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Project title: Funding: National Science Centre in a frame of the OPUS programme Host Institution: Solid State Division of Institute of Experimental Physics of Faculty of Physics at University of Warsaw Project abstract: Optical bound in continuum state is inspired by the work of J. von Neumann and E. P. Wigner[1] revealing that quantum mechanics enables bound states that energy is positioned in the continuum of states, if potential is adequately constructed. Isomorphism of Schrödinger and Maxwell equations enables observation of bound in the continuum state (BIC) in mesoscopic scale of optics and photonics. Recently, the BIC became an attractive alternative to Fabry-Perot (FP) resonance, as it enables a very high quality factor resonance and a much smaller mode volume as compared to the mode volumes achievable in FP cavities. An attractive configuration, in which BIC can be realized is one-dimensional dielectric subwavelength grating of a sub-micrometer thickness.[2] The resonant cavity of such type is thinner by a factor of ten in comparison to conventional Distributed Bragg Reflectors (DBR), and does not require lattice-matching with the active layer, which have been a crucial technological dilemma in the case of DBR based FP resonators. In parallel, in recent years a new types of semiconductor emitters emerge, which thanks to an exceptionally large exciton oscillator strength are characterized by a very high emission efficiency and possible operation at room temperature: 2D perovskites or monolayers of van der Waals type materials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides. The main aim of the project is a fabrication of an ultra-low threshold, tunable polariton laser operating at room temperature, thanks to integration of the dielectric subwalength grating with an ultra-thin semiconductor layer. For that purpose, a subwalength grating will be produced out of a dielectric/semiconductor layer, and integrated with 2D perovskite or van der Waals type semiconductor layer. Either dry etching, focused ion beam etching or micro-3D printing [3] will be used for the grating production. 2D perovskite layers will be produced by methods of wet chemistry and spincoating, while a monolayer of van der Waals type semiconductor will be either fabricated by exfoliation from a bulk sample or molecular beam epitaxy. The structures will be designed by numerical calculations in collaboration with prof. Tomasz Czyszanowski from Institute of Physics at Łód University of Technology. As calculations performed in the preparatory step of the project show, a strong confinement of the light in a small volume of the structure results in a large amplitude of oscillating electric field (manifestation of the BIC) in the thin layer of a semiconductor deposited onto the grating. The resulting enhancement of the light-matter interaction will lead to formation of exciton-polaritons, that is hybrid quasiparticles that inherit properties of the optical mode and the exciton. Bosonic nature of polaritons enables their Bose-Einstein condensation[4] induced by a stimulated scattering of polaritons to the massively occupied fundamental state. Radiative decay of the condensate is associated with a coherent light emission, per analogy with a conventional lasing described as a polariton lasing. Due to the underlying mechanism, the onset of polariton lasing requires orders of magnitude smaller excitation power than it is in the case of a conventional lasing, where a population inversion is necessary.[5] This means that the proposed hybrid structures will exhibit not only the ultra-small spatial volume, but that will also enable the coherent light emission with an ultra-low threshold. A spectral tunability of the laser emission will be accomplished by stretching of the structures using piezo-elements in the direction perpendicular to the grating stripes. In this way, the project will address the general, yet not solved issue of spectral tunability of subwalength gratings. So far, once produced, the subwalength gratings operated in a constant range of wavelengths. The hybrid structures proposed in the project are an excellent platform for implementation of such nanophotonic devices as modulators, phase retarders, colour filters or sensors susceptible to the light incidence direction and polarisation. Recent advances in micro-structuration and 2D semiconductor technology found a perspective for a high volume mass production of such devices. [1] J. von Neumann, E. Wigner, Phys. Z 30, 465 (1929). [2] C. J. Chang-Hasnain and and W. Yang, Adv. Opt. Photonics 4, 379 (2012). [3] A. Bogucki et al, Light Sci. Appl. 9, 48 (2020). [4] J. Kasprzak et al., Nature 443, 409 (2006). [5] K. Sawicki et al., Commun. Phys. 2, 38 (2019). Project number: UMO-2020/39/B/ST7/03502 Duration: 20.07.2021 - 19.01.2026 Principal Investigator: dr hab. Jan Suffczyński Project results: 4. E. Pruszyńska-Karbownik, D. Jandura, M. Dems, Ł. Zinkiewicz, A. Broda, M. Gębski, J. Muszalski, D. Pudis, J. Suffczyński, T. Czyszanowski, Concept of Inverted Refractive-Index-Contrast Grating Mirror and Exemplary Fabrication by 3D Microprinting, Nanophotonics 12, 3579 (2023). 3. T. Stefaniuk, J. Suffczyński, M. Wierzbowska, J. Z. Domagała, J. Kisielewski, A. Kłos, A. Korneluk, H. Teisseyre, Optical, electronic and structural properties of ScAlMgO4, Physical Review B 107, 085205 (2023). 2. B. Seredyński, R. Bożek, J. Suffczyński, J. Piwowar, J. Sadowski, W. Pacuski, Molecular beam epitaxy growth of MoTe2 on hexagonal boron nitride, Journal of Crystal Growth 596, 126806 (2022). 1. M. Marciniak, Tsu-Chi Chang, Tien-Chang Lu, F. Hjort, A. Haglund, L. Marona, M. Gramala, P. Modrzyński, R. Kudrawiec, K. Sawicki, R. Bożek, W. Pacuski, J. Suffczyński, M. Gębski, A. Broda, J. Muszalski, J. Lott, T. Czyszanowski, Impact of stripe shape on the reflectivity of monolithic high contrast gratings, ACS Photonics 8, 3173 (2021). |