B.G. Carlsson, J. Dobaczewski, J. Toivanen, P. Veselý
Manuscript Title:
Solution of self-consistent equations for the NLO nuclear
energy density functional in spherical symmetry.
B.G. Carlsson,
J. Dobaczewski,
J. Toivanen,
P. Veselý
Program Title: HOSPHE (v1.00)
Journal Reference:
Catalogue identifier:
Licensing provisions: none
Programming language: FORTRAN-90
Operating system: Linux
Number of processors used: 1
Hartree-Fock, Skyrme interaction, nuclear energy density functional,
self-consistent mean-field
PACS: 07.05.Tp, 21.60.-n, 21.60.Jz
Classification: 17.22 Hartree-Fock Calculations
External routines/libraries: LAPACK, BLAS
Nature of problem:
The nuclear mean-field methods constitute principal tools of a
description of nuclear states in heavy nuclei. Within the Local Density Approximation
with gradient corrections up to NLO [1], the nuclear mean-field is
local and contains derivative operators up to sixth order. The
locality allows for an effective and fast solution of the
self-consistent equations.
Solution method:
The program uses the spherical harmonic oscillator basis to expand
single-particle wave functions of neutrons and protons for the
nuclear state being described by the NLO nuclear energy density
functional [1]. The expansion coefficients are determined by the
iterative diagonalization of the mean-field Hamiltonian, which
depends non-linearly on the local neutron and proton densities.
Solutions are limited to spherical symmetry. The expansion
on the harmonic-oscillator basis does not allow for
a precise description of asymptotic properties of wave functions.
Running time:
50 sec. of CPU time for the ground-state of Pb described by
using the
maximum harmonic-oscillator shell included in
the basis.