спектральная теорема для OJ-алгебр [Spectral theory for OJ-algebras, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk UzSSR 1979:9, 3–5
- Dieter Mussmann - 1979 - Sufficiency and f-divergences, Studia Sci. Math. Hungar. 14, 37–41
- Şerban Strătilă, László Zsidó - 1979 - Lectures on von Neumann algebras, Edituria Academiei/Abacus Press, București/Tunbridge Wells
- Jeffrey Bub - 1979 - Conditional probabilities in non-boolean possibility structures, in: Hooker C.A. (ed.), The logico-algebraic approach to quantum mechanics, Vol. 2, Reidel, Dordrecht, pp. 209–226
- Wojciech Cegła, Jan Florek - 1979 - Orthomodularity of causal logics, Preprint No 471, Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław
- Rachida Fennich - 1980 - Stricte convexité de la norme modulaire des espaces intégraux de type Orlicz et Δ2-condition [Strict convexity of the modular norm of integral spaces of Orlicz type and Δ2-condition, in French], Travaux du Séminaire d'Analyse Convexe 10, fascicule 1, exposé no 9, Université des sciences et techniques du Languedoc, U.E.R. de mathématiques, Montpellier – Perpignan
- Shavkat A. Ayupov - 1980 - Универсальные OJ-алгебры [Universal OJ-algebras, in Russian], in: Hadzhiev D.H., Volkovyskiĭ L.I., Dzheldubaev R.S., Mironov A.V., Mansurov H.T., Mirzakhmedov M.A. (eds.), Matematicheskiĭ analiz i geometriya. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov Tashkentskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta № 623, Tashkentskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet, Tashkent, pp. 3–5
- Shavkat A. Ayupov - 1980 - OJ-алгебры ограниченных элементов [OJ-algebras of bounded elements, in Russian], Izv. Akad. nauk UzSSR, Ser. mat.-fiz. nauk 1980:2, 3–8
- Shavkat A. Ayupov - 1980 - Теорема эргодического типа в йордановых алгебрах [Ergodic type theorem in Jordan algebras, in Russian], Izv. Akad. nauk UzSSR, Ser. mat.-fiz. nauk 1980:6, 10–16
- Shavkat A. Ayupov - 1980 - Нормальные состояния на OJB-алгебрах [Normal states on OJB-algebras, in Russian], Izv. Akad. nauk UzSSR, Ser. mat.-fiz. nauk 1980:9, 9–13
- Alain Connes - 1980 - Correspondences, unpublished manuscript
- Marianne Terp - 1981 - Lp-spaces associated with von Neumann algebras, Københavns Univ. Math. Inst. Rapp. No. 3a+3b, Matematisk Institut, Københavns Universitet, København
- Şerban Strătilă - 1981 - Modular theory in operator algebras, Edituria Academiei/Abacus Press, București/Tunbridge Wells
- Wojciech Cegła, Jan Florek - 1981 - Causal logic with physical interpretation, Preprint No 524, Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław
- Bogdan Mielnik - 1981 - Motion and form, in: Beltrametti E.G., van Fraassen B.C. (eds.), Current issues in quantum logic, Plenum, New York, pp. 465–477
- David J. Foulis, Charles H. Randall - 1981 - What are quantum logics and what ought they to be?, in: Beltrametti E.G., van Fraassen B.C. (eds.), Current issues in quantum logic, Springer, Berlin, pp. 35–52
- Anna Kamińska - 1981 - On comparison of Orlicz spaces and Orlicz classes, Funct. Approx. 11, 113–125
- Shavkat A. Ayupov - 1981 - Йордановы алгебры измеримых операторов [Jordan algebras of measurable operators, in Russian], Izv. Akad. nauk UzSSR, Ser. mat.-fiz. nauk 1981:5, 3–6
- Musirmonkul A. Berdikulov - 1982 - Пространства L1 и L2 для полуконечных JBW-алгебр [Spaces L1 and L2 for semifinite JBW-algebras, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk Uzb. SSR 1982:6, 3–4
- Elena A. Morozova, Nikolaĭ N. Chencov - 1982 - Структура семейства стационарных распределений вероятностей для некоммутативной цепи Маркова [Structure of the family of stationary probability distributions for noncommutative Markov chain, in Russian], in: Arinshteĭn È.A., Abrosimov B.G., Nazin G.I. (eds.), Matematicheskiye modeli statisticheskoĭ fiziki, Izdatel'stvo Tyumenskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Tyumen', pp. 31–37
- Hiroshi Nagaoka, Shun-ichi Amari - 1982 - Differential geometrical aspects of quantum state estimation and relative entropy, Technical Report METR-82-7, Department of Mathematical Engineering and Instrumentation Physics, University of Tōkyō
- Julian Schwinger - 1983 - Renormalization theory of quantum electrodynamics: an individual view, in: Brown L.M., Hoddeson L. (eds.), The birth of particle physics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 329–353
- Zuò Qiáng Wáng - 1983 - Orlicz 序列空间lM中单位球的端点 [The endpoints of the unit sphere in the Orlicz sequence space lM, in Chinese], Dàqìng shíyóu xuéyuàn xuébào 1983:1, 112–121
- Tashmukhamed A. Sarymsakov, Shavkat A. Ayupov, Dzhavvat Hadzhiev, Vladimir I. Chilin - 1983 - Упорядоченные алгебры [Ordered algebras, in Russian], Fan, Tashkent
- Rustambaĭ Z. Abdullaev - 1983 - Неассоциативные пространства Lp [Nonassociative Lp spaces, in Russian], Izvestiya Akad. nauk UzSSR, Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 1983:6, 3–5
- Rustambaĭ Z. Abdullaev - 1983 - Lp пространства для йордановых алгебр (0<p<1) [Lp spaces for Jordan algebras (0<p<1), in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk Uzb. SSR 1983:9, 4–6
- Abdusalom K. Karimov - 1983 - О свойствах сходимости по мере в йордановых алгебрах [On the properties of convergence in measure in Jordan algebras, in Russian], in: Hadzhiev D.H., Volkovyskiĭ L.I., Dzheldubaev R.S., Mironov A.V., Mansurov H.T., Mirzakhmedov M.A. (eds.), Matematicheskiĭ analiz i geometriya. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov, Tashkentskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet, Tashkent, pp. 38–41
- Leszek J. Ciach - 1983 - Linear-topological spaces of operators affiliated with a von Neumann algebra, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Math. 31, 161–166
- Rustambaĭ Z. Abdullaev - 1984 - Пространства Lp для полуконечных JBW-алгебр [Lp spaces for semi-finite JBW-algebras, in Russian], Ph.D. thesis, Institut Matematiki, Akademiya Nauk Uzbekskoĭ SSR, Tashkent
- Musirmonkul A. Berdikulov - 1984 - Условные математические ожидания и мартингалы на йордановых банаховых алгебрах с полуконечным следом [Conditional mathematical expectations and martingales on Jordan Banach algebras with a semifinite trace, in Russian], Synopsis of Ph.D. thesis, Tashkentskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet, Tashkent
- Wojciech Cegła - 1985 - Remarks on the causal logic, Preprint No 632, Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław
- Ryszard Grząślewicz - 1985 - Finite dimensional Orlicz spaces, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. 33, 277–283
- Shù Tāo Chén, Yà Quán Shēn - 1985 - 关于Orlicz空间的端点与严格凸 [On the endpoints and strict convexity of Orlicz spaces, in Chinese], Hāěrbīn shīfàn dàxué zìrán kēxué xuébào 1985:2, 1–6
- Shù Tāo Chén, Yù Wén Wáng - 1985 - Orlicz空间局部一致凸的条件 [The condition for local uniform convexity of Orlicz space, in Chinese], Shùxué zázhì 5, 9–14
- Tíng Fǔ Wáng, Shù Tāo Chén - 1985 - Orlicz空间的K凸性 [K-convexity of Orlicz space, in Chinese], Hāěrbīn shīfàn dàxué zìrán kēxué xuébào 1985:4, 11–15
- Cóng Xīn Wú, Shù Tāo Chén, Yù Wén Wáng - 1985 - Orlicz序列空间的H性质 [The H property in Orlicz sequence space, in Chinese], Hāěrbīn gōngdà xuébào (shùxué zhuānjí) 1985:6, 6–11
- Michael Rowan - 1985 - Hume, probability and induction, Ph.D. thesis, University of Adelaide, Adelaide
- Fëdor A. Sukochev - 1985 - (en)-инвариантные свойства симметричных пространств измеримых операторов [(en)-invariant properties of symmetric spaces of measurable operators, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk UzSSR 1985:7, 6–8
- Fëdor A. Sukochev - 1985 - Порядковые свойства норм симметричных пространств измеримых операторов [Order properties of norms of symmetric spaces of measurable operators, in Russian], in: Hadzhiev D.H., Sagdullaev A., Mel'nikov N.N., Mironov A.V., Ganikhodzhaev R.N., Mirzaakhmedov M.A. (eds.), Matematicheskiĭ analiz i teoriya veroyatnosteĭ: sbornik nauchnykh trudov, Tashkentskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet, Tashkent, pp. 49–54
- Shavkat A. Ayupov - 1985 - Теорема Радона–Никодима для положительных функционалов на JBW-алгебрах [Radon–Nikodym theorem for positive functionals on JBW-algebras, in Russian], Izv. Akad. nauk UzSSR, Ser. mat.-fiz. nauk 1985:3, 3–4
- Bakhram R. Tadzhibaev - 1985 - Абстрактная характеризация неассоциативных пространств Орлича [Abstract characterisaton of nonassociative Orlicz spaces, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk UzSSR 1985:10, 4–6
- Bakhram R. Tadzhibaev - 1986 - Неассоциативные пространства Орлича в йордановых алгебрах и их абстактная характеризация [Nonassociative Orlicz spaces in Jordan algebras and their abstract characterisation, in Russian], Ph.D. thesis, Tashkentskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet, Tashkent
- Musirmonkul A. Berdikulov - 1986 - Следы на йордановых алгебрах [Traces on Jordan algebras, in Russian], Izv. Akad. nauk UzSSR, Ser. mat.-fiz. nauk 1986:3, 11–15
- Shavkat A. Ayupov - 1986 - Классификация и представление упорядоченных йордановых алгебр [Classification and representation of ordered Jordan algebras, in Russian], Fan, Tashkent
- Vladimir I. Chilin - 1986 - Абстрактная характеризация некоммутативных пространств Орлича [Abstract characterisation of noncommutative Orlicz spaces, in Russian], Izv. Akad. nauk UzSSR, Ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 1986:5, 33–39
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- Shavkat A. Ayupov, Akbar A. Adizov - 1986 - Меры на проекторах и состояния на JBW-алгебрах [Measures on projectors and states on JBW-algebras, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk UzSSR 1986:1, 3–4
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- Fëdor A. Sukochev - 1987 - Симметричные пространства измеримых операторов на конечных алгебрах фон Неймана [Symmetric spaces of measurable operators on finite von Neumann algebras, in Russian], Ph.D. thesis, Tashkentskiĭ Gosudarstvennyĭ Universitet, Tashkent
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- Fëdor A. Sukochev, Vladimir I. Chilin - 1988 - Изоморфная классификация сепарабельных некоммутативных Lp-пространств на атомических алгебрах фон Неймана [Isomorphic classification of separable noncommutative Lp-spaces on atomic von Neumann algebras, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk UzSSR 1988:1, 9–11
- Artur M. Medzhitov, Fëdor A. Sukochev - 1988 - Изометрии некоммутативных пространств Лоренца [Isometries of noncommutative Lorentz spaces, in Russian], Dokl. Akad. nauk UzSSR 1988:4, 11–12
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- Shavkat A. Ayupov, Mikhail Sh. Gol'dshteĭn, Bakhram R. Tadzhibaev - 1988 - Монотонно полные йордановы алгебры с p-аддитивной нормой [Monotonically complete Jordan algebras with p-additive norm, in Russian], in: Sarymsakov T.A., Ayupov Sh.A., Akhmedov S.A., Gannikhodzhaev N.N., Berdikulov M.A. (eds.), Operatornye algebry i funkcional'nye prostranstva, Fan, Tashkent, pp. 12–17
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- Nurmukhammad Zh. Yadgorov, 1988, Понятия модулярности и конечности Р-проекторов в пространстве с порядковой единицей [Notions of modularity and finiteness of P-projectors in the order unit space, in Russian], Izv. Akad. nauk UzSSR, ser. fiz.-mat. nauk 1988:2, 42–45
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- Yà Zhōu Hán - 2013 - The dual of noncommutative Orlicz-Lorentz space, Xīnjiāng dàxué xuébào (zìrán kēxué bǎn) 30, 148–153
- Yà Zhōu Hán - 2014 - 非交换Lorentz型空间的研究 [Research on noncommutative spaces of Lorentz type, in Chinese], Ph.D. thesis, Xīnjiāng dàxué, Wūlǔmùqí
- Xīn Hè - 2015 - 赋p-Amemiya范数的Orlicz空间的几何常数及其应用 [Geometric constants of Orlicz spaces with p-Amemiya norms and their applications, in Chinese], Ph.D. thesis, Hāěrbīn gōngyè dàxué, Hāěrbīn
- Xiǎo Yàn Wáng, Xī Bīn Wáng, Xiù Fāng Zhào, Jùn Wěi Fù - 2016 - 赋 p-Amemiya 范数 Orlicz 空间的对偶空间结构 [Dual space structure of Orlicz spaces with p-Amemiya norm, in Chinese], Gāoshī lǐkē xué kān 36, 16–21
- Yakov I. Al'ber - 2017 - Generalized projections and equivalent representations of James orthogonal decompositions in Banach spaces, Commun. Appl. Nonlin. Anal. 24, 28–48
More than a half of the above texts was scanned due to my personal research interests, and then was uploaded for the first time into the internet at this web page. All of the above links to .pdf files are stable (i.e. they have not changed in time, and this is intended to be so also in the future). So, I include these links in my own papers, and invite including these links in other papers too.
Many thanks to: Kobiljon K. Abdurasulov, Piotr Achinger, Guram Bezhanishvili, Francesco Buscemi, Lín Qīng Chén, Dorota Czarnocka-Cieciura, Anna Czader, John DeBrota, Zlatka Dobreva, Tobias Fritz, Jeremy Gibbons, Paolo Gibilisco, Dmitriĭ Sh. Gol'dshteĭn, Nikolaĭ A. Gromov, Carlos Guedes, Nicolas Hadjisavvas, Tetiana Yurovych, Grzegorz Kapustka, Marcin Kotowski, Mikhail Krešchuk, Aleksander Kubica, Pekka Lahti, Karol Leśnik, Shahn Majid, Laurent Mazliak, Mustafa A. Muratov, Hiroshi Nagaoka, Yuriĭ E. Nesterov, Monica Pap, Albrecht Pietsch, Lech W. Piotrowski, Angelina O. Romanyuk, Isaak V. Shragin, Brent Singleton, Don Solmon, Piotr Sołtan, Karlheinz Spallek, Fëdor A. Sukochev, Łucja Terejko, Alekseĭ Vervol'd, Evelin Witkowska, Shu Yi Zhang, László Zsidó, and the unnamed librarian at the Fundamental Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia for their help in obtaining some of those works.
* I.e. unavailable online, even when taking into account a quite wide range of access beyond paywalls (including
Library genesis and
sci-hub), at least at the moment of time when I have searched for them for the purposes of my own research.
After hours:
- Stanisław Lem - 1955 [1949] - Teoremat Wilka [Wilk's theorem, in Polish], in: Lem S., Czas nieutracony, Wydawnictwo Literackie, Kraków [fragments]
- Andrzej Grzegorczyk - 1993 - Dekalog rozumu [Decalogue of reason, in Polish], Wiedza i Życie 699 (3/1993), 18–20
- Anna Ciechanowska - 2003 - Tajemnice KMMF [The mysteries of Department of Mathematical Methods in Physics, in Polish], a text mode RPG in x86 DOS exec
Some texts by Marek Zawadowski:
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