Dr Andrzej Golnik
Institute of Experimental
Department of Physics
Warsaw University
List of Publications
- A.Golnik
"Application of the Houston Method to the
Calculation of Spin Lattice Relaxation for Cubic Crystals"
Acta Phys. Pol., A 52 (1977) 511
- A.Golnik, Z.Liliental, W.Wardzyński
"Własnosci optyczne i struktura realna kryształów
ZnTe domieszkowanych srebrem"
Jaszowiec 1977, Prace IF PAN nr 75, (1978) p.63
- A.Golnik, M. Kwietniak, Z.Liliental, W.Wardzyński
Spectroscopic Study of ZnTe-Ag
Acta Crystallographica Section A, 34, S269 (1978)
- R.Wojtal, A.Golnik, J.A.Gaj
"Acceptor Photoionization and Light- to Heavy- Hole
Absorption in Cd1-xMnxTe"
Phys. Status Solidi B 92 (1979) 241
- A.Golnik, M.Nawrocki, G.Starzyński
"Anomalna zmiana energii wiazania ekscytonu
na akceptorze w Cd1-xMnxTe w polu
Jaszowiec 1979, Prace IF PAN nr.82 PL ISSN 0137-6594 (Ossolineum,
Wrocław, Poland 1981) p.84
- A.Golnik
"Bound magnetic polarons in exciton luminescence of
Phys. of Semicond. Compounds, Proc. of Conferences in
Physics, vol. 2, ed.
J.M.Langer, Jaszowiec 1980, ISBN 83-04-00927-7 (Ossolineum,
Wrocław, Poland 1981) p.266
- A.Golnik, J.A.Gaj, M.Nawrocki, R.Planel and C.Benoit a la
"Optical observation of a magnetic molecule in Cd1-xMnxTe"
J.Phys.Soc. Japan 49 (1980) Suppl. A p.819-822
- Z.Liro, J.M.Baranowski, A.Golnik
"Zeeman and Piezoabsorption Measurements of the 3T1(F)-3T1(P)
Band in GaP:Ni"
Phys. of Semicond. Compounds, Proceedings of Conferences
in Physics, vol. 4, ed. J.M.Langer, Jaszowiec 1981, PL ISSN 0208-9661
(Ossolineum, Wrocław 1982) p.251
- A.Golnik, J.Ginter, J.A.Gaj
"Magnetic Polarons in Exciton Luminescence of Cd1-xMnxTe"
Journal of Physics C 16, (1983) 6073
- A.Golnik, P.Lavallard
Time Dependence of the Luminescence of the Localized
Exciton in Cd1-xMnxTe"
Phys. of Semicond. Compounds, Proceedings of Conferences
in Physics, vol. 6,
ed.R.R.Gałązka, J.Raułuszkiewicz, Jaszowiec 1983, ISBN
83-04-01669-9 (Ossolineum, Wrocław, Poland 1983), p.360-363
- J.A.Gaj and A.Golnik
"Application of the Magnetic Polaron Formalism to
Interband Magnetoabsorption in Semimagnetic
Acta Phys. Pol. A 67 (1985) 307
- A.Golnik, A.Twardowski and J.A.Gaj
"Interband Magnetoabsorption Splittings as a
Function of Magnetization in Semimagnetic Semiconductors"
J. Cryst. Growth 72 (1985) 376
- A.Golnik and J.Spałek
"Effect of Fluctuating Spins on Electron States:
Bound and Free Magnetic Polarons"
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material 54-57
(1986) 1207
- A.Golnik, E.Albert, M.Hamma, E.Westhauser, A.Weidinger
and E.Recknagel
"Frequency Shift and Relaxation of Muon-Spin-Rotation
in Cd1-xMnxTe"
Hyperfine Interactions 31 (1986) 375
- Z.Kozioł and A.Golnik
"Study of Dynamic Magnetic Susceptibility in Spin
Glass CdMnTe by means of Faraday Rotation"
Acta Phys. Pol. A 71 (1987) 159
- J.A.Gaj and A.Golnik
"Influence of Magnetic Fluctuations on Energy Gap in
Acta Phys. Pol. A 71 (1987) 197
- J.A.Gaj, A. Golnik, J.P.Lascaray, D. Coquillat and M.C.Dejardins-Deruelle,
"Magnetic contribution to the energy gap of Zn1-xMnxTe",
in Mat. Res. Soc. Symposia Proceedings, Vol. 89 (R.L.
Aggarwal, J.K. Furdyna, and S. von Molnar, eds.), MRS
1987, p. 59.
- J.I.Budnick, A.Golnik, Ch.Niedermayer, E.Recknagel, M.Roßmanith,
A. Weidinger, B.Chamberland, M.Filipkowsky, Y.Zhang and D.P.Yang
"Observation of Magnetic Ordering in La2CuO4
by Muon Spin Rotation Spectroscopy"
Phys. Lett. A 124 (1987) 103
- A.Golnik, Ch.Niedermayer, E.Recknagel, M.Roßmanith, A.
Weidinger, J.I.Budnick, B.Chamberland, M. Filipkowsky, Y.Zhang
and D.P.Yang, L.Lynds, F.A.Otter and Ch.Baines
"Study of Magnetic Ordering of the High TC
Superconductor GdBa2Cu3O7-y
by Muon Spin Rotation"
Phys. Lett. A 125 (1987) 71
- J.I.Budnick, B. Chamberland, D.P.Yang, Ch.Niedermayer, A.Golnik,
E.Recknagel, M.Roßmanith and A.Weidinger
"Dependence of the Neel-Temperatures of La2CuO4
on Sr-Doping Studied by Muon Spin Rotation"
Europhys. Lett. 5 (1988) 651
- A.Golnik, J.I.Budnick, B.Chamberland, L.Lynds, Ch.Niedermayer,
F.Otter, E.Recknagel, M.Roßmanith, A. Weidinger and Z.Tan
"Magnetic Ordering in Oxygen-Depleted YBa2Cu3Ox
and GdBa2Cu3Ox
Physica C 153 (1988) 166
- A.Weidinger, J.I.Budnick, B.Chamberland, A.Golnik, Ch.Niedermayer,
E.Recknagel, M.Roßmanith and D.P.Yang
"Magnetic Ordering in High-TC-Related
Physica C 153 (1988) 168
- Ch.Niedermayer, A.Golnik, E.Recknagel, M.Roßmanith, A.Weidinger,
X.S.Chang, A.Kleinhammes, N.Rosov, J.Saylor, R.Schuhmann,
L.Takacs, A.Teh, G.Zhang, C.Hohenemser and J.I.Budnick
"Hyperfine Interaction Studies of Antiferromagnetic
Order in CuO"
Phys. Rev. B 38 (1988) 2836
- A.Weidinger, Ch.Niedermayer, A.Golnik, R.Simon, E.Recknagel,
J.I.Budnick, B.Chamberland and C.Baines
"Observation of Magnetic Ordering in Superconducting
La2-xSrxCuO4 by Muon
Spin Rotation"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 62 (1989) 102
(Reply on a comment) Phys.Rev.Lett. 63 (1989) 1188
- J.I.Budnick, B.Chamberland, A.Weidinger, Ch.Niedermayer,
A.Golnik, R.Simon, E.Recknagel, C.Baines
"Muon Spin Rotation Studies of Magnetic Order and
Strong Magnetic Correlations in Magnetic and
Superconducting Systems Based on the High TC
Copper Oxide Superconductors"
Proc. of High-Tc Supercond.: Magnetic
Interaction 1988 Gaithersbourg, vol.17 of Prog. in
High Temp.Supercond. (Worlg Scientific, Singapore) ed. L.H.Bennett,
- A.Golnik, W.Wałecki, A.Weidinger,
J.A.Gaj and E.Recknagel
"Spin Dynamics in Cd1-xMnxTe
Studied by Muon Spin Rotation"
Hyperfine Interactions, 51 (1989) 1087
- Ch.Niedermayer, M.Roßmanith, A.Golnik, R.Simon, E.Recknagel,
A.Weidinger, J.I.Budnick, B.Chamberland and C.Baines
"Observation of Magnetic Ordering in Superconducting
La1.9Sr0.1CuO4 by Muon
Spin Rotation"
Hyperfine Interactions, 51 (1989) 593
- Ch.Niedermayer, H.Glücker, R.Simon, A.Golnik, M.Rauer, E.Recknagel,
A.Weidinger, J.I.Budnick, W.Paulus and R.Schöllhorn
"Magnetic ordering induced by hydrogen doping of YBa2Cu3O7"
Phys. Rev. B 40 (1989) 11386
- H.Glücker, A. Weidinger, A. Golnik, Ch.Niedermayer, M.Rauer,
R.Simon, E.Recknagel, J.I.Budnik, W.Paulus, R.Schöllhorn
"Dependence of the Magnetic Ordering in HxYBa2Cu3Oy
on the Oxygen and Hydrogen Concentration"
Physica C 162-164 (1989) 149
- Ch.Niedermayer, A.Golnik, H.Glücker, M.Rauer, R.Simon, E.Recknagel,
A.Weidinger, J.I.Budnick, H.Eickenbusch, W.Paulus and R.Schöllhorn
"Magnetic Correlation in Superconducting YBaCuO (T=40K)
Observed by Muon Spin Rotation"
Physica C 162-164 (1989) 159
- A.Weidinger, H.Glücker, A.Golnik, G.Nowitzke, E.Recknagel,
H.Eickenbusch, W.Paulus, R.Schöllhorn and J.I.Budnick
"Local magnetism in superconducting YBa2Cu3O6+x"
Hyperfine Interactions 63 (1990) 147
- H.Glücker, Ch.Niedermayer, G.Nowitzke, A.Golnik, R.Simon,
E.Recknagel, A.Weidinger, J.Erxmeyer and J.I.Budnick
"A muon spin rotation study of hydrogen in YBa2Cu3Oy"
Hyperfine Interactions 63 (1990) 155
- Ch.Niedermayer, A.Golnik, E.Recknagel, A.Weidinger, A.J.Yaouanc,
Ph.L'Heritier, D.Fruchart, J.I.Budnick, K.H.J.Buschow
"Positive muon spectroscopy of R2Fe14B"
Hyperfine Interactions 64 (1990) 405
- J.A.Gaj, Nguyen The Khoi, M.Nawrocki, A.Golnik, K.Lebecki
"Scattering Dynamics of Free Excitons of Fe++
Ions in Cd1-xFexSe"
Acta Phys. Pol. A 80 (1991) 409
- A.Golnik
"Muon Spin as a Probe of Spin Ordering and Dynamics
in some Transition Metal Compounds"
habilitation work, Warsaw University 1992 (unpublished)
- Ch.Niedermayer, H.Glücker, A.Golnik, U.Binninger, M.Rauer,
E.Recknagel, J.I.Budnick, A.Weidinger
"Simultaneous Magnetic Ordering of the Gd and Cu
Subsystems in Oxygen-Deficient GdBa2Cu3O6+x"
Phys. Rev. B 47 (1993) 3427
- A.Golnik
"Muon Spin Rotation in High Tc
Acta Phys. Pol. A 84 (1993) 165 (shortened version
of 35)
- T.Szumiata, A.Golnik, M.Cieplak
"Magnetooptical Investigations of p-d exchange
interaction in HTSC Compounds"
Molecular Physics Report, 12 (1995) 249
- A.Golnik, C.Bernhard, J.Budnik, M.Kutrowski, Ch.Niedermayer,
"Coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism in
HTSC materials? - SR and magnetooptical studies"
in "Recent
Devlopements in High Temperature Superconductivity",
ed. J. Klamut, B.W.Weal, P.W.Klamut, M.Kazimierski,
Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 475 (Springer-Verlag,
1996) p.337-349
- Ch.Niedermayer, C.Bernhard, T.Blasius, A.Decker, and A.Golnik
"Study of the Magnetic Phase Diagram of Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O6"
Interactions 105 (1997) 131-137
- A.Golnik, A.Weidinger, Ch.Niedermayer, C.Bernhard, and E.Recknagel
"Minima of the Muon Depolarization Rate in Cd1-xMnxTe"
B 55 (1997)
- S.Maćkowski, N.T.Khoi, P.Kossacki,
A.Golnik, J.A.Gaj, A.Lemaître, C.Testelin, C.Rigaux,
G.Karczewski, T.Wojtowicz and J.Kossut
"Interdiffusion in annealed CdMnTe/CdTe/CdMgTe
quantum wells studied by the Zeeman effect"
J. Cyst. Growth 185 (1998) 966-970
- Ch.Niedermayer, C.Bernhard, T.Blasius, A.Golnik, A.Moodenbaugh,
and J.I.Budnick
"Common phase diagram for antiferromagnetism in La2-xSrxCuO4
and Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O6
as seen by muon spin rotation"
Rev. Lett. 80
(1998) 3843-3846
- S.Maćkowski, N.T.Khoi, A.Golnik,
P.Kossacki, J.A.Gaj, E.Kamińska, A.Piotrowska, G.Karczewski,
T.Wojtowicz and J.Kossut
"Influence of capping on manganese diffusion in CdTe/CdMnTe
quantum well structures"
Solid State Commun. 107 (1998)
- C.Bernhard, D.Munzar, A.Wittlin, W.König, A.Golnik and C.T.Lin
"Far-infrared ellipsometric study of the spectral
gap in the c-axis conductivity of Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-d crystals",
Rev B 59
( 1999) R6631-R6634.
- C.Bernhard, J.L.Tallon, Ch.Niedermayer, Th.Blasius, A.Golnik,
E.Brücher, R.K.Kremer, D.R.Noakes, C.E.Stronach and E.J.Ansaldo
"Coexistence of ferromagnetism and superconductivity
in the hybrid ruthenate-cuprate compound RuSr2GdCu2O8
studied by muon spin rotation and dc magnetization",
Rev B 59
(1999) 14099-14107
- Th.Blasius, Ch.Niedermayer, J.L.Tallon, D.M.Poke, A.Golnik
and C.Bernhard
"Evidence for a two-stage melting transition of the
vortex matter in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d single crystals
obtained by muon spin rotation",
Rev Lett 82
(1999) 4926-4929
- D.Munzar, C.Bernhard, A.Golnik, J.Humlicek and M.Cardona,
"Anomalies of the infrared-active phonons in
underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy as
evidence for the intra-bilayer Josephson effect",
State Commun. 112
(1999) 365-369.
- Th.Blasius, Ch.Niedermayer, J.L.Tallon, D.M.Pooke, A.Golnik,
D.R.Noakes, C.E.Stronach, E.J.Ansaldo, R.W.Henn, C.T.Lin
and C.Bernhard,
"Muon spin rotation studies of the vortex matter in
the high-T-c superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d",
Phys. Pol. A 96 (1999) 245-258.
- A.Golnik, C.Bernhard, J.Humlíček,
M.Klaser and M.Cardona,
"The far-infrared in-plane conductivity of YBaCuO
studied by ellipsometry",
Status Solidi B 215 (1999) 553-556.
- D.Munzar, C.Bernhard, A.Golnik,
J.Humlíček and M.Cardona,
"A new interpretation of the phonon anomalies in the
far- infrared c-axis conductivity of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy",
Status Solidi B 215 (1999) 557-561.
- D.Munzar, C.Bernhard, A.Golnik,
J.Humlíček and M.Cardona,
"Phonon anomalies in the far-infrared c-axis
conductivity of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy
as evidence for the intra-bilayer Josephson effect",
J. Low Temp. Phys. 117 (1999) 1049-1053.
- T. Blasius, C. Niedermayer, J. Schiessling, U. Bolz, J;
Eisenmenger, BU. Runge, P. Leiderer, JL. Tallon, DM.
Pooke, A. Golnik, CT. Lin, C Bernhard,
Investigations of the vortex matter in Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+delta
single crystals
AIP Conf. Proc. 483 (1999) 201-206
- C. Niedermayer, T. Blasius, C. Bernhard, A. Golnik, A.
Moodenbaugh, JI. Budnick,
Hole doping dependence of the antiferromagnetic
correlations in La2-xSrxCuO4
and Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O6
AIP Conf. Proc. 483 (1999) 292-297
- C. Bernhard, D.Munzar, A.Golnik,
C.T.Lin, A.Wittlin, J.Humlíček, and M.Cardona
"Anomaly of oxygen bond-bending mode at 320 cm-1
and additional absorption peak in the c-axis
infrared conductivity of underdoped YBa2Cu3O7-d single crystals
revisited with ellipsometric measurements"
Rev. B 61
(2000) 618-626
- A. A. Sirenko, C. Bernhard, A. Golnik, Anna M. Clark,
Jianhua Hao, Weidong Si, and X. X. Xi
"Soft-mode hardening in SrTiO3 thin films"
404 (2000) 373 - 376
- C. Berhard, T. Holden, A. Golnik, C.T. Lin, and M.
"Far-infrared c-axis conductivity of flux-grown
single crystals studied by spectral ellipsometry",
Phys. Rev. B 62 (2000) 9138-9142.
- T. Blasius, C. Niedermayer, D.M. Pooke, D.R. Noakes,
C.E. Stronach, E.J. Ansaldo, A. Golnik, and C. Bernhard,
"Low-temperature vortex structures of the mixed
state in underdoped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d"
Physica B 289-290 (2000) 365-368
- AA. Sirenko, C. Bernhard, A. Golnik, IA. Akimov, AM.
Clark, JH. Hao, XX Xi,
Soft-mode phonons in SrTiO3 thin films studied by far-infrared
ellipsometry and Raman scattering
MRS Symp. Proc. 603 (2000) 245-250
- A. Kudelski, A. Golnik, J. Gaj, S. Maćkowski, G.
Karczewski, J. Kossut
Zeeman effect and optical anisotropy in
microluminescence of self-assembled CdTe / ZnTe quantum
dot systems
w: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on
the Physics of Semiconductors, Springer Verlag, ed. by N.
Miura and T. Ando, (2001) 1249-1251
- C. Bernhard, J.L. Tallon, T. Blasius, A. Golnik, and C.
Anomalous peak in the superconducting condensate density
of cuprate high-Tc
superconductors at a unique doping state,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 1614-1617.
- A. Golnik, A. Kudelski, J.A. Gaj, T. Ruf, T. Wojtowicz, G.
Karczewski and G. Cywinski,
Excitonic resonant spin-flip Raman scattering in Cd1-xMnxTe
Solid State Commun. 118 (2001) 509-512
- D. Munzar, C. Bernhard, T. Holden, A. Golnik, J. Humlicek,
M. Cardona
Correlation between the Josephson coupling energy and the
condensation energy in bilayer cuprate superconductors
Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001). 024523 / 1-14
- E Griesshaber, P Haas, J Thoms, A Darjushkin, B Gorshunov,
M Dressel, D Schweitzer, R Kremer, Andrzej Golnik
Optical properties of the organic metal (BEDT-TTF)_4 [Ni(dto)_2]
Synthetic Metals Tom 120 Nr 1-3 r. 2001, str. 731-732
- A. Kudelski, A. Golnik, J. Gaj, F. V. Kyrychenko, G.
Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, Yu. G. Semenov, O. Krebs, P.
Interface profiles and in-plane anisotropy in common-anion
type-I Cd1-xMgxTe
CdTe Cd1-xMnxTe
heterostructures studied by reflectivity
Phys. Rev. B 64 (2001) 45312 / 1-6
- W. Maślana, W. Mac, J. Gaj, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, J.
Cibert, S Tatarenko, T. Wojtowicz, G. Karczewski, J.
Faraday rotation in study of charged excitons in Cd1-xMnxTe
Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 165318 / 1-7
- C. Bernhard, T. Holden, J. Humlicek, D. Munzar, A. Golnik,
A. Klaser, T. Wolf, L. Carr, C. Homes, B. Keimer, and M.
In-plane polarized collective modes in detwinned YBa2Cu3O6.95
observed by spectral ellipsometry,
Solid State Commun. 121, (2002) 93-97
- A. Wołoś, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, M. Kamińska, J. Gaj,
A. Twardowski, I Grzegory, M Boćkowski, S. Porowski
Measurement of Very Small Zeeman Splittings in GaN:Mn,Mg
by Faraday Rotation
Acta Phys. Pol. A 102 (2002) 695-699.
- A. Golnik, W. Mac, K. Pakuła, R. Stępniewski, C
Testelin, J. Gaj
Low field excitonic Zeeman splittings in gallium
Solid State Commun. 124 (2002) 89-92
- A. Kudelski, O. Krebs, J. Kasprzak, A. Golnik, G.
Cywiński, P. Voisin, J. Gaj,
Giant in-plane optical anisotropy induced by
longitudinal magnetic field in semimagnetic Cd1-xMnxTe
quantum wells
w: Proc. 26th Conf. Phys. Semicond., Edinburgh 2002, IOP
Publishing, (2003) E1.21-E1.27.
- K Kowalik, A Kudelski, A Golnik, J Gaj, G Karczewski, J
Characterization of self-assembled CdTe / ZnTe quantum
Acta Phys. Pol. A 103 (2003) 539-544
- B Chwalisz, A. Wysmołek, R. Bożek, R. Stępniewski, K.
Pakuła, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, J. Baranowski
Spatially resolved micro-luminescence from GaN / AlGaN
quantum dots
Acta Phys. Pol. A 105 (2004) 517-522 .
- T Holden, H Habermeier, G Cristiani, Andrzej Golnik, A
Boris, A Pimenov, J Humlicek, O Lebedev, G Van Tendeloo,
B Keimer, C Bernhard
Proximity induced metal-insulator transition in YBa2Cu3O7
/ La2/3Ca1/3MnO3
Phys. Rev. B 69 (2004) 064505 / 1-7
- A. Golnik, P. Kossacki, K. Kowalik, W. Maślana, J. Gaj,
M Kutrowski, T Wojtowicz
Microphotoluminescence study of local temperature
fluctuations in n-type (Cd, Mn)Te quantum well
Solid State Commun. 131 (2004) 283-288
- P. Płochocka, P. Kossacki, B. Piechal, W. Maślana, A.
Golnik, J Cibert, S Tatarenko, J. Gaj
Many-Body Interactions in the CdTe-Based Quantum Well
under Strong Optical Excitation
Acta Phys. Pol. A 106 (2004) 413-422
- A. Kudelski, K. Kowalik, J. Kasprzak, A. Golnik, J. Gaj,
T Wojtowicz, G Cywiński
Magnetic field controlled in-plane optical anisotropy
in parabolic (Cd,Mn,Mg)Te quantum wells
Phys. Status Solidi C 1 (2004) 965-968
- J. Gaj, A. Golnik, P. Kossacki, K. Kowalik, W. Maślana,
M Kutrowski, T Wojtowicz
Localization of neutral and charged excitons in (Cd,Mn)Te
quantum well: a microphotoluminescence study
Phys. Status Solidi C 1 (2004) 831-834
- K. Kowalik, O Krebs, A. Kudelski, A. Golnik, A Lemaitre,
P Senellart, G Karczewski, J Kossut, J. Gaj, P Voisin
Influence of an Electric Field on Fine Properties of
III-V and II-VI Quantum Dots Systems
Acta Phys. Pol. A 106 (2004) 177-184
- P. Płochocka, P. Kossacki, W. Maślana, J Cibert, S
Tatarenko, A. Golnik, C. Radzewicz, J. Gaj
Dynamics of neutral and charged exciton line
Semicond. Sci. Technology 19 (2004) 296-298
- A. Kudelski, K. Kowalik, A. Golnik, G Karczewski, J
Kossut, J. Gaj
Spatially correlated 0D exciton states in CdTe / ZnTe
semiconductor system
J. Luminescence 112 (2005) 127-130
- W. Maślana, P. Kossacki, P. Płochocka, A. Golnik, J.
Gaj, D Ferrand, M Bertolini, S Tatarenko, J Cibert
Microphotoluminescence study of disorder in a
ferromagnetic (Cd, Mn)Te quantum well
AIP-Conference-Proceedings.; 772 (2005) 1299-300
- B. Piechal, J. Suffczyński, A. Trajnerowicz, M Goryca, P.
Kossacki, A. Golnik, J. Gaj
Long Decays of Excitonic Photoluminescence from CdTe /
ZnTe Individual Quantum Dots
Acta Phys. Pol. A 108 (2005) 831-836
- P. Kossacki, P. Płochocka, W. Maślana, B. Piechal, A.Golnik,
J Cibert, S Tatarenko, J. Gaj
Femtosecond study of interplay between excitons,
trions, and carriers in (Cd,Mn)Te quantum wells
Proceedings of SPIE 5725, (2005) 275-284
- P. Kossacki, P. Płochocka, B. Piechal, W. Maślana, A.Golnik,
J Cibert, S Tatarenko, J. Gaj
Exciton-exciton interaction and biexcitons in the
presence of spin-polarized carriers
Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 035340 / 1-7
- A. Trajnerowicz, A. Golnik, P. Kossacki, W. Pacuski, T
Time-Resolved Studies of Excitonic Dynamics in a Wide
II-VI Quantum Well by a Femtosecond Pump-Probe
Acta Phys. Pol. A 110 (2006) 395-402
- A. Kudelski, J. Kasprzak, K. Kowalik, A. Golnik, J. Gaj,
G. Cywiński, O Krebs, G Patriarche, P Voisin
Strong linear polarization induced by a longitudinal
magnetic field in II-VI semimagnetic semiconductor layers
Phys. Rev. B 74 (2006) 073308 / 1-4
- J. Suffczyński, T Kazimierczuk, M. Goryca, A.
Trajnerowicz, K. Kowalik, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, M.
Nawrocki, J. Gaj, G. Karczewski
Single photon correlation measurements in a study of
excitation process of individual CdTe / ZnTe quantum dots
Phys. Status Solidi C 3 (2006) 3802-3805
- J. Gaj, J Cibert, D Ferrand, A. Golnik, M Goryca, G
Karczewski, P. Kossacki, J Kossut, K. Kowalik, O Krebs, A.
Kudelski, M Kutrowski, A Lemaitre, W. Maślana, M.
Nawrocki, W. Pacuski, P. Płochocka, P Senellart, S
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Optical probing of spin-dependent interactions in II-VI
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Microphotoluminescence study of p-type (Cd, Mn)Te
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Influence of electric field on fine structure of
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Excitonic Giant Zeeman Effect in Wide Gap Diluted
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Excitation mechanisms of individual CdTe / ZnTe
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Determination of the number of Mn ions inside CdMnTe
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Spin-dependent dynamics of individual CdTe/ZnTe
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Semiconductor heterostructures for spintronics and
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Quantitative study of the Giant Zeeman Effect in (Zn,
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Polarization Dependent Correlations of Single Photons
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Microluminescence from Cd1-xMnxTe
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Inter-Dot Coupling in a Self-Assembled Quantum Dot
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Growth and Properties of ZnMnTe Nanowires
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Excitonic giant Zeeman effect in GaN:Mn3+
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Control of Photon Polarization in GaAs / AlAs Single
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Observation of Strong-Coupling Effects in a Diluted
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Single-spin optical read-out in CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot
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Neutral and Charged Excitons Localized in the InAs/GaAs
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Excitonic Energy Shifts in CdMnTe/CdMgTe Quantum
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Single-Photon Emission from a Highly Excited CdTe
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Changes of the Light-Hole Exciton Line in CdMnTe/CdMgTe
Quantum Wells Under Resonant Excitation of the Heavy-Hole
J. Korean Phys. Soc. 53 (5): 2981-2984
Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI 2008
- T. Kazimierczuk, J. Suffczyński, A. Golnik, J.A. Gaj, P.
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Inter-Dot Coupling in a Self-Assembled CdTe/ZnTe
J. Korean Phys. Soc. 53 (1) 2008,
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Karczewski, P Dluzewski, S Kret, W Szuszkiewicz, E
Dynowska, J Domagala, M Aleszkiewicz, LT Baczewski, A
Petroutchik, A Presz, W Pacuski, A Golnik, P Kossacki, F
Morhange, H Kirmse, W Neumann, W Caliebe
MBE Growth and Properties of ZnTe- and CdTe-Based
J. Korean Phys. Soc. 53 (5): 3055-3063
Part 2 Sp. Iss. SI 2008
- J.A. Gaj, T. Kazimierczuk, K. Kowalik, J Suffczynski, A
Golnik, P Kossacki, M Nawrocki
Spin and symmetry in optical studies of individual
semiconductor quantum dots
Proceedings of SPIE 7036 (2008)
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Aleszkiewicz, G Karczewski, J Kossut
Size-dependent magneto-optical effects in CdMnTe
diluted magnetic quantum dots
Nanotechnology 19 (23) (2008)
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Micro-polarimetry for pre-clinical diagnostics of
pathological changes in human tissues
Proceedings of SPIE 7008, (2008)
70081X / 1-9
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W.; Wiater, M.; Karczewski, G.; Wojtowicz, T.
Energetic shift of cold and hot excitons in (Cd, Mn)Te/(Cd,
Mg)Te quantum wells
AIP Conf. Proc. 1199 (2008) 195-196
- Kazimierczuk, T.; Goryca, M.; Koperski, M.; Nowak, S.;
Wojnar, P.; Golnik, A.; Gaj, J. A.; Kossacki, P.
Excitation Dynamics of CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dots Studied
in Picosecond Timescale
AIP Conf. Proc. 1199 (2008) 305-306
- Kazimierczuk, T.; Suffczynski, J.; Wojnar, P.; Golnik, A.;
Gaj, J. A.; Kossacki, P.
Spin conserving inter-dot excitation transfer in a
self-assembled system
AIP Conf. Proc. 1199 (2008) 311-312
- M. Goryca, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, T. Kazimierczuk, P.
Wojnar, M. Nawrocki,
Spin Dynamics of a Single Mn Ion in a CdTe/(Cd,Mg,Zn)Te
Quantum Dot
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Wizualizacja preparatów tkankowych w świetle
Elektronika 49 (4) (2008) 115
- A. Golnik, A. Trajnerowicz, T. Kazimierczuk, P. Kossacki
Picosecond scale dynamics of excitons in CdTe-based
quantum wells and quantum dots
Proceedings of SPIE 7214 (2009)
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Three-dimensional localization of excitons in the InAs/GaAs
wetting layer - magnetospectroscopic study
Phys. Status Solidi B 246 (2009): 850-853
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K. Kowalik, A. Golnik, J. Kossut
Fabrication and micro-photoluminescence study of
CdMnTe diluted magnetic quantum dots
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- T. Kazimierczuk, J. Suffczyński, A. Golnik, J. Gaj, P.
Kossacki, P. Wojnar,
Optically induced energy and spin transfer in
nonresonantly coupled pairs of self-assembled CdTe/ZnTe
quantum dots
Phys. Rev. B 79 (2009) 153301 / 1-4
- M. Goryca, T, Kazimierczuk, M. Nawrocki, A. Golnik, J.
Gaj, P. Kossacki, P. Wojnar, G. Karczewski,
Optical Manipulation of a Single Mn Spin in a CdTe-Based
Quantum Dot
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- P. Płochocka, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, T. Kazimierczuk, C.
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Slowing hot-carrier relaxation in graphene using a
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Fabrication and luminescence properties of self-assembled
CdTe quantum dots embedded in an MnTe matrix
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- T. Kazimierczuk, A. Golnik, M. Goryca, P. Wojnar, J. Gaj,
P. Kossacki
Anisotropic Exchange Interaction between p-Shell
Electron and s-Shell Hole in CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dots
Acta Phys. Pol. A 116 (2009) 882-884
- A. Trajnerowicz, A. Golnik, P. Kossacki, W. Bardyszewski,
M Wiater, G Karczewski, T Wojtowicz
Cold and Hot Excitons in CdMnTe/CdMgTe Quantum Wells
in ong Excitation Regime and External Magnetic Field
Acta Phys. Pol. A 116 (2009) 849-851
- K. Haas, T. Kazimierczuk, P. Wojnar, A. Golnik, J. Gaj, P.
Control of Local Electric Fields Influencing the
Photoluminescence ?f an Individual CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dot
Acta Phys. Pol. A 116 (2009) 896-898
- S. Nowak, T. Jakubczyk, M. Goryca, P Ciosmak, A. Golnik,
P. Kossacki, P. Wojnar, J. Gaj
Emission of Self Assembled CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dot
Samples with Different Cap Thickness
Acta Phys. Pol. A 116 (2009) 890-892
- J. Kobak, M. Goryca, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, G.
Karczewski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Gaj
Magnetization Dynamics of a (Cd, Mn)Te Quantum Well in
Pulsed Magnetic Field
Acta Phys. Pol. A 116 (2009) 907-908
- M. Koperski, T. Kazimierczuk, M. Goryca, P. Wojnar, A.
Golnik, P. Kossacki, J. Gaj
Numerical Rate Equation Approach to Picosecond Charge
State Dynamics in CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dots
Acta Phys. Pol. A 116 (2009) 893-895
- T. Jakubczyk, T. Kazimierczuk, A. Golnik, P Bienias, W.
Pacuski, C Kruse, D Hommel, Ł. Kłopotowski, J. Gaj
Optical Study of ZnTe Based 2D and 0D Photonic uctures
Containing CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dots
Acta Phys. Pol. A 116 (2009) 888-889
- J. Gaj, T. Kazimierczuk, M. Goryca, M. Koperski, A.
Golnik, P. Kossacki, M. Nawrocki, P. Wojnar, G.
Spin Related Spectroscopy of CdTe Based Quantum Dots
Acta Phys. Pol. A 116 (2009) 795-799
- T. Kazimierczuk, M. Goryca, M. Koperski, A. Golnik, J.A.
Gaj, M. Nawrocki, P. Wojnar, P. Kossacki,
Picosecond charge variation of quantum dots under
pulsed excitation
Phys. Rev B 81. (2010) 155313
- T. Kazimierczuk, A. Golnik, P. Wojnar, J. A. Gaj, P.
Clustering in a self-assembled CdTe/ZnTe quantum dot
plane revealed by inter-dot coupling
Phys. Status Solidi B 247 (2010), . 1409-1412
- M. Goryca, T. Kazimierczuk, M. Nawrocki, A. Golnik, J. A.
Gaj, P. Wojnar, G. Karczewski, P. Kossacki
Optical manipulation of a single Mn spin in a CdTe
quantum dot.
Physica E 42 (2010) 2690-2693
- A. Babinski, A. Golnik, T. Tite, P. Kossacki, J.A. Gaj, S.
Raymond, Z.Wasilewski,
Magnetospectroscopy of Triexcitons in a Single Quantum
J. Phys. Conf. Series 210 (2010)
- R. Najjar, A. Golnik, Regis Andre,; P. Kossacki, JA Gaj,
H. Mariette,
Se-Se isoelectronic centers in high purity CdTe
Phys Status Solidi C, 7 (2010) 1489-91
- Kazimierczuk, T., Smoleński, T., Goryca, M.,
Kłopotowski, Ł., Wojnar, P., Fronc, K., Golnik, A.,
Nawrocki, M., Gaj, J.A., Kossacki, P.
Magnetophotoluminescence study of intershell exchange
interaction in CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots
Phys. Rev B 84 (2011) 165319, .
- Kazimierczuk, T., Golnik, A., Kossacki, P., Gaj, J.A.,
Wasilewski, Z.R., Babiński, A.
Single-photon emission from the natural quantum dots
in the InAs/GaAs wetting layer
Phys. Rev B 84 (2011) 115325
- Kłopotowski, Ł., Cywiński, Ł., Wojnar, P., Voliotis,
V., Fronc, K., Kazimierczuk, T., Golnik, A., Ravaro, M.,
Grousson, R., Karczewski, G., Wojtowicz, T.
Magnetic polaron formation and exciton spin relaxation
in single Cd1-xMnxTe
quantum dots
Phys. Rev B 83 (2011) 081306,
- Suffczyński, J., Grois, A., Pacuski, W., Golnik, A., Gaj,
J.A., Navarro-Quezada, A., Faina, B., Devillers, T.,
Bonanni, A.
Effects of s,p-d and s-p exchange interactions probed
by exciton magnetospectroscopy in (Ga,Mn)N
Phys. Rev B 83 (2011) 094421, .
- Pacuski, W., Suffczyński, J., Osewski, P., Kossacki, P.,
Golnik, A., Gaj, J.A., Deparis, C., Morhain, C.,
Chikoidze, E., Dumont, Y., Ferrand, D., Cibert, J., Dietl,
Influence of s,p-d and s-p exchange couplings on
exciton splitting in Zn1-xMnxO
Phys. Rev B 84 (2011) 035214, .
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Wisniewski, A., Szymczak, H., Golnik, A., Bernhard, C.,
Niedermayer, C.
High temperature magnetic order in zinc sulfide doped
with copper
J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 72 (2011) 648-652.
- Jakubczyk, T., Pacuski, W., Duch, P., Godlewski, P.,
Golnik, A., Kruse, C., Hommel, D., Gaj, J.A.
Far field emission of micropillar and planar
microcavities lattice-matched to ZnTe
Central European J. Phys., 9 (2011) 428-431
- Kobak, J., Pacuski, W., Jakubczyk, T., Kazimierczuk, T.,
Golnik, A., Frank, K., Rosenauer, A., Kruse, C., Hommel,
D., Gaj, J.A.
Optical properties of CdTe QDs formed using Zn induced
Acta Phys. Pol. A 119 (2011) 627-629.
- Kazimierczuk, T., Gaj, J.A., Golnik, A., Goryca, M.,
Nawrocki, M., Koperski, M., Smoleński, T., Suffczyński,
J., Wojnar, P., Kossacki, P.
Excitation mechanisms of CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots under
non-resonant and quasi-resonant regime
Acta Phys. Pol. A 119 (2011) 588-591.
- Papierska J; Rousset JG; Pacuski W; Kossacki P; Golnik A;
Nawrocki M; Gaj JA; Suffczynski J; Kowalik I; Stefanowicz
W; Sawicki M; Dietl T; Navarro-Quezada A; Faina B; Li T;
Bonanni A
Magnetooptical Properties of (Ga,Fe)N Layers
Acta Phys. Pol. A 120 (2011) 921-923
- Koperski M; Kazimierczuk T; Goryca M; Golnik A; Gaj JA;
Nawrocki M; Wojnar P; Kossacki P
Statistical Study of the Inter-Dot Excitation Transfer
in CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dots
Acta Phys. Pol. A 120 (2011) 880-882
- Sciesiek M; Gietka K; Golnik A; Kossacki P; Jakubczyk T;
Pacuski W; Kruse C; Hommel D
Toward Better Light-Confinement in Micropillar
Acta Phys. Pol. A 120 (2011) 877-879
- Kazimierczuk T; Goryca M; Wojnar P; Golnik A; Nawrocki M;
Kossacki P
Signatures of p-Shell Electron g-Factor in s-Shell
Emission of CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dots
Acta Physica Polonica A 120 (2011) 874-876
- P. Wojnar, G. Karczewski, J. Suffczynski, M. Goryca, A.
Golnik, K. Kowalik, K. Kossut,
Growth and micro-luminescence from diluted magnetic
quantum dots
Phys Stat. Solidi C, 8 (2011) 2515-2518
- T. Smoleński, T. Kazimierczuk, M. Goryca, T. Jakubczyk,
Ł. Kłopotowski, Ł. Cywiński, P. Wojnar, A. Golnik, P.
In-plane radiative recombination channel of a dark
exciton in self-assembled quantum dots
Phys. Rev B 86 (2012) 241305 / 1-5
- T. Jakubczyk, W. Pacuski, T. Smoleński, A. Golnik, M.
Florian, F. Jahnke, C. Kruse, D. Hommel, P. Kossacki
Pronounced Purcell enhancement of spontaneous emission in
CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots embedded in micropillar cavities.
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 (2012) 132105 / 1-4
- Ł. Dusanowski, A. Golnik, M Syperek, M. Nawrocki, G.
Sęk, J Misiewicz, T Schlereth, C Schneider, S Hoefling,
M Kamp, A Forchel
Single photon emission in the red spectral range from a
GaAs-based self-assembled quantum dot
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 (2012) 103108 / 1-4
- M. Papaj, J. Kobak, Jean-Guy Rousset, E. Janik, A. Golnik,
P. Kossacki, W. Pacuski
MBE Growth and Magnetooptical Properties of (Zn,Co)Te
Acta Phys. Pol. A 122 (2012) 1010-1011
- K. Gietka, J. Kobak, Jean-Guy Rousset, E. Janik, T.
Słupiński, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, W. Pacuski
MBE Growth of CdTe/ZnTe Quantum Dots with Single Mn
Acta Phys. Pol. A 122 (2012) 1056-1058
- Dusanowski, L.; Golnik, A.; Syperek, M.; Suffczynski, J.;
Nawrocki, M.; Sek, G.; Misiewicz, J.; Schlereth, T. W.;
Schneider, C.; Hoefling, S.; Kamp, M.; Forchel, A.
Properties of InGaAlAs/AlGaAs quantum dots for single
photon emission in the near infrared and visible spectral
AIP Conf. Proc. 1566, (2013) 540-541
- Kazimierczuk-T; Smolenski-T; Kobak-J; Goryca-M; Pacuski-W;
Golnik-A; Fronc-K; Kopotowski-; Wojnar-P; Kossacki-P,
Optical study of electron-electron exchange interaction
in CdTe/ZnTe quantum dots,
Phys. Rev -B.; 87 (2013): 195302 (7 pp.)
- Kopotowski-L; Cywinski-L; Szymura-M; Voliotis-V; Grousson-R;
Wojnar-P; Fronc-K; Kazimierczuk-T; Golnik-A; Karczewski-G;
Influence of exciton spin relaxation on the
photoluminescence spectra of semimagnetic quantum dots,
Phys. Rev -B 87 (2013): 245316 (12 pp.)
- Pietka-B; Suffczynski-J; Goryca-M; Kazimierczuk-T;
Golnik-A; Kossacki-P; Wysmolek-A; Gaj-JA; Stepniewski-R;
Photon correlation studies of charge variation in a
single GaAlAs quantum dot,
Phys. Rev -B 87 (2013) 035310 (6 pp.)
- Rousset, J. -G.; Papierska, J.; Pacuski, W.; Golnik, A.;
Nawrocki, M.; Stefanowicz, W.; Stefanowicz, S.; Sawicki,
M.; Jakiela, R.; Dietl, T.; Navarro-Quezada, A.; Faina, B.;
Li, T.; Bonanni, A.; Suffczynski, J.,
Relation between exciton splittings, magnetic circular
dichroism, and magnetization in wurtzite Ga1-xFexN,
Phys. Rev -B 88 (2013) 115208 (7pp)
- Jakubczyk-T; Pacuski-W; Smolenski-T; Golnik-A; Florian-M;
Jahnke-F; Kruse-C; Hommel-D; Kossacki-P,
Light-matter coupling in ZnTe-based micropillar cavities
containing CdTe quantum dots,
J.-Appl.-Phys 113 (2013) 136504 (4 pp.)
- Kobak-J; Rousset-J-G; Rudniewski-R; Janik-E; Slupinski-T;
Kossacki-P; Golnik-A; Pacuski-W
Ultra low density of CdTe quantum dots grown by MBE
J. Cryst. Growth 378 (2013) 274-7
- Golasa, K.; Molas, M.; Goryca, M.; Kazimierczuk, T.;
Smolenski, T.; Koperski, M.; Golnik, A.; Kossacki, P.;
Potemski, M.; Wasilewski, Z. R.; Babinski, A.,
Properties of Excitons in Quantum Dots with a Weak
Acta Phys. Pol. A, 124(5), 781-784
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Optical Properties of CdTe QDs in Proximity to a
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Designing quantum dots for solotronics
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Introducing single Mn2+ ions
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Inhibition and Enhancement of the Spontaneous Emission of
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MBE grown microcavities based on selenium and
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- Papaj, M.; Kobak, J.; Rousset, J. G.; Janik, E.; Nawrocki,
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Type I CdSe and CdMgSe Quantum Wells,
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Distributed Bragg reflectors obtained by combining Se
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- M. Ściesiek, W. Pacuski, J-G Rousset, M Parlińska-Wojtan,
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Design and Control of Mode Interaction in Coupled ZnTe
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- J. Kobak, A. Bogucki, T. Smoleński, M. Papaj, M.
Koperski, M. Potemski, P. Kossacki, A. Golnik, and W.
Direct determination of the zero-field splitting for a
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Phys. Rev. B 97, 045305
change 2019-03-02
AG / golnik@fuw.edu.pl