Faculty of Physics
Warsaw University


  1. Our certificate of high quality education

  2. Celebration of the 75th anniversary of physics at Hoza

  3. The greatest discovery at Hoza: discovery of hypernuclei (1952)
    [articles in Polish from Wiedza i Zycie and Postepy Fizyki,
    an article in English from Acta Physica Polonica B, strona filatelistyczna]

  4. Internet at Hoza (1991 - )

  5. Inauguration lectures: 1996, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006

  6. Election of 2005

  7. Scientific Sessions on Natural Sciences Time and Space: 2003, 2004

  8. Photos of Hoza 69 in 1930's, 1979, 1990's

  9. Hoza and scientific families: Białynicki-Birula, Infeld, Mycielski, Pokorski, Sołtan, Szeptycki, Zakrzewski, Żylicz (M. Bajer, Forum Akademickie)

  10. Logo of the Faculty of Physics