A computational tool for FCNC and CP-violating processes in MSSM.
Program maintainer: Janusz Rosiek


May 21, 2016 SUSY_FLAVOR v2.54 available

21th May 2016: corrected bug in sign of Higgs penguin contribution to BsBs and BdBd mixing (potentially important for large tan(beta) scenario). In addition, bug in initialization of bare Yukawa couplings removed (appeared only if no chiral resummation was performed and was never significant numerically). Few more minor tweaks added, improving compatibility with output files produced by other SUSY generators. Thanks to Michalis Paraskevas for pointing out the bugs.

16th February 2016: extended compatibility with output files from other SUSY generators. Input routine has been rewritten to be able to read input parameters also from "spectrum" blocks hmix, au, ad, ae (basically output rather then input blocks!). Note that if some parameter is defined twice in 2 different blocks, value read later overwrites the one read later (see sflav_io.f and subroutine sflav_input to check the order in which input blocks are read). Thanks to Miriam Lucio and Diego Martinez Santos for supplying test input files.

22nd April 2015: bug in g-2 anomaly corrected (also numerically less significant bugs in l->l gamma and b->s gamma removed). Inconsistency in definition of diagonal A-terms between SUSY_FLAVOR and SLHA2 removed. Thanks to Motoi Endo, Satoshi Mishima and Mihoko Nojiri for spotting those problems.

3rd December 2014: SUSY_FLAVOR web page updated, hopefully more readable now! Many thanks to Jakub Kuczmarski for redesigning the layout.

23th September 2014: SUSY_FLAVOR v2.5 available. Major changes: new input/output flexibility, flavor violating top to Higgs decays added, debug variables added for switching on/off contributions form various MSSM sectors.

Program purpose and content

SUSY_FLAVOR is a library of FORTRAN 77 codes calculating a set of important observables related to flavor- and CP-violation in the framework of the general MSSM. Currently there are routines to calculate:

  • Electric Dipole Moments of leptons and the neutron
  • g-2 lepton magnetic moment anomaly
  • B -> τν, B ->Dτν and B ->D*τν decays
  • K0L -> π0νν and K+ -> π+νν decay rates
  • Bs(d) -> l+l- decay rates
  • B -> Xsγ decay rate
  • t -> ch, t -> uh decay rates
  • KK meson mixing parameters ΔmK, εK
  • DD meson mass difference ΔmD
  • BB meson mass differences ΔmBd, ΔmBs

Papers to be cited in connection with SUSY_FLAVOR

  1. SUSY FLAVOR v2.5: a computational tool for FCNC and CP-violating processes in the MSSM, J. Rosiek, Comput. Phys. Commun. 188 (2015) 208-210, arXiv:1410.0606 [hep-ph].
  2. SUSY_FLAVOR v2: A Computational tool for FCNC and CP-violating processes in the MSSM, A. Crivellin, J. Rosiek, P. Chankowski, A. Dedes, S. Jaeger, P. Tanedo, Comput. Phys. Commun. 184 (2013) 1004-1032, arXiv:1203.5023 [hep-ph].
  3. SUSY_FLAVOR: A Computational Tool for FCNC and CP-Violating Processes in the MSSM, J. Rosiek, P. Chankowski, A. Dedes, S. Jager, P. Tanedo, Comput. Phys. Commun. 181 (2010) 2180-2205, arXiv:1003.4260 [hep-ph].


Download v2.54 (released 21.05.2016): SUSY_FLAVOR v2.54


To install SUSY_FLAVOR on Linux systems, simply

  • Unpack susy_flavor_2_xx.tgz.
  • Change directory into susy_flavor.
  • Edit Makefile and change F77 = gfortran and FOPT = -O -fno-automatic -Wall into your compiler name and options, respectively.
  • Type make (or make sprog if you want to use alternative driver with parameter initilization inside the code, not read them from input file
  • To rerun the program just type ./sfile (or ./sprog for alternative driver).
  • To change the MSSM parameters, edit the input file and rerun ./sfile (or alternatively edit susy_flavor_prog.f and run make sprog again).
  • Program output is written to susy_flavor.out file.

SUSY_FLAVOR can be installed on other operating systems by making the obvious modifications to the procedure above.


I would like to thank all SUSY_FLAVOR users for reports they sent me on possible problems/bugs/expected improvements.

21th May 2016: (potentially . In addition, (appeared only if no chiral resummation was performed and was never significant numerically). Few more minor tweaks added, improving compatibility with output files produced by other SUSY generators. Thanks to Michalis Paraskevas for pointing out the bugs.

Version 2.54 (21th May 2016)

Thanks to Michalis Paraskeves for spotting the bugs.

  • Corrected bug in sign of Higgs penguin contribution to BsBs and BdBd mixing: it was potentially important in large tan(beta) scenario.
  • Bug in initialization of bare Yukawa couplings removed: minor correction, numerically insignificant: bare Yukawa couplings in one of common blocks were set to zero if parameter ilev was set to 0, switching off resummation of chiral corrections.
  • Tweaks to input routine: SLHA2 requires only upper half of (hermitian!) sfermion mass matrix to be initialized. Some SUSY generators produce output files specifying all entries. SUSY_FLAVOR read them now - ignoring the redundant ones.

Version 2.53 (16th February 2016)

Thanks to Miriam Lucio and Diego Martinez Santos for supplying test input files.

  • Extended compatibility with output files from other SUSY generators: main input routine has been rewritten to be able to read input parameters also from "spectrum" blocks hmix, au, ad, ae (basically output rather then input blocks!). Note that if some parameter is defined twice in 2 different blocks, value read later overwrites the one read later (see sflav_io.f and subroutine sflav_input to check the order in which input blocks are read).
  • Neutron EDM: minor correction, numerically almost insignificant: strong coupling in calculations of quark chromoelectric moments is now taken at SUSY scale (previously at MZ scale).
  • Higgs error code: in previous versions error flag was not cleared before the (approximate) Higgs mass calculations and for very light neutralinos (below MZ/2) warning code for neutralinos was reported as error code for Higgs mass.

Version 2.52 (22nd April 2015)

Thanks to Motoi Endo, Satoshi Mishima and Mihoko Nojiri for finding the problems.

  • g-2 bug: wrong sign in formula for g-2 anomaly was corrected. The same bug affected l -> l' gamma and b -> s gamma decays, however the term with wrong sign was multplied by lighter fermion mass and numerically very small.
  • Inconsistency with SLHA2 : In SLHA2 A-terms in BLOCK EXTPAR are given with Yukawa couplings extracted. SUSY_FLAVOR uses absolute A-terms, the relative normalization to SLHA2 was not done correctly in previous version. The A-terms initialization in Blocks TEIN, TUIN, TDIN was correct in previous versions.
  • Slepton non-holomorphic terms : misprint in initialization of imaginary part of non-holomorphic trilinear slepton terms was corrected.

Version 2.51 (3rd December 2014)

Thanks to Michalis Paraskevas for spotting the mistakes below

  • Minor correction: FCNC top quark to Higgs decays, t -> ch, t -> uh, were not displayed in the screen output of susy_flavor_prog.f driver file - added.
  • Misprint in manual : In SUSY_FLAVOR v2.50 manual at arXiv:1203.5023 in the table in Section 6.9 arguments of routine calculating top to Higgs decays are exchanged, should be "function br_suu(k,I)", not "function br_suu(I,k)" (CP even Higgs index first, quark generation index second)

Version 2.50 (23th September 2014)

Special thanks to Sakis Dedes, Michalis Paraskevas and Christos Suxho for helping to calculate, program and debug code for top decays

  • New processes added: FCNC top quark to Higgs decays, t -> ch, t -> uh, t -> cH, t -> uH.
  • Corrected: routine for B ->Dτν decay. Also, calculation of B ->D*τν has been added.
  • Control variables switching on and off various MSSM sectors added consistently for all processes : setting variables ih, ic, in, ig to 0/1 one can switch off/on contributions form diagrams with respectively, gauge+Higgs, chargino, neutralino and gluino in loops, to test their relative importance.
  • Manual updated and replaced in ArXiv.
  • General code cleaning: simplifications and minor bug fixes (not important numerically).

Version 2.11 (27th May 2014)

  • Bug fix: wrong sign of some terms in l-> l'γ decay rate and leptonic g-2 routines corrected (thanks to Julian Stockel for help). Also, Br(τ-> μγ) and Br(τ-> eγ) are now normalized to the full τ decay width including hadronic channels, not just to Γ(τ-> eνν)

Version 2.10 (26th November 2013) (updated manual for v2.10)

Special thanks to Josh Berger and Diptimoy Ghosh for the extensive comparison of SUSY_FLAVOR results with other public SUSY generators, what led to finding and fixing some of the bugs listed below.

  • Bug/inconsistency fix, introduced in v2.0. After performing resummation of chirally enhanced enhanced corrections, SM diagrams should be still dependent on physical, not bare, values of CKM matrix elements. This has not been properly implemented in B-> Xs γ and K -> πνν decay rates, corrected now.
  • Bug fix, again introduced in v2.0 after adding the chiral resummations. Pseudoscalar Higgs penguins in Bs(d) -> l+l- decays has been calculated with incorrect sign, giving too large contribution. Corrected now.
  • Following points concern changes in input/output routines:
  • Main driver file has been splitted into two files, susy_flavor_file.f and susy_flavor_prog.f. Most users seem to initialize parameters in SUSY_FLAVOR using SLHA2-compatible input file - for that, simple and short susy_flavor_file.f should be used. If someone wants to change parameters directly in the program, e.g. for loop scanning, susy_flavor_prog.f gives the example how to do that. To use susy_flavor_file.f or susy_flavor_prog.f as the main input routine, run:
    make sfile (or just make)
    make sprog.
  • Input routine reading data from has been rewritten to make it more universal and elastic. It should now directly accept most output files produced by other publicly available SUSY generators. Some care is required - there are so many output formats that even they are formally all SLHA2 variants, some incompability may still happen, please if possible send information about any such case. Currently SUSY_FLAVOR tries to read SUSY parameters from Block in the following order: MINPAR (tan(beta) only) first, then EXTPAR, then general soft sfermion MSX2IN, TXIN input blocks. If some parameter is defined twice in various Blocks, value read later overwrites (without warning) the previous one. Blocks with imaginary parts of SUSY parameters (IMEXTPAR, IMSX2IN, IMTXIN) are optional - if absent program assumes that the relevant parameters are real.
  • Unlike in previous versions of the code, data within given Block does not need to be initialized in fixed order and not all values need to be specified. Program tries to assume some default values for unitialized parameters - e.g. if in Block SMIPUTS contains only M_Z and G_F, all others SM parameters would be set to some standard values. CAUTION: default values for soft SUSY masses are 0, so if they are not initialized, program simply crashes.
  • Previous SUSY_FLAVOR version was treating (as documented in manual) Block SMINPUTS #6 as running mtop(mtop). This is not SLHA2 standard and from version 2.10 program reads this entry as mtop(pole).
  • Optional and non-SLHA2 standard Block SFLAV_HADRON has be added to the input file. In this new Block user can specify most of the hadronic quantities used by SUSY_FLAVOR - QCD related values, hadronic marix elements, meson couplings and parameters, etc. This should make updating such quantities by code users much easier.
  • By default, program output is now written into the file susy_flavor.out, splitted into Blocks containing Delta F=0,1,2 processes (susy_flavor_prog.f displays the output to screen, too).

Version 2.02 (1st March 2013)

  • scale of running quark masses used in calculations of hadronic matrix elements in Bs(d) -> l+l- decay rates was too high - corrected (file phen_2q.f).
  • few hadronic-related quantities were updated (file phen_4q.f), to get better SM limit (heavy SUSY masses).
  • blocks IMEXTPAR, IMMSL2IN, IMMSE2IN, IMMSQ2IN, IMMSU2IN, IMMSD2IN, IMTEIN, IMTDIN, INTUIN in the input file are now optional - if they are absent, imaginary parts of SUSY parameters are set to zero. However, once the block is present, it has to be complete i.e. all its entries must be defined, otherwise program exits with "corrupted input file" message (file sflav_io.f).

Version 2.01 (26th October 2012)

  • minor update on October 26th: charm mass parameter read from input file is treated (in agreement with manual) as mc(mc). Before correction it was treated as mc(mc=1.3 GeV), i.e. as introduced at fixed scale 1.3 GeV (file mh_init.f).
  • corrected improper hermitization of sfermion mass matrices in the file sflav_io.f (bug appearing only for some combination of control variables defining parameter convention choice)
  • corrected bug in calculation of the effective gluino-fermion-sfermion vertices, causing instabilities in B -> Xs γ decay rate after resummation of higher order corrections (file yuk_ren.f)
  • corrected minor bug in treatment of the effective neutral Yukawa vertices in case of no resummation (file yuk_ren.f)

Version 2.0 (21st March 2012)

resummation of leading chirally enhanced corrections to all orders added! In particular, resummation of leading effects in the case of large tan(beta) and/or large A_LR mixing terms is now included. New version is based on the paper "Complete resummation of chirally-enhanced loop-effects in the MSSM with non-minimal sources of flavor-violation" (Crivellin, Hofer, Rosiek), JHEP 1107 (2011) 017 e-Print: arXiv:1103.4272 [hep-ph].

Also, several new leptonic and semileptonic observables were added comparing to SUSY_FLAVOR v1

Due to major changes in the code there is still some risk of bugs, convention mismatches etc. We hope there are not many, but obviously all user comments are warmly invited. If you note any problems please send an email to

In principle the code can be used in the same way as version as v1.0, with one difference: after initialization of SUSY parameters, one may call routine:

call set_resummation_level(ilev,ierr)

Depending on value of ilev parameter, SUSY_FLAVOR treats higher order corrections as follows

ilev treatment of chirally enhanced effects
0 no resummation, SUSY corrections strictly 1-loop
1 resummation using the decoupling limit v/M_SUSY << 1 in bare CKM and Yukawa couplings calculations
2 exact iterative solution for bare CKM matrix and Yukawa couplings, may not always converge

ierr variable should be returned with value ierr=0 if CKM and Yukawa renormalization went through successfully. After call to set_resummation_level routine all physical quantities can be calculated as in version 1.0, see write-up at arXiv:1003.4260 [hep-ph]

All further explanations concerning SUSY_FLAVOR v2.0 can be obtained directly from

Version 1.02 (10 December 2010)

Corrected errors in fermion mass ordering in common/yukawa/ and in EPA Higgs mass calculations for dimensionful sfermion input parameters (for input read from data file). Thanks to David Straub for calling my attention to both problems.

Version 1.01 (10 July 2010)

Improved compability with SLHA2 input conventions.